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I'll start: I understand and support if Mojang wants the real life animals to teach environmantalism or something, but Dolphin's Grace absolutely dumbfounds me in this context. It incentives the player to swim between 9 and 15 meters of a dolphin, and encourage them to maintain the dolphin's persuit in order to get one of the fastest modes of transportation in the game, especially early game when the player lacks protective equipment.
Polar bears make more sense, they attack if you are within [wiki doesn't specify] meters of a cub. That is their lesson: teach the player not to approch a polar bear cub. This is a good lesson.
They even know IRL dolphins can be dangerous when approached haphazardly, but they balanced out making them cute with having them "steal" the kelp that floats above newly generated ocean ravines. But the whole Dolphin's Grace thing throws that out of wack. I don't get it's inclusion.


i'm pretty sure they don't care about teaching anything, they just thought it was fun (and it fucks over speedrunners which I assume they find amusing)

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