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> There is never an official statue of limitations because the implicit expectation is a studio will own the work you make forever. One particularly hostile contract stated they would own my work in perpetuity for the rest of my life, or my children's lives. Not sure if that one will hold up in court.


copyright law is a fucking joke


"artwork" is a red flag anyways


The worship of art as something more than a means of communication or stimulation is reactionary nonsense.


>>31663 >>31667
what? meds.


I mean, things like the whole "high art" circlejerk basically serves nothing else but setting up hegemonic standards for what art should be produced and thus intentionally devalue it in favor of "classical" and "traditional" motives, styles and themes. In turn, this enforces the existing dominant ideology and suppresses alternatives while turning conforming art into commodity. That's why so many creative fields are in such a sad state nowadays, including music, film, games, you name it.

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