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The more i am exposed to reactionnaries, no matter what they politically identify as, the more i come to the conclusion that these guys pic related were right.
Don't you also think a programmed nuclear aramageddon done by enlightened genocidal progressives is the only way to save humanity from a descent into the regressive abyss? Normally i would bank on a global chinese style culturerev but let's be honest it aint gonna happen.


>the only way to save humanity from twitter nazis to kill everyone needlessly in nuclear holocaust


I'm not talking about a demographic as small and irrelevant as twitter nazis.


Then what are you talking about? A few rural militias? Trump?


Most religious peoples
"Just coexist"ism
Most nationalists


So if you support welfare you should be executed?


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NRx incel thread


Ah, well good to know that your selection is entirely based on your arbitrary and subjective personal prejudices.


How often do you have to fuck to avoid summary execution? Asking for a friend.


It's objective.
I don't mean incel in the litteral sense, i mean the culture and the people that partake in it.


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>people who i dont like exist therefore they must die


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Replace the cringe flags with this and it's correct.


The Enclave are literally one of the most evil ideologies in fiction ever, Caesar's Legion is even better


How is the Enclave worst than the legion lol?


They literally caused 99% of the human race to be wiped out intentionally.


It was going to happen/was already happening given the state of the world, they merely accelerated it. And at least the Enclave's end goal is to reconstruct humanity, enhences it and colonize the stars, the Legion is some primitivist death cult (BOS is the same but more elitist).


>The Legion is not valid unlike my genocidal, mutant-killing, neo-nazi, deep state death cult because they have no iPhone!
Plutocrat dogs like you belong on a cross.


Where's the "enclave are nazis!!" take comes from they have blacks, women and brown latinos on their ranks. You could call them nazlib i guess but not nazis.


>they have blacks, women and brown latinos on their ranks.
And the Nazis enlisted slavs, muslims, magyars and romanis as part of Waffen SS, as well as installed women as guards of concentration camps. It did not make them any less racist and genocidal, and the Enclave is pretty clearly shown to stand for rebuilding the mythical "white suburban America" even as they have minorities among them, which are never shown to hold much of a high rank.


Surprising that you would do "villain did nothing wrong" with Enclave, when Unity is right there.

Yeah, because that requires level of competence the orc horde that is Legion does not posses, doesnt make them any less cartoonishly evil. Its one of my biggest gripes about writing of New Vegas, you can join one of three compelling factions, each presenting their own arguments why they are right, or marauding savages that are worse than Fiends.


Their distinction isn't based on skin color, it's themselves vs the wasteland population where they see the latter as genetically tainted by radiation and fundamentally no different from ghouls or supermutants. They're explicitly pursuing the extermination of everyone who isn't Enclave as part of their plan to reclaim the continent and reestablish the US.


The fuck kind of symbol is that supposed to be lmao


do you identify as a leftist? because you're not.



It doesnt matter because "Leftism" really doesnt mean anything. I do support the CCP and Dengism tho.


Based, fuck ultras. Leftisn is an infantile disorder.


Why are you even here


I am here because I want to see how persistent leftishness and liberalism is in the communist movement. To see how long you will remain in the quicksand of liberal western morality, pseudo-Marxist idealism and glorifying poverty before you actually come to see the whole picture of what is really required for achieving communism.

Vladimir Lenin did not instate the New Economic Policy for no reason, and neither did the Communist Party of China chose the way they do things now. For the liberation of working class around the world and consequently achievement of world communism, there needs to be an expansion and distribution of means of production across the globe, which in the current situation is impossible to achieve without utilizing the mechanisms of market economy first. You have to accept that China is not "leeching" on the exploited nations like the USA or France do, but is working in an organized and planned way to prepare them for the coming world revolution in the only way that is possible without causing a violent imperial intervention in them.

Come with the CPC, and you will have everything you ever wish for.
Come with the ultra-left, and all you will have is broken dreams and a life wasted.


imagine supporting the genocidal enclave, the corrupt old world simping ncr, the roman larping pro slavery legion, the insane disgusting unity, when the based alpha sigma give water to the wasteland poor bos exists.
All hail the bos, elder lyons did nothing wrong


that's the splinter BOS though, the real BOS wants to genocide all mutants


let me rephrase that fuck the main bos that dies anyway by new vegas, and even tho lyons bos got corrupted theres still the midwest bos anon.


