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It struck me how inconsistent thematically the fallout series is from its inspiration “a boy and his dog” and og wasteland. I don’t even know why Bethesda kept the goofy as shit world building elements from fallout 2 and stuck with it for 3,4 and 76. New Vegas could’ve been a fix but throws everything away with the sci fi nonsense and making the legion look like goodwill discount of ancient Rome. When I play TES games I feel like I’m on a separate province with consistent world building and geography containing familiar faces in familiar places, when I play star field I feel like I’m a star treck dystopia where there’s increased conflict, political discourse but most of all hope and love for a technologically advanced humanity. When I play fallout I barely can tell wtf is going on, not a single game throughout the franchise barely even feels like an acknowledgement of the realities of a post nuclear world. It feels like I’m entering another cowboy world with nuclear aesthetics to make even reference it.


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Because Bethesda unlike with TES where they called Kirkbride and co. for help with Oblivion expansions and Skyrim never consults the original Fallout writers and operates on their own weird mixture of headcanons, gameplay concessions and attempts at expanding the setting on their own that contradict and sometimes even retcon Black Isle's lore. It is like there was a building underway and then some guy barges in saying "hey, I can do better than you" with no idea what it is, takes over the construction and then attempts to continue it without heeding the original architects's input or criticism. Dumb as shit, but this is how the Bethesda top management wants Fallout to be treated for whatever reason and I do not even fully understand why.

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