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RIP Matthew "Many of you have asked what klonoa game I am playing. It's the new one on the wii. I'm at level six. I play with my pants around my ankles." Perry. Dude liked FO3 so much that he talked about it on TV unprompted so they gave him one of the best roles in New Vegas.


drowned in Lake Mead trying to escape the Legion and the Courier… rest in peace


Rip to an Unreal one


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damn, I had no idea he played Benny in NV


>By age 10, Perry started misbehaving. He stole money, smoked, let his grades slip, and beat up fellow student and future Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau.[9][10]
Holy based, F.


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wow my opinion on him increased favorably tenfold now


>beat up Justin Trudeau when they were kids
Perry didn't kill himself.


I only knew one guy back in highschool who was a big Klonoa fan. He became a train-hopper crusty folk punk kind of guy and then he died of an opiate overdose. Keep your kids away from Klonoa.


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sounds cool until the part where he died

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