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RTS set during Russia civil war. Comes out on November 28th, demo currently available on Steam.

I played the demo, havent finished it because its kind of boring. Doesnt seem to have any choices that would affect story, or meaningfully impact gameplay, only random events along the lines of "pay 20 resource or get -10 morale". Performance issues as well. Despite being Czech game, the Czech voice acting is awful, I recommend selecting English if you want to give it a try. Dialogue as well is very anachronistic, there is no effort to make people talk appropriately for early 20th century. Instead they banter like they would in contemporary Hollywood movie. Its not quite Marvel level of quipiness, but veering dangerously close to that territory.

On the ideological front, its laughably anti-communist. To the point where it undermines itself as a propaganda tool. Reds keep committing atrocities for shit and giggles, like right in the first mission you come across homestead burned by them, because peasants refused to hand over food, so they shoot them, which is fine, horrible stuff like that was carried out by Reds irl, but then they also set food on fire just to be dicks. Your soldiers even comment that they havent actually come for food, they just like murder. In another missions you help villagers with random labours around the village, and then Reds show up, and your soldiers proclaim "They are here to murder everyone, we must stop them!", with absolutely no explanation why would they do such a thing, they just do, they are not even looting, just spreading destruction for the glory of the Blood God. And dont get me started on who I assume is supposed to be the main antagonist, this Red Army general that talks and acts like a James Bond villain.


is anyone surprised? Le good moderate monarchist crush ze filthy bugmen. Some retarded mutt will unirocially become monarchist after playing this game.

If you want to play a strategy game, emulate a japanese srpg, 23+ year old Final fantasy tactics absolutely destroys this crap in all the possible ways.


>this Red Army general that talks and acts like a James Bond villain.
They could have atleast given us something cool like mechatrotsky or something


You play as Czech legion, so not monarchists. In fact there is a conspicuous absence of Whites in the game, at least as far as I made it.


The lack of whites might be caused by the current political situation around how russia should be viewed. I think it’s possible that the devs didn’t want to make any russian faction the “good” guys. Also the game is monarchist because it paints one of the groups as evil while making the other seem better, thus in out minds it naturally creates the idea that those who oppose evil bugmen savages must be good. Kind of like how in WH40k the space nazies are viewed as good because they fight against space demons.


I am more of a space fish maoist supporter.


>Kind of like how in WH40k the space nazies are viewed as good because they fight against space demons
Space nazis are viewed as good because GW stopped portraying as space nazis.


not really, they are still space nazies except the main characteristics that normies can see were scraped off and replaced by less “problematic” stuff. I think it’s only a question of time until we start seeing liberals depicting nazies as less “problematic”, kind of like recent liberal media has been casting black actors as aristocrats and people who complained about it did out of wrong reasons. We already had an indian ss officer in doctor who, soon we will have black ss officers in eastern europe being “authoritarian” and fighting le savage reds(who are actually the real bad guys).


btw just in case, I am pretty confident no indian ss officers were in france. I know that nazies recruited some black people, but we all know that a)liberals wouldn’t do it for historical realism and b)african ss was in africa not in belarus and stuff.


theres definitely a trend of normalizing them as a "lesser evil" and making them ultimately good guys using unsavory but necessary methods rather than just another bunch of genocidal loonies not fundamentally different from who they fight doing mostly completely pointless carnages due to blind zealotry and fascism
reintroducing the primarchs and showing rowboat as a "reasonable guy at the top fighting against the excess" is a clear sign of that
im not surprised, thats an easier marketing to do even if it rapes the original concept, so it was always going to trend toward this

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