Remember in New Vegas when you sided with the Chinese Spies to take over The Strip because Mr. House used cheap Chinese labor to manufacture the (platinum) chip(s) even during the war so they were vulnerable to the Chinese backdoor?

Remember in Fallout 4 when the sub captain Zao offered to evacuate the resistance back to mainland China and gave you the final call to either nuke the Brotherhood off the map in which case he kills you for being anti-human or embraces you as a true international comrade if you refuse to cause yet more death in a pointless struggle that has lasted centuries without victors?

Remember in Fallout 2 when you met a Commie sympathizer on the Oil platform who just wanted a good job and to serve others instead of their own selfish desires. The President's plan to exterminate America to save it is the last straw however and they help mess up Horrigan to make the fight easier by either administering super-stimpaks or swapping out the power pack in his custom armor?

Yeah I don't remember the socialist perspective presented either; let alone in a positive light.

The theme of the Fallout series is the US/50s mindset/fascists are wrong, dangerously deluded fools; in F1 the master's broken 'project purity', in F4 the false belief that automated slavery will save us as you spend most of the game with very human automated companions exploited by the systems they find themselves in, the failing hermit brotherhood in every episode that for all it's capital M, 'Military', 'Tradition' 'Discipline', 'Purity' cannot achieve victory and has no idea what that would even look like in practice as it exploits the wasteland into defeat.

Even the Enclave seek to deceive and destroy their followers. They know they cannot win because they know they are mistaken in their analysis.

Nowhere is the in universe or otherwise socialist(or Chinese) views expressed save in hints and subtlety and those are usually subverted.

The best we get are the Shi(monarchist by machine) in Fallout 2 and a deluded boomer in Tenpenny tower in F3 (monarchist by blood). No unions, no solidarity, no internationalism, not even the internationale intentionally played by Chinese American descended 'purists' who think even a drop of American blood makes you an un-comrade and have to restore the bourgeoisie to their god given role as the herd-masters of the proletariat in order to cultivate the dou-di bloodline into the 7th order level pill that will ascend the clan into the 48th Tian heaven.

I really want >Fallout Korean Peninsula< with a view of Japan/Korea/China and the European/American hangers on from after the nukes dropped. Sure the invasion of China was worth it for Uncle Sam and apple pie. Guess what? No more apple pie Uncle Sam stopped calling centuries after he nuked us all and he can kiss my glow in the dark ass for that. Word has it the hunger wars have died down near Sichuan and the mountains protected most of the region from the worst of the war. But some mad man known as the 'child tongue sucker' rules the enslaved population of farmers in the name of their heathen gods or something. I have a feeling it will never get made without the Call of Duty team managing it.


IIRC Tim Cain (the creator of Fallout) said he really wanted to do Fallout China and Fallout Russia as the next installments, but he got fucked over by Interplay and left, then the IP eventually went to Bethesda so we're stuck in radioactive burgerland forever.


Yeah I've seen that but TBF the Chinese were going to be portrayed as evil bugmen whose e emperor you need to wipe out


Daily reminder, soviet russia probably survived the nukes.


>I want to see how persistent leftishness and liberalism is in the communist movement
I am more of a liberal than a communist since most communist parties in my country are a combination of irrelevant or socially conservatives on key issues i think are important while being totally permissive on others highly reactionnary aspecs. And yet i still think Dengism/current day China is a very good model.
Stop falling into anti-liberal stradmen like that.


>Stop falling into anti-liberal stradmen like that.
No, I will continue to bash liberals because most of them barely care for China and its role in development of humanity and would rather cancel it over flimsy allegations of total surveillance, genocide and ethnic discrimination. You are a but a happy exception.


But who is gonna save us from enlightened genocidal progressives? Bomb both sides equally until everyone else remains (if there is anyone else left).


You're making this list worse and worse, stop before you start including anyone who disagrees with you.


Okay liberal, Hierarchy good or hierarchy bad?

