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Have fun reading to anyone here that does that.


>look at thumbnail
>no paragraphs
I might pass on this one mate.


* No titles, or subtitles, and massive paragraphs
Writing is fun sometimes – but write with intent; write for the greater purpose of putting forth your message.

School taught you to fluff your 5pg paper to 10pgs, but you don't need to follow that in the real world – while not done here, maybe go against schools refusal to allow multiple paragraph titles, and do it anyway.
Maybe make your paragraphs one sentence long.
Combine paragraphs and sentences for a over arching point, and then divide the next point with a line or 2.

I have adhd granted, but nothing makes me want to read something (on a casual level) when I have to download the pdf, and highlight + mark it up on my tablet.


This was originally written as a generic post. The problem is that there’s a lot of problems with Skyrim’s combat that couldn’t be condensed into one. I didn’t feel a need to section off this into chapters, but wanted to make sure all the details of what was wrong with it were fully explained in the lowest number of pages possible. That did mean creating massive fucking paragraphs on a single core component of it to compensate, but I didn’t think there was a problem with it. Sorry


dawg just break up those paragraphs a bit
aint nobody wanna read multi-page paragraphs


Those paragraphs were sectioned off like that because they compress all the ideas of a specific aspect of Skyrim’s combat so readers wouldn’t have to skim and search for a specific topic being discussed. If I broke them up to be smaller this article would go on for too long since the same amount of ideas would have to be covered over more pages.


>Those paragraphs were sectioned off like that because they compress all the ideas of a specific aspect of Skyrim’s combat so readers wouldn’t have to skim and search for a specific topic being discussed.
man, that's what headings are for


I won’t expand the paragraphs but I’ll take note of that when I write future articles on this forum


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OP could prune it down to a 1-2 page academic-style essay and lose little essential information while making it a much more readable document.


Well done for putting the work in, anon! that's more than most people ever do.

I'm working on fully editing your transcript, putting in paragraphs and making general corrections. If you want your work to be read seriously, you should listen to myself and the other anons in this thread. If you just like writing for fun, ignore it I guess.

Keep writing, anon.



I knew Skyrim sucked when I, a fucking nobody, walked right up to the jarl and without any proof told him a legendary creature burned his fort down, and he was like, "by the nine, I need to get my best men on this now. Hey, guy that just walked in and that I don't know at all, can you take care of this for me?"


Oh that’s caused by a multitude of problems both related the games combat and Bethesda’s dogshit mentality towards game design. I don’t even to write anything. they basically wanted the game to reward the player and feel good as a primary objective over fleshing out the game itself to feel like a world worth playing in for those that cared about it. This sounds redundant but it’s why the devs gave zero shits towards things like level design, world design, npc encounters, dungeons, fleshing out the cities, fleshing out the characters(in comparison to other TES titles, there’s still some really interesting people in game), fleshing out the enemies you get the point.


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Hmm, sounds fair. Elaborating on this I would say my main 5 gripes with their games nowadays are:
<Lack of NPC dialogue variety and depth, you hear guards talk about their bursted knees often and most of the time you get only one or two topics to talk about with any NPC outside of questlines
<Shallow questing where you get mostly binary choices at best, and at worst are forced to proceed with one choice, which couple with the first point limits your roleplaying choices and player agency
<In Skyrim's particular case: a pretty poor attempt at replicating Dark Messiah's combat and environmental interaction system that lacks the depth of its inspiration i.e. the shitty resource management, lack of the ability to kick, the ability pick up and throw objects, environmental hazards serve mostly as a deterrent to player and hardly can be used against the enemies
<Dungeon design that often resembles a gastro-intestinal tract in its linearity and lack of branching paths, also extremely claustrophobic when it comes to pathways between the rooms
<The power creep that kicks in once you get to a certain level, with the games pitting you against enemies that for example can disarm and shout you off cliffs while boasting insane amounts of health and stamina
Overall, I agree the issue here it not lack of game systems per se but lack of depth and refinement of them, as well as the lack of depth in the overall in-game world and level design. If Bethesda or someone else were to look to improve on it, they should look into generally expanding and refining what there already is laid out first and only then adding new mechanics.

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