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> Toby Fox has asked us to relay this message on his behalf

Context: Undertale Yellow was blocked from sharing most of their soundtrack because the company in charge of Undertale's music stopped them, which Toby doesn't want, but the CEO himself decided to be obnoxious about it by publicly making a 10k bet and then refusing to take the L and doubling down.

Toby Fox straight up said "hey, sorry about the actions of the company I hired to be in charge of Undertale's music, here's a statement from me you can post about what a manchild the nepo baby is being, also about those 10k…"


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just the music industry being the music industry lmao. this is a consistent problem that happens every single time anyone signs up with one of these companies but people forget the bourgeois are not human. toby fox wasted time he could spend finishing deltarune on dealing with a neurotic sociopath harassing people for money


>independent artist hires a company to do something and they immediately fuck things up episode #2956315673


You think he'd just speak with Toby about things before taking action, but porkies.


Every manager I've known, even the "good ones", were all flying by the seat of their pants. And to make things even worse: this cunt is a CEO.

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