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I dunno how there art team managed to do so much but fuck up something so simple. Most games don’t fuckup world design as badly as wow has. What I’m referring to is the dramatic changing of biomes and climates over laughably short distances, the fact that the games lore and aesthetics is based on “the lost Vikings” and Tolkien’s work yet barely features any coniferous trees, Southern and eastern European style infrastructure or the fact that you can have East Asian inspired tigers and dragon like mounts occupying the same space as African and indigenous American buffalos and bulls and on occasion, cybernetic elephants. I dunno wtf happened after mists of pandaria that just saw what the games sense of place eradicate completely but I’m not liking it. Azeroth is the size of a continent not a planet as large as earths that can have so many different identities all in the same place at the same time and make any consistent sense.
It’s like the world design of dark souls 2 to an extreme


The world design used to make more sense when it was a strategy game where you are always shown only a particular region at a time during each mission. Post-WCIII however the open-world paradigm has demanded that the world had to be squeezed in order to both not make it tedious and at the same to consume less computer resources, thus you have this issue as a result of the tradeoff.


The issues with wows world design on its foundations run deeper than that. I’m writing a document on it so it’ll be a while before I can fully elaborate on why I found the world so uninteresting.


Okay the unedited document on my problems with wows world design is finished. Some of them are tied to the fact that it is an mmo but a lot I feel are a symptom of blizzards design indirectly harming the game.


use the "justified alignment" so it doesn't look like shit
do you know why research papers include an abstract or a conclusion or some other tl;dr? because even world-renowned researchers are humble enough to value other people's time


No. I’m not a formal writer and barely understand MLA.

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