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File: 1694136986768.jpg (348.04 KB, 1308x1308, falloutnv.jpg)


It's better than Fallout 3 in almost every way except the world itself. Bland and mostly empty space, no random encounters or anything worth exploring that made the capital wasteland fun and unpredictable. The New Vegas Strip is too small and boring. I'll admit that Obsidian has nothing on Bethesda in terms of immersive and atmospheric worlds (Ahem, The Outer Worlds). Yeah, yeah it was made in only 18 months. We need a remake of the game for this reason.

Oh yeah, pic related.


It's funny because the development of fallout 3 and nv mirror the development of fallout 1 and 2
different strokes for different folks, I personally love all the fallout games and outworlds, and for different reasons.


New Vegas area being clearly unfinished is the biggest dissapointment of that game. It is a far cry from New Reno. Exploration wise, F3 had nothing. You could get the best weapons and best armor within 10 hours of the game. All location are basically the same, enemies dont offer any challenge due to scaled levels. It had really great atmosphere at times (mostly within those first 10 hours), but past that the game had nothing to offer.


Judging off the kid in a vault arc I’m guessing the game originally was only meant to have 10 hours of content plus some dlc if it became successful. After all it is an older game.


fallout 3 has a ridiculous amount of unmarked quests. For instance, during the antagonizer turn, you can go to hubris comics, which is out of the way in a corner of the world with no reason to go to other than to explore for the sake of exploring, you can learn of an alternative solution to her arc


Bad op, you made this thread once already. Now get back to fixing it.


What if instead of just remaking a game there was a new game that acted as a spiritual successor but didn't try to recapture the good things about the game that it would be hard to repeat.


I mean arguably Bethesda and other devs have been trying to do that for years and failing lol

I think also the truth is NV wouldn't be considered that good if it came out today, the easy wins have already been accomplished and we're not kids anymore, we have higher standards


Why wouldnt it be considered great? Its not like since 2010 there has been a bounty of great open world RPGs raising the bar. Even in vanilla state its one of the best RPGs I played, and modded it might be the best.


I dunno, I tried playing it a year or two ago and it just felt not that great to me, now that I'm not a kid the repetitiveness and poor combat really stands out more


File: 1694245168369.gif (3.7 MB, 498x498, mijngezichttoen.gif)

>in vanilla state its one of the best RPGs I played, and modded it might be the best


Please, tell me your favorites.

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