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/games/ - Games

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I used to buy a lot of games, but it came to a point that is unsustainable for me, idk how's the situation in NA and EU, but here in south america is pure hell, games usually cost 30% of the minimum wage + most games come with paid dlc, no localization and are released in a total broken stage, and lets not forget, we dont actually own any of these games, we just have a license for them.
why do people accept this kinda of shit that would never fly 10-20 years ago? better yet, why do some people even DEFEND IT?


So the dev(s) can afford to keep making them, like any other artform.
That doesn't apply to non-indies tho, I think people that buy non-indie are too lazy to pirate or assess if what they're buying is worth playing in the first place, purchased or otherwise.


Lack of computer literacy on how to pirate safely and fear of being taken to court might be the only reason most people still buy games. That’s my hypothesis based on ppl i’ve talked to.


You could just buy good games and not bad ones

But seriously I've been subscribed to game pass for the past few months, it's pretty great value, you get access to like 400 games for £8/month and most of them are AAA



Pretty much. People won't feel the need to pirate as long as the storefront isn't shit and stuff's affordable.


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I have 100s of games from Epic I got for free. I assume every time I get one they must give some kind of cut to the developer. TBH I usually try to only buy games if they're MP because that's really the only limitations of pirated games(usually.) Steam workshop is another reason.

This too. Support the indie devs you really like. For AAA games it doesn't even work like that. All the devs are already paid as much as they're going to get when the game comes out.


A lot of younger people are completely computer illiterate because the extent of their tech use are locked up phones. They don't even know what file folders are, much less how to torrent something, and are stupidly paranoid about "viruses."


>are stupidly paranoid about "viruses."
I mean that's not inherently a nerative. I consider my own childhood paranoia on the matter to have been a great motivator in developing my own tech literacy.
Hell even on stuff like PlanetMinecraft, kids don't trust the companies making these closed systems and are at least aware of stuff like linux, with some adoption. I think they'll turn out alright as long as the rent-seeking remains blatant.


idk how to pirate most games


Remember to buy indies directly from the developers whenever possible so a cut of the game isn't going to Steam or whomstever.

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