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Strange request but I would like to deepen my analysis of the game and one aspect I'd like to tackle is structural mechanics of oppression, its radical means of dismantlement and historical comparisons from communist and anarchist movements (preferably small communes). Zapatistas for example
I would also like resources to create comparisons to slavery in America through economics, social movement and moral decay so I can contrast it with the ways social progress is motivated through change in production that the protagonist and his commune put into effect.
To top it off, this would have to be somewhat digestible in a way that even (neo)liberal leftists can understand, which means it would have to go against idpol and optics (focusing on the work being problematic instead of the work itself), as well as a complete disregard or ignorance of historical materialism.
I'm also deeply uneducated in the subject so I need to deepen my vocabulary as I just wing it from common sense and my own set of beliefs.
Also if someone wants to argue the game with me, I'd be glad to do so.

Move thread if wrong place


This is meant more for the games board.


ok please delete, i have made the thread in the games board


ummm. You should probably first go into stuff that disapproves race science and other stuff that is used to justify slavery. Stephen Jay Gould wrote a book about it. You could also probably look into what authors of the game were trying to say about slavery, there should be interviews. I think this question has better likely hood of being answered if you were to remove the layer of final fantasy from the text. I didn’t play the game so idk.


Just started FFXVI and just from the first few hours of the game (which is great so far) I'm not sure what exactly you want to get from this. For the most part the world of the game is in pre/early feudal slave economy, with production being carried out by a combination of unremarkable peasant workers and magically talented slaves bound to a nobility class defined by their relation to the mothercrystals.

I can certainly see the merit in taking this as an opportunity to analyze a fictional society, in order to build up confidence in your ability to analyze more generally, but don't expect to get many direct lessons about the modern day from it. This isn't a Disco Elysium or even Cyberpunk 2077 where themes and plot beats have direct implications on the modern needs of the movement.

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