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looking at those insomniac leaks, its hilarious. over half a billion dollars to make a game because of capeshit licensing and they wanted to do another one for 2030, "Console Gaming" is donezo


People kept saying "The industry's going to crash" and I used to laugh, but at this point this shit isn't sustainable. The budgets are going higher and higher and the profit needed to just break even is insane.


retardedly high budgets that all go to the most inconsequential things ever. but there IS a market for that garbage, like ive seen tweets of people complaining spiderman 2 didnt win goty or whatever and their sole argument was the generic action-y cutscenes, not even gameplay


There wasn't and won't be any better Wolverine game than X-Men Origins: Wolverine, change my mind.


they were about to have a recognizable identity like nintendo and sega do but decided to shove all those series aside in favor of AAA slop that costs insane amounts of money and time to make


>"Console Gaming" is donezo
Nintendo keeps going strong tho


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theyll make their money back by patenting basic game mechanics


Fucking bastards lmfao.

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