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To display some of the ingenuity of Ohshima, and his unfortunately scorned cohort Naka, we must look at the Box Fox. The Box Fox is a powerup from Balan Wonderworld that has gained infamy; yet, the source of its infamy is entirely the incompetence and slow-mindedness of e-celebs.
The player will acquire the Box Fox powerup in the 4th level on a cliffside abound with slopes, at which point they will be told that the Box Fox will randomly transform them into a box. Almost all players will then start walking backwards down the slope, at which point they will be turned into a box and slide off the cliff to their death.
The humor of the moment is unmistakable. The Box Fox is based on the shapeshifting kitsune of Japanese myth, known for their pranks and mischief. To kill the player in such a comical manner is befitting of their nature. The player will lose, at the very most, 30 seconds of progress, due to the Box Fox being discovered very shortly after a checkpoint. The player will lose nothing but the Box Fox powerup itself.
So why did the internet at large mock Balan Wonderworld for the Box Fox? It's simple. Low IQ people don't like a joke being made at their expense. The concept of a game killing them for a joke is too far, especially in a game like Balan Wonderworld which most of them were already predisposed to hate because of its reputation and dogpiling at the time of release. Rather than identifying the Box Fox as a clear joke, they instead ascribed it to poor design, due to the aforementioned low IQ. That being said, if a powerup like the Box Fox were in Mario Odyssey or some other Nintendobab game, they would have posted about it on Reddit on mass numbers praising it for its wittiness. Herein lies the idiocy of Balan Wonderworld's critics.


Box Fox is the reason I put Naka in prison. My gamers are already tracing your IP address, so you'll better watch what you say.


how is Balan Wonderworld btw


not good


why are you ranting about people whining about a garbage game that no one played




>>30364 are you saying this about me or about op? if it's about me, i'll have you know that i'm well below average

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