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File: 1714577259514.png (45 KB, 400x261, Tetris.png)


>Progression system
The pieces drop faster the longer you play.
>Build variety
The number of piece combinations and placement options means you can customize as you see fit.
The emergent narrative possibilities are unmatched by any other RPG, as they're restricted to simple dialogue options.
>Choices and consequences
Putting the pieces in suboptimal locations can fuck up your run completely.


it's a roguelike because you lose and have to start over


Tetris is actually an RTS game you idiot.


>game called tetris
>there are 7 different pieces
False advertisement


The pieces are always made of 4 blocks though, that's where the name come from.


what role do you play question mark


It's named after the Shakespeare play. Russians love their native arts.


what is the role that you play in the role playing game tetris


File: 1714711453450.png (914.13 KB, 1200x1488, ClipboardImage.png)

>RPG where combat is played out via Tetris


Actually, it's a shortening of "tetramino," a puzzle game Bazhenov based his game on.
>Russians love their native arts.
Lol, no.


It's up to player headcanon, it's very immersive in that sense.

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