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looking at the old guilty gear sprites you realize wow those games kinda look like ass now in comparison. de-toonification of this magnitude. everything must be genshin now


sex n shieet


Some of Strive's character redesigns are bland and sterile compared to the past games but the overall visuals of the game look good. Also fuck you for making me defend Strive.
>everything must be genshin now
what do these even mean?


Well with May, I see it. It's not that bad with the other characters in the roster tho. May could use more layers like she had previous gen.


xrd clearly looks better than strive


The artstyle is fine. It's just that the game isn't.


So many Strive characters already wear jacket or a coat, so even though on its own Xrd looks better, just a single layer hoodie makes her visually distinct.


Funny how May looks the youngest in Xrd.


probably because they rounded out her features and gave her a generic annoying voice, she also looks less like a sailor and more like a school girl.


Yeah Strive looks like one of those bad western attempts at emulating Japanese aesthetics. It's sad because Guilty Gear had such a distinct style. I don't even really like how the Xrd series games look tbh.


I for one am glad that Xrd exists, ArcSys has shown that you can make cel-shaded games look closer to real 2D animation. Before the character movement was too smooth and the shading looked off (especially noticeable in Transformers Devastation). JSR got around this by having fewer polygons in general and a 30 FPS lock.

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