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/games/ - Games

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most proletariat videogame genre:
most bourgeois videogame genre:


Most proletarian genre: Cooperative multiplayer games in general
Working as a team is crucial, every player plays an important in the effort. Victory is often determined by how well coordinated a team's actions are and how much support teammates provided for each other.
Most bourgeois genre: Battle Royales
Every player stands for themselves, the last player standing wins the match. Even if you manage to work as a team with another player you still have to kill them in the end to secure victory.


Revolutionary theory cannot glorify the proletariat, "proletarian culture", "proletarian morality", etc. This would only be the glorification of alienation itself. What is positive about the proletariat is the historical possibility of its self-negation: since, for the proletariat, to free itself is to abolish itself, by abolishing Capital, class society, and alienated labor – that is its only glory.


>hat is positive about the proletariat is the historical possibility of its self-negation: since, for the proletariat, to free itself is to abolish itself, by abolishing Capital, class society, and alienated labor – that is its only glory.
Should not proletarian culture and proletarian morality be based on this then?


Damn, chill. Don't be so serious…


War games are trve proletarian entertainment


>most proletariat videogame genre:
shoot 'em up
>most bourgeois videogame genre:
strategy games

no i will not elaborate


anything based on reflexes and creativity that don't require practice
things that you can become good at through repetition and memorization


Skimming the rules:
>limit of X units moving per turn
Does an army in real life have movement points to distribute between its members? This rule is a mental hangover from Chess with no basis in reality.
>squares and Moore neighborhood geometry
Bigger distortion of real-world geometry than hexes.

>lines of communication

As a military simulation, this was outdated already when published.



It's meant to model the Napoleonic Wars.


how can you say TF2 is proletarian when the whole thing revolves around classes


Napoleonic Wars didn't have Moore neighborhood geometry either. And Debord said you are supposed to draw very general insights about life from playing this.


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Because obviously these are not classes in the sense of being socio-economic status but more like division of labor since these are roles (professions) you choose for yourself in the game in order to be able to suit a particular niche in the team like providing medical assistance and can change at will.


Yes, class war.


anon it was a joke


Prol culture = the people culture
This is not a glorification of the immediate working class conditions but of the class character, the strength in unity and fraternity
Go back and read more theory


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>most proletariat videogame genre:
Singleplayer story driven games, co-op/couch co-op games
>most bourgeois videogame genre:
Multiplayer games, EA/Ubisoft/T2/Bethesda filler slop


this is a le virgin vs le chad meme thread but leftoid


Proletariat genre: Enriches the soul with memorable experiences and emotional stories that stick for life
Bourgeois genre: Endless games. Sole purpose is escapism. No thoughts needed for input. Games that can be played with a podcast on



As expected of a "leftist" /pol/ offshoot.


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Arcade games are peak booj no contest.


>most proletariat videogame genre:
any game made with only free(as in freedom) software and all assets(audio, graphics, etc) copylefted
>most bourgeois videogame genre:
any game made with proprietary software and copyright

no but seriously:
>most proletariat videogame genre:


Megaman is proprietary dumbass. Capcom still have the copyrights and license but cannot enforce them because the ROMs are literally everywhere at this point and it would not earn them any lawsuit money anyway.


>Megaman is proprietary dumbass.
no shit sherlock, I wasn't referring it as free lol

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