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I recently completed this rubbish game. I played it to completion expecting some story reveal later on but there was nothing. I am very, very dissapointed. How can people love this game where you can't fail and where gameplay is just pressing rmb lmb or right trigger left trigger. I don't get it, I wish the 4 hours I spent in this game could be spent watching video essays instead since that would be unquantifiably more worth my time.


The fuck is with the art style? It looks like running a modern AAA game on an old video card, but intentionally so.
>How can people love this game where you can't fail and where gameplay is just pressing rmb lmb or right trigger left trigger.
Some people are just content with a walking simulator. I do not know, this one does not really click with me even superficially.


>narrative driven indie game about juvenile and their cutesy companion journeying across ancient ruins
At this point its a genre of its own.


Is there no challenge to it? I was led to believe it was like Death Stranding but for climbing instead of walking.


>The fuck is with the art style? It looks like running a modern AAA game on an old video card, but intentionally so.
It runs like one too. Optimization and bugfixing is worse than Cyberpunk.

I think this is more like Stray. Its the exact same kind of game, walking simulator without the walking simulator story and characters (at least Stray had atmosphere all the way through).
I was told similar but no its nothing like Death Stranding (a game I love btw). Death Stranding makes walking fun, this game makes climbing a giant tower with unknown mysteries on top boring.


Perfect way to try strike it rich as an indie dev if you have no ideas whatsoever.


When will indie devs start putting DRM en masse?


Probably never since the license fees would be more than it's worth for small games


So essentially the main reason to oppose DRM is if you play AAA games?


Well you should oppose it either way but it certainly affects AAA gamers more


1. Make a cheap wholesum chungus and apolitical walking simulator where the plot is "love and tolerance is only what matter"
2. Make a list of wholesum chungus socdem/vaguely progressist twitchers
3. Give them a preorder key
4. Get the money from all the middle class teenagers and young adults buying the game

Didn't this happened at least 5 five times in 2023?

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