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I already hate shows and movies, I haven’t fuckjng watched one in years because all of the ones they keep pumping out are shit, but come on. This is gonna be what the halo show was for fallout. The games already are notorious(yes even the black isle ones) for deviating so heavily from their inspiration a boy and his dog to the point where the games barely feel like they’re related to a nuclear war at all, but this? This is is somehow even worse when it comes to writing and I haven’t even seen what this piece of shit is beyond a trailer in 240p


at least post the link

but yeah it looks awful, it will still make money though so why do they care?


>it will still churn out a profit
Not if they stay true to the source material. The original fallout series and the games made by Bethesda and obsidian have terrible world building and lack authenticity to their premise, something halo didn’t have as many issues with. Putting this on a screen is gonna cause controversy and piss the living off shit off the last remaining members of the fallout fandom.


Just look at the comments on that video, the majority of comments outside of the couple top comments just joking about bugs are jizzing over the show or saying the journalists aren't showing enough enthusiasm.

These people will eat up this garbage and it would be hard to be as bad as the Halo show unless you were deliberately trying. Of course some people won't like it but enough will for it to make money. If Fallout 76 didn't kill the franchise then this definitely won't either.


wahhhhhhh i need all the good stuff served to me in a silver plate


Yes, and I expect nothing less from multi billion dollar studios with access to some of the best tech in cgi, costume creation and photography available


It'd be a shame if they butchered it because I feel like a Fallout show or movie has potential. I was always less impressed with the game than I was with the setting, lore and aesthetics, would love to see it in live action


I bet the fallout universe would make for a good western film


Anyway, Microsoft FTC case caused several bethesda games to get leaked:
>Fallout 3 and Oblivion remaster
>Doom Year Zero
>Dishonored 3
>Ghostwire Tokyo 2
>An Indiana Jones game


It’s literally set in the west coast


>>fallout 3 and oblivion remaster
Nice. Between this and an alleged KOTOR remake Im excited about my gaming future for the first time since idek. Finally the remake era reaches my generations pop culture


by western I meant the genre, otherwise idk what you mean


If they remaster Oblivion they should keep the goofy aaaah faces. Just transfer all the meshes assets to the new NIF format and upscale the textures, but keep the meshes the same


Dishonored 3? Lets fucking go!! :)



people eat this shit up man. i think its especially worse with Bethasda cause if they didnt jump ship with 76 theyd take anything at this point. itll be bad, people will complain and then theyll complain in hordes how you dont like fun.

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