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I’ve been thinking about the last of us 2, a lot and something stuck out to me for why the game felt so different from so many others; there aren’t any spectacles at all throughout the entire game. For those that didn’t ready debords book, a spectacle is a thing to stare at, a thing to grab your attention. They exist everywhere, as billboard ads, celebrities, online variants of click bait, exaggeration in news headlines etc. Games have them too but they’re designed in a much subtler ways, typically through UI pop ups to reward the player with something they did. Achievements, damage text, shaky cam during action scenes, flashy combat effects, epic music. Tlou2 feels different, outside of a minimalist hud design the gameplay never feels like it’s trying to grab the players attention in anyway, similar to how dark souls 1 makes no attempts to impress the player with anything outside of what exists in the game world. It feels brutal, the music is subtle and is synced with the emotions felt by all characters in it, takedowns and fights aren’t overly flashy or stealthy like in far cry, they’re fast, vicious and filled with flaws. It’s strange for me to play something that makes me feel physically and emotionally exhausted, but I want more spectacle free games like dark souls, far cry 2, tlou2, and more barren in visual and auditory rewards. It makes me feel a lot more connected to the game as a game and helps sympathize with the crushing realities of the characters in them as they grow past their own problems.


>tl;dr I want a minimalist UI
counter strike 1.6 also has a minimalist everything but I get the feeling you don't like it. you are a pseud that wants to play reddit games - just say that and save us the textwall


are you editor anon?


It’s not minimalist UI design but minimalist gameplay. I wanna feel like I’m part of the game I’m in and not just a player, you can’t get that in games shoving shit at yo face constantly compared to the games that just let you play through their content to figure out how things work



This game feels like it was inspired by max payne


Why would music pushing your emotions not be an example of spectacle. Because it is "subtle enough"? What an absurd thread. I shall make a NORMAL gaming thread now to show you how it's done :P

I hope this post is bait (because if so, it's excellent quality and I feel no shame whatsoever for replying to it). The Bean movie was from the guy who did choreography for the Matrix which of course was the big inspiration for Max Payne.


>The Bean movie was from the guy who did choreography for the Matrix which of course was the big inspiration for Max Payne.
Oh thanks I didn’t know that.


what do you mean the "everything I don't like is spectacle" thread is absurd? he even explained guy debord to you! you have to take the videogame discussion seriously!


TLOU 1 and 2 relies on writing to grab the player. Some people think games should be gameplay first, and they are wrong. I want games to focus on whatever the developers want. There are many "spectacle-free games" but most of them are 2D. Maybe you would like Sekiro.


Pathologic games and Cryostasis: Sleep.of Reason seem like they would be up OP's valley too.


While this is a good prompt for an effortpost, I think you fumbled it by trying to make it fit one paragraph and thus not taking the time to let the ideas cook.


File: 1692542314513.jpg (329.92 KB, 1284x1567, woc9of273ke91.jpg)

Fuck I found out Cryostasis got delisted from both GOG and Steam so here's the torrent:
Pathologic 1 and 2 are available on both, but fuck it, here is the torrents for them too:

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