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I know to so many animators this doesn’t and shouldn’t matter at all but I feel Iike it’s something worth the effort to acknowledge for hack and slash titles. (I’m not a professional so take this with some level of criticism) typically most attacks meant to come out fast, barefisted or with a blade/blunt don’t involve the any part of the body moving backwards at all. In fact the entire point of faster attacks is to use the individuals body to quickly throw out a generally short but swift attack. This typically means these kinds of attacks wether it’s a basic jab, thrust or swing ends up covering little area but enough that it’s not entirely reactable for the person receiving the hit. In nearly all hack and slash titles this doesn’t happen, monster hunter, Witcher, Skyrim, dark souls, I could keep going. It makes the combat feel a lot less brutal and a lot less difficult when every normal attack has someone taking ages to throw something out in the most overly dramatic fashion possible. If there was a mix between fast, and swift attacks followed by highly telegraphed swings covering a large area, attacks you’d find with some of the lothric knights in dark souls 3, or basic jabs in tekken, it would help make these titles feel just a little more interesting.


Play nier replicant


That was actually a pretty shitty example because the attacks are all super telegraphed including the players. It would make slightly more sense to just make the attacks cover significantly more range but the combat is dmc tier in terms of spectacle over realism.

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