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Turn based RPGs with interesting mechanics?
From my non super indepth knowledge we have
which are not too fundamentally different from DnD itself. I've never really played DnD much so I'm not too expert on it. Characters move in turns and to random checks based on their stats and what skill they used. Typically a JRPG doesn't have movement on a landscape very much at all, typically the characters position either doesn't matter (classic FF or Pokemon) or very little like Persona/Shin Megami(at least once you're actually engaged in battle)
>Strat RPGs
With either a tile system or more of a war gaming distance system.
>Card battle RPGs
These are like Yuigoh or Pokemon or Magic The Gathering where you have a deck of cards and each card has some kind of complex set of rules that are delineated on each card.

I like strat RPGs but at the same time I think the movement can be an unnecessary complication. I think card games can be kind of ugly visually, trying to represent a non video game type game in a format that doesn't need it, also having to memorize the rules on 50 different cards is needlessly complex. JRPGs can be way to simplistic and just matter more on stats and grinding but this can kind of apply to all RPGs.

I kind of have a halfway idea for an original game. I think since RPGs kind of inherently rely on RNG I think the gambling aspect of them is kind of underutilized, so maybe if there was a way to take the fun of traditional card games and betting like Poker and etc. and translate that to an RPG.

What do you think?

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