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Shay already talked about this but this is just that but way more comprehensive. I found the story enjoyable, I found the gameplay enjoyable, the way the gameplay was mixed with the story just fucking wasn’t. It’s the same problem as interactive TWD games, and part of the same problems seen in undertake. Ludonarrative dissonance, it’s such a fucking strong as shit aspect of the game it’s hard to ignore or focus when you can go from shooting slavers mercilessly to seeing Ellie contemplate Abby. Granted there’s lore specific reasons for this that actually do make sense in context, but gameplay to story transition wise the way the game overall progresses is bizarre as shit and fucks with my mind due to the complete lack of choice the player has.

Worse this still happens if you decide not to be a piece of shit with Ellie and run past everything. Literally beratting the player for being evil even if they haven’t done shit just because the game is that linear with its story.


your first mistake was reading the dialogues in the bing bing wahoo. if you want a story, read actual fiction. or better yet, don't be a pretentious imbecile and accept entertainment for what it is: entertainment


I don’t think the game devs wanted the game to be purely read as entertainment otherwise they wouldn’t have gone through with half the risks they took with this title. I like this game, I like its gameplay and its story because it reminds me of far cry 2, a game I can look at as an example of games as art.


the only risk is not selling enough copies, moron

>I don’t think the game devs wanted

and christians want you to read the bible as a factual account of events. it doesn't matter


this is the kind of retard that brings up "death of the author" literally


Seeing all his favorite soldiers eat it must be driving Druckmann insane. I wonder how that's gonna affect Last of Us 3.


never heard of it, had to read the first wikipedia paragraph. of course the pretentious video-games player reads art critics


Didn’t he say that Idf soldiers getting attacked by palestinian civvies is what motivated him to make tlou 2. I imagine he might turn either full psycho after what’s happening or turn into an apologetic lib, like he is rightnow, but less pro idf.


channer moment


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i couldve just called you /v/ermin cancer if the word channer triggers you so much


>the only risk is not selling enough copies, moron
That's the risk of all media have under capitalism, moron.

>read actual fiction
<accept entertainment for what it is: entertainment
Why read "actual fiction" then?
Seems to be as shallow as video games.

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