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Dark souls 2 sucks mainly because of the health management and world design. The ladder is bad for a lot of reasons but the former is cartoonishly awful for much simpler ones. I don’t think the hit boxes are a problem in comparison to other souls titles considering hit boxes in general weren’t that great until ds3 anyways. What I do find infuriating is the health management of ds2. I feel like the development team was trying their hardest to address estus and roll spamming found in DeS and ds1 but addressed it in the shittiest way possible. Like wtf is point of effigies? New players just get punished and will quit for how shit it is and veterans will never use it because they don’t suck or farm it brainlessly because it’s farmable, and none of that shit matters because they made healing fucking infinite for no reason and without consequence. Fucking blood vials in bloodborne at least got nerfed by making them progressively more expensive and making blood vial farming unfun, and pointless. In ds2 it’s so fucking easy to blast through the game entirely by spamming this shit and even worse on NG+ its way more efficient to start mashing shrooms since they’re the even more OP version of life gems.


all problems with dark souls 2 are actually a result of the scholar of the first sin edition of the game which drastically increased the difficulty for literally no reason at all


Difficulty increase? No, more like an increase in BS to justify reselling the game again. If you’re aware of the amount of hidden enemies and fragrant branch locations there’s basically no reason to give that much of a shit about any changes in difficulty. Besides healing is infinite like in demon souls anyways but way fucking easier.


I wrote another article on world building, but why dark souls 2 is so bad since there’s a lot of reasons why it’s so much worse than dark souls 1 and pathetic when compared to blood borne and dark souls 3


I’m playing seeker of fire after almost quitting from how awful the shrine of amana and the iron keep levels were and its amazing knowing how good the mod is. For one thing bonfires are rare but appropriately placed so the player is incentivized to actually play through all the games content to earn them, another is the changes to dodging and souls. It feels meaningful to level up but stats like ADP and dex don’t matter as much with the improvements to stamina management and enemy placements. Such a better experience, I feel like playing all over again exclusively through seeker of fire.

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