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>3 years into the ps5's existence
>still no games



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>12 exclusives on the list
<5 of them haven't even been released yet
it's so ogre


and half of the ones that currently are out will eventually hit PC


She's smug!


>exclusives dick-measuring contest
Even my PCMR self wouldn't go that far. You can play cross-platform games on any console (except for Switch).


Are console exclusives even really that big of a thing? No studio wants to be stuck relying on a single corporation for distribution.


It used to be that the corporation behind the console paid them to make it worth keeping it exclusive.


For Nintendo it absolutely is. Not so much for Sony and Microsoft nowadays.


>For Nintendo it absolutely is
Which is a shame because their company, hardware and online services suck massive balls.




>Insomniac leak
>Nothing but capeshit games with a single Rachet and Clank in 2029


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Why the fuck are sales going up despite having no games?


There's barely any reason to buy an Xbox now with PC Game Pass.


There is barely any competition between consoles, switch occupies it’s own sphere and is going down in popularity, while xbox is only really popular in america and microsoft seem to be willing to just kill off xbox if it will help them to sell more gamepass subs.

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