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Hello fellas, I thought we could use this to share ideas for games to play.

Right now I want a post-apocalyptic RTS or strategy war game in general, I tried playing Cuban Missile Crisis just because I love the concept of a final war between the survivors of the various superpowers, but the actual game is pretty bad and definitely doesn't hold up today. I tried even playing this weird I think Russian old-ass RTS also set after the end of the world which was alright but again basic. I dunno anyone have any ideas?

Will also answer anyone else's questions obviously. Oh yeah and I also want a new XCOM style game to play but I doubt anyone will be able to suggest one I haven't already tried or looked at and deemed too garbage to play (seriously try me).


HOI4, Vic 3, Tropico 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. Those are the games that have some left content. I want to play anno 1800, and when i was a kid i played Starcraft 1 and 2 a lot, age of empires, age of mythology, etc, those being RTS(real time strategy)


I've played HOI to death sadly, and Tropico gets pretty stale after a while, Vicky 3 is just not very good IMO. I was thinking of playing Anno 1800 but idk, I find the resource management aspects of it a bit tedious and the citybuilding aspects a bit shallow.


Have you tried WARNO? It's a spiritual successor to the Wargame series if you're familiar with that. Essentially a (relatively) realistic late-Cold War RTS with accurate recreations of real units and their equipment, and on a much larger scale than something like World in Conflict. It's got a steep learning curve and a niche player base, but its a lot of fun.


I was tempted to try that but I'm so bad at Wargame it's a bit intimidating.

Also, I prefer a doomed world kinda setting to traditional East vs West you know? Though I guess an actual cold war hot war is basically post apocalyptic anyway. Or 'pre apocalyptic' maybe.


>I was tempted to try that but I'm so bad at Wargame it's a bit intimidating.
I was never great either but it was always worth it to play imo. In general I would say its a big improvement over Red Dragon. The scope is a little more limited since there are fewer countries and they recreate real units faithfully, so no wacky prototypes and you're basically forced to specialize in terms of armored, mechanized, etc. decks. The gameplay itself however feels much better, the UI and graphics are greatly improved, they introduced some semi-decent AI commands so you don't have to micro as much, the soundtrack is excellent (all pretty hard synthwave stuff which pairs great with the visuals). As for difficulty its still a lot of fun if you can get into a 10v10 and fuck around without anybody really caring. The only major drawback is that the player base is still pretty sparse so it can take a while to find a game.

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