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Incredible how 1 gay couple + 1 bisexual woman in a video game is enough for rightoid chinletdies to start sperging out and making hour long essays about "wokeness"


I was kind of hoping that genre would lose steam after the Starfield pronouns guy but they bounced back like nothing happened. Are we really gonna need a revolution before I stop getting recommended those shitty videos?


i feel like the industry reached some sort of silent consensus where they just safely ignore these retards despite getting half-mil numbers on youtube, unless their derivative ubisoft open world game is doing like shit, then they pretend they matter and amp the discourse to 11


Well you really just need to nationalize youtube so we can fix the algorithm, but that probably would take a revolution, so…


It's actually worse, they actively pander to these people by putting things in the game they know will make them mad because then they talk about it for hours on end and give them a lot of free advertising.


What did the mean by this? Does the SEO on youtube like puctuation characters these days?


Genocide all gamers


im one of the good ones


That's just proper grammar. If you modify a noun with two or more adjectives you separate them with a comma. The uploader is a nerd.


Genocide. All Gamers?


>rightoid chinletdies
what the fuck are you saying


Only good gamer is a dead gamer


its very annoying when they put random gay stuff in things to show how woke and cool with the kids they are. but gaymers are infinitely more annoying and gay then even the corpo decision makers who put out this stuff.


This, but music fans


Reactionary 'tubers don't exist because it looks cool. They exist because they have a critical function in the discourse ecosystem. Companies live them for all the hype they generate for their games (and the moral dimension they add, allowing the customers to feel like they're doing actvism against hate by consuming the products). And the liberal/lefty wing of the social media ecosystem needs them to churn out their own content mill reaction slop. What would the lefty content creators do without these people to dunk on? Talk about history, labor struggles, political theory? Lol. Lmao.


Its a shame this video was the first to come out cause right now people are ripping Spider-Man 2 apart for all the things it did wrong wich can be summed up as nearly everything that isnt traveling in the overworld and some boss fights


whoa thats going too far not all gamers are chinlets!


all posts with this flag are literally filler at best, huh


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You have to be way too terminally online to attribute a category as wide as "plays video games" to any one political ideology, or any coherent set of beliefs in general. Not throwing shade at OP but at some of the replies and general behavior on leftoid spaces whenever this topic comes up. Feels very much like some sort of Christian guilt to me.


Because Christianity is basically the wests culture espacially in America wich had no culture to carry with it except for all the different protestant branches wich fled to the continent. There is a reason the only 2 countrys with majority atheists were East Germany and Czechia cause they could do whatever they want to the population knowing Russian tanks will crush any revolt for them.


I'm more concerned about the lack of police. Not because it's woke or whatever but because it makes the city less "realistic" (like, come on, we have criminals walking around, we play as a fucking classcuck, and yet we're afraid to add some other "bad guys?"). Plus I want to punch cops in the face, GTA allows me to do that so why not Spider-Man? And the story is kinda clunky, I still think that the best Venom storyline was in Spectacular Spider-Man.


>You have to be way too terminally online to attribute a category as wide as "plays video games" to any one political ideology
I mean, radlibs and Marxists always try to rationalize some proles having certain beliefs as being due to some external factors like "They're white" or "They're actually petty bourgeoisie." They want to easily exclude them somehow so they can continue rooting for "the underdog" without paying attention to the bad apples. It's like with the Nazis accusing certain otherwise perfectly normal white people of Jewishness or miscegenation because of their "degeneracy" or "immorality" or left-wing/"anti-white" views.

Not all gamers are reactionaries, just as not all reactionaries are gamers. And yes, proles and minorities can be reactionary too, people should stop treating them like sacred cows.

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