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<wow typical NEW Kojima showing us the Hollywood stars and no gameplay
None of those people are Hollywood stars… If he was going to sell out and market a game on star power he wouldn't be using Hunter Schafer.


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>Udo Kier is in the cast
I liked his earlier performance better than this cheapass "psychological horror" shit.


the game isnt even out


>kojima game
>trans actress
the gamer spergout will be glorious


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The teaser is pretty shite tho with its direction and rendering, and Kojima explicitly said he is aiming to make it a "game movie" with no details what is going in for the game other than its psychological horror. That is already enough of a red flag for me to be skeptical about it.
You mean /v/ermin and living fossils like The Quartering bickering about transhumanists as usual. Could not care any less about that.


ngl the only reason im interested in the game is because the trailer is presented like P.T.



the nerve of this uygha to announce another game before showing a single second of death stranding 2 gameplay


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Death Stranding 2 should be basically just Roadside Picnic but in Burgerstan.

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