1. The exploitation is good and necessary


2. The exploitation contains the seeds of its inevitable destruction because it requires people to exploit just to survive as a system and thus is doomed to be replaced by system run by those exploited?


Hierarchy good, but not all hierarchies are good or used for positive purpose.


And is the hierarchy of capitalism necessary in your view. If so explain how you get hierarchy without exploitation.


>single mom on food stamps is same thing as ultranationalists and incels
>muh feminism
>just nuke em all bro

your no better if not worse than 14 year old /pol/yps who think "glass the middle east bro XXDDDD" is cutting edge humor and politics.

>claims leftism doesn't mean anything
>completely delusional,fascistic and genocidal world view
>self identified dengist and liberal
everytime lmao

no one cares turd positionist all you'll do is cry,whine,shill rightist ideology and call everyone around an uLtRa

both of you some sheltered ass delusional ass rightoids that need to go back


Nazi thread.


I don't know, buddy. I'd rather live in a horrible fascist dystopia as a minority than kill 99% of humanity.


idk fam I'd rather be in the 99% who are vaporized in nuclear hellfire


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The Enclave were stay-behind Gladio-esque lunatics applied to the imperial metropole, their only function is to keep the zombie corpse of the American empire alive in some bastardized form so that some screwed in the head blueballed neocon can declare victory after murdering the rest of the world in nuclear hellfire.

They weren't 'enlightened genocidal progressives', you're just high on your own farts. And a lib. Probably a crypto-fed too.


What's wrong with feminism?


Based nuclear hellfire enjoyer.


The Fallout series definitely exists in a state of contradiction.

The story cannot continue to add value/be fun by simply signposting 50s conservatism's nostalgia for a non-functional self-destructive system. It must propose a better system and display the enemies of that improvement, their motives and tactics to subvert progress.

I think it would be interesting to see a USA based but Euro/Russia/China focused Fallout where their investment in renewables has permitted faster re-devlopment desired by all but at a cost of the people's sovereign right to be gangers and slavers. It could be 'domestic' east/west USA as well but the 'outsider' function is necessary. While more developed in tech and breadth than the NCR to provide a point of tension, some boxer rebellion type religious loonies still Wuxia it up in their mountains but these cannot support the kind of population and prosperity as the main bodies of society.

The principal tension should be between an NCR that actively loathes the idea of solar panel installation(etc) and 'chinese'/ 'yankee' aide regardless of if Euros or Yankees install it. Seeing a scramble by the liberal NCR to reinvigorate racism into law just to preserve it's hierarchy among it's puppet states would be great to see. World Tensions don't have to have the magic red/green/blue button to shut off the last nuke Mass Effect ending. There should be the option of actual overthrow of NCR leadership, a reform leader willing to invest and resolve the Class tensions with real substantive concessions unacceptable to the NCR royalty, and the fuck it we're just Chinese slaves burbling about the good old days like the Enclave bad ending. I can't believe we lost the war twice due to the same greed of the same minority of 'wealthy' people unwilling to share their wealth with their own people. War never changes.

Little red book fragments with actual Mao quotes would be great.
>"no investigation, no right to speak!" should be the first quote you find.

Side quests to 'Green Beret' East coast/Chinese right wing loonies into becoming BinLadens on NCR's dime would also be cool for the reactionary path.


Re-upping without transparency.

In 1998 the, 'everybody I don't like is a race' crowd was still pushing the whole, "Whites can't live here cuz Imma bigot' laws.

Covenants, like red-lining were laws to prevent the sale of real estate to 'certain people' in perpetuity even long after the death of the original owner. They have largely been ruled to be bigoted bullshit.


>Hierarchy is good
How does the boot taste, pseudo-scientist?
>What's wrong with feminism?
Gender essentialism and anti-individualism mostly. Feminism always views a woman as a female, not as a person. Feminist theories can turn into a dogmatic, zealotted worldview where people are reduced to simple stereotypes that do not apply to all men and women.

Basically, feminism shouldn't be your foundational belief. It rather should be a mere side-efect of your worldview like individualism say. If every individual deserves freedom then excluding women is hypocrisy. Same with Marxism actually: if you don't hold, say, science as more important than Marxism then how can Marxism remain scientific? That is the question.

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