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i'm gonna get a VA monitor with (probably?) much better blacks than my current one just so i can play darker games without the immersion-breaking glowy blacks of my IPS monitor

recommend me dark games, preferably horror games pls (thx in advance ❤)


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>>30457 is that even a videogame


Doom 3


minecraft deep dark update


phasmophobia just got a new update


Minetest is spookier because shadows here actually can be pitch black. Even more pant-shittingly scary if you install a bunch of mods which add mobs like ghosts, fire-breathing demons and even Balrogs in them since running out of torches and falling down during spelunking basically becomes a death sentence.


>>30477 i rly like how doom 3 looks


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The shading tech in that game and Quake 4 is outstanding even today. Very contrasting and suapenseful. My only real gripes with Doom 3 are overly enthusiastic use of corridors in comparison to originals and nu-Dooms and the dull monster redesigns, but even then the Hell Knight, Revenant and Mancubus redesigns and the new ones like Cherubs, Vagary and Bruisers stand out as creepy and memorable.


A good glossy IPS display will have decent blacks. VAs have ghosting problems. My best panel is a glossy IPS display with no PWM (no flicker). Just get a glossy display.

That said, try Noita.


>>30494 it's a very distinct look, i think that games made with that id engine look beautiful! i rly like the uniformly sharp, pitch black shadows. i think there's a very small chance that a modern developer would end up with a game that looks this way, since modern engines try to simulate light bounce and soft shadows, which gives a much less contrasty look

as far as I know the glossy layer thingy only improves the contrast of a display when in a bright environment, and in the dark the contrast looks the same. I like playing games in the dark, so this wouldn't do it for me

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