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Why did ocelot pretend to be possessed by the arm and do a whole bit where he pretended to be liquid possessing himself and put on a British accent?
I don't understand metal gear as much as I wish I did..


I thought that was real


Shitty retcons to justify discontinuity by Kojima.


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But he literally had a whole speech about the mumbo jumbo being fake stuff he made up with tech when he bullies picrel for a bit.


it's been a long time


I didn't have a great memory either of it, was watching old cutscenes.
He literally does his 'lel I made it up, it's called technology you gullible retards' and proceedes to jump into metal gear, put on the accent and tell everyone he's possessed.
I know we all did, but.. you'd have to be a fool to buy it.


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because it was a funny bit

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