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Wow so cool, now every game will have soulless celebrity voices that they didn't even bother to record themselves and nobody else will be able to get work


Apparently all the professional voice actors are pissed about this and saying there was no vote and nobody was consulted




These actors are now capitalists. They suck from dead labor


Burger "unions", not even once..The culture industry ones I heard even got bosses and shit, cannot expect much from them in particular but backstabbing their own members.
In the light of recent writers' guild and actor strikes, the film industry is now going in the direction of reducing labour force by any means necessary and unnecessary. My guess is that Replica in spite of its claims of being an "ethical" company will rob their donors of ability to get a job by the virtue of claiming exclusive ownership of their voices while paying them dimes, all the while the company and those purchasing their services will be getting most of the profit. Capitalists attempt to turn technology into a scourge against their labour force whenever chance to do so arises.


Probably they know trying to keep AAA from drinking the koolaid is a pointless endeavor, so now indies / maybe AA gain even more traction.


Using an AI voice to replace an actor is basically saying "the performance doesn't matter, just that you can recognize the voice." You can't give direction to an AI to read the line a certain way. But there are filters that exist that can take an existing voice clip and "convert" it to sound like another voice. This is probably what they're going to be doing, finding (non-union) voice actors to actually give the performance, and then filtering the recording to sound like a famous voice.

That said, if you actually read the article, it sounds like the point of this is to put protections in place to stop companies from copying someone's voice without their permission and denying them the opportunity to do the voice work themselves.

Worth noting here is that the SAG part of SAG-AFTRA is not a voice actor union. It's the Screen Actors' Guild. AFTRA is the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, which historically has covered voice acting. This move is to the benefit of celebrity screen actors and the detriment of voice actors, and is a further development in the tensions between those fields (and within the merged SAG-AFTRA union). Since Shrek came out pretty much there's been a big move to replace voice actors with celebrities for marketing purposes, so a lot of voice actors are big mad about losing work to be replaced with something that's usually noticeably worse.

>In the light of recent writers' guild and actor strikes, the film industry is now going in the direction of reducing labour force by any means necessary and unnecessary.
We are seeing large scale layoffs in a lot of industries right now tbf.

Yeah this is also a sign of the bad state of AAA games and likely to cause more drop in quality.


Good stuff.

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