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So, im almost 30 years old,until this year i just played singleplayer games since the ps1, then i decided if it was worth to play something with people in it, and its not fun, not just as a killer but also as a survivor, as a killer i win some matches, i play with the spirit character, but most of the time is just SWF squads that just makes the game more unbalanced, im no pro player but i know how to play my killer from both experience and study, as a survivor since i dont have any friends to play with, im thrown into a game with random people that dont do gens, dont save dont do nothing, i bring team based perks, to do gens faster, to heal them faster after an unhook, most of the times they refuse getting healed and theres an icon that says i have the healing speed buff to them. but the worse of all of these things is: if you play killer to win, be prepared to recieve death threats, insulted, bullied, you name it, now even when i win i dont feel happy, because at the end of the match if i used the strategies that the game mechanics encourage me as killer to get my win, im just treated like shit, and this happens every single game. its tiresome, i think im done with multiplayer games and im going back to Death stranding.


Well, depends on the games and random players you got of luck. Maybe you'd find a multiplayer game which will please you at the future?


Playing MP games with randos is a recipe for a bad time, especially if it's one focused on teamwork.


Can't help since I deeply struggle to play multiplayer games by myself.
Granted, it may be the adhd talking. Like I played apex legends, and I had to down a monster since it was so boring I felt heart palpitations.

>if you play killer to win, be prepared to recieve death threats, insulted, bullied, you name it,
I never understood that.
People say the game has good balance, and while I don't know the million technical details (like crows warning players if the killer is approaching), the fact that people get upset about that makes me doubt the balance.


Your ADHD gets better with just energy drinks?

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