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Every empire in popular sci fi games/franchises are always portrayed as these nationalistic or facistic entity. In a real empire on that kind of a scale, most people in it would be fully atomized. There would be no family structure, internal hierarchy, sense of glory or even identity with whatever faction any member partakes. Everyone in it would be too busy doing their designated roles like little cogs while bureaucratic divisions take charge of promoting the never ending expansion of their faction purely to better their own situation.


File: 1696829637807.gif (1.62 MB, 498x393, cant wait.gif)

>dystopian scifi
>scifi thats just medieval or present day with lasers

>utopian scifi

>socialist scifi
this is my jam


Empires cannot into space though


What about Asimov though?


>Every empire in popular sci fi games/franchises are always portrayed as these nationalistic or facistic entity.
Becouse that is what is implied in word "empire". If its not fascist its going to be called republic, federation or whatnot.

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