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During the development of splinter cell and AC unity, Ubisoft was developing their still widely used methods of node based animation. It’s why the games feel so smooth and responsive movement wise to this day, but there’s an issue. Shortly after the conclusion of splinter cell the studio would go onto develop another technology, motion matching. Basically it’s a similar technology to uncharteds physics animation system, but it’s specifically links the movements of an actual person to any character. The difference between it and NDs techniques aren’t huge but it does bring a question. Why exactly does AC mirage and Valhalla not use this tech they just made. Mirage is especially weird for this, the animations are fine but they lack the physics based transitions the team made for splinter cell and previous AC games. I want to feel like this was a deliberate choice for the sake of improving responsiveness to the player, similar to what the studio did by downgrading physics from far cry 2 after the Dunia upgrades. But that still doesn’t explain to me why the animation transitions had to die with those downgrades. Was it budget? Did the team have collision issues with the anime? What happened.


idk about the specific case but animation transitions are kind of controversial because like you said they reduce responsiveness. It adds padding between actions and while it may look more realistic it can be more frustrating to play and make the game feel more sluggish. For a game like assassin's creed that does a lot of acrobatic stealth it's kind of a weird fit.


Maybe it’s not even the movement but the map design itself that causes breaks in the quality of animation transitions. It would be easier for the studio to implement the transitions safely in a game like unity, because it’s map is dense with things to climb on, that makes it less likely for the player to have to make large jumps quickly in order to traverse through it. That’s my guess, maybe they’ll change this when mirage releases

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