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 No.15233[Last 50 Posts]

Old /co/ thread is dead and buried.
Let's have a new thread to talk about comics and animation.


>all my heroes are working class
isn't wonder woman a princess?


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You're asking for writing that makes sense.


Is this thread for lefty cartoons and comics or anything /co/ related?


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Obviously the former or this would be a very short-lived thread.


I mean latter. Fuck.


Relevant thread: Anticapitalist /co/
Half of it's bad but the other half is good.


>Crumb also criticized the film's condemnation of the radical left, denouncing Fritz's dialogue in the final sequences of the film, which includes a quote from the Beatles song "The End", as "red-neck and fascistic" and stated, "They put words into his mouth that I never would have had him say."


what is this based comic bros


never watched this movie
what was the creator of this movie trying to say


It's not a real comic. DC would never put out something this based.


>where did Batman go?


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Probably something edgy about communism not working
The original cartoonist denounces the movie, and killed fritz


So from what I've heard, Crumb did agree to the movie being made (with hesitation), but after seeing it he hated it?


Superman: pro establishment journo
Aquaman: and Wonder Woman: monarchy
Green Lantern: basically space cop
Flash: academic PMC
Only pro working class hero in DC is Green Arrow


It's not like he had a choice, it was getting released anyway
He made a lot of money off of it too, being the first X rated movie and all.



figured as much


Saw these on other /co/ can anyone rec more commie comics?

The Communist Manifesto (2018) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire)

A People's History of American Empire (2008) (digital) (phillywilly-Empire)


Anything by Moore.


Anything by Spain Rodriguez.


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who sandman here


Is green lantern really space cops? I want to read it because I really like the idea of being powered through will

Also what are the best blue lantern comics


ayy nice
didn't see this was a pdf comic


More like a space vigilante, or even a plantation guard, his authority stems from the guardians of Oa just handing out rings and nothing else.
Dunno about Blue Lanterns but I don't think they've been in too many comics anyway
I started years ago, too a break and haven't returned even if I tell myself I will do


>I started years ago, too a break and haven't returned even if I tell myself I will do


what is the sandman
i've heard about the comic i feel


A comic about the god of dreams walking into the dreams of different people
It's way weirder and way better than what it sounds


whats the final monologue?


that sounds cool i'll read


Crime Syndicate is the first time in years I've been hype about a comic
Any one else reading it?
What was the last comic any of you was hype about?



For anybody who wants to read all comic books, I like this website because it loads all the pages instead of making you click each page, so you can just scroll it easily

And it's library of comics is pretty big.

What is good about it?

>What was the last comic any of you was hype about?

The new punisher series from 2 years ago

Currently I'm hyped about ASM (2018)
There's some centipede bad guy in the issue I'm reading and I don't know what's his deal is, Seems like he's a new villain.


>What is good about it?
It's just nice to explore this setting, an earth where the characters alignments are flip but so far is just different from what I expected, it reads more like an early 00's comic like the ultimates or the authority than a direct flip of the justice league.


>Literally the only DC book I still read
This fucking sucks. But recently I’ve been reading some old comics like Lazarus Churchyard and Transmetropolitan. 2020 Visions was fucking hilariously accurate outside of the “muh feminism” fear mongering. With a viral pandemic without cure and all!


>2020 Visions
I think I heard about it, wasn't it published by vertigo in 1999 or 2000? Now it hurts to know it was accurate.


It also somehow managed to predict the 2008 crash and the impenetrability of Wall Street. Sometimes reactionaries are so close yet so far.


Read the first issue
Sounds like fun elseworld don't know where it's headed
also LOL at those fake reference comics

Does anybody here have big ass torrents or magnet links for big comic collections?

Might need to go offline for a year and need to stock up on entertainment


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Nemesis43 puts together a lot of packs on ETTV. Most of them are hitlist packs for certain weeks, but he has stuff like 2000AD collections, Commando, most marvel characters. I suggest DC++ for downloading comics, specifically the Perfection hub perfection.comichub.org:777


Jamie Delano is a reactionary? Never hear dof him anyway


Thanks anon I found him https://www.ettvcentral.com/torrents.php?cat=55
and that's a cool new program you told me about


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Me @ the people when the revolution happens

Anybody ever read No Man's Land?


The Batman saga? Never read it, It looked cool on the early 00's when I got into comics but now it just seems like edgy schlock


Holy shit… So I just watched Heavy Metal (1981). Feels as if I did LSD while watching Disney Fantasia with Gloryhammer album playing in my ear. Certainly an experience, and holy shit I can't stop laughing at the court scene.


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anybody have the comic this picture is from


It's from 'This Godless Communism' a story that was serialised in Treasure Chest, a Catholic subscription only comic book in 1962.



The arkham games showed how you can stay authentic to riddler's original design without it looking too goofy and once again the stupid hollywood mf's want to do le grungy colourless design and make riddler look like some zodiac gimp

I don't doubt that characterization might be more fun but goddamn that whole dick tease for the future when the character will wear the actual costume never works out

we never saw hugh jackman's wolverine in his og costume in all of the x-men movies



>A revolution was directed by a small group of men who urged the people to attack their representive government

Funny how much RED fear brainwashed them that they couldn't even realize how this sentence sounds exactly like the founder's of america


speed run the whole shit comic
top tier boomercore stuff

was the phenomenology of the spirit hegel the same hegel who was marx's professor? wtf
also it did really arise me to find out books about withering away of the state, i would like to know to

some of the early stuff made me hard ngl
it fucking makes my skin crawl from the level of seething this comic does over communism being godless
i don't think even soviet propaganda was this strawman-ish

i fucking hate american propaganda so much, cocksuckers will accuse you of being le evil of doing the exact same thing they do
so goddamn disingenuous, just stop fucking pussy footing around that it's all ultimately about powering one's vision on to the world rather than somebody elses


I don’t know why but I just love 2000AD series. Even though they threw away the more sci-elements, Nikolai Dante was a great story. A more action based, brainless version of Corto Maltese.
No man’s land was hilariously over the top and makes no sense within the context of a DC universe. There’s people that can literally stop earthquakes!
It’s kinda sad that nowadays DC is just basically a corpse dragged around by AT&T. There’s nearly nothing on their lineup that make me want to pirate their shit anymore. And they still haven’t release a Starman, O’Neil’s Question or Sandman Mystery omnibus.
To be fair, in later Arkham games, the Riddler only wear casual green clothing that look more like a meth dealer than a super villain. He didn’t escape it at all.



Thoughts on the eternals trailer?
It gives me imperialist vibe with the whole "we gave them culture, we guided the poor brown locals" and the quips are a complete miss

But I dig the music and aesthetics because it gives me MoS vibes.

What are the best eternal comics


speaking of ralph baksi, Wizards has some lefty elements to it. the antagonist finds some old nazi propaganda films and uses them to radicalize his goblin soldiers. it's very much a critique of the pacifist section of the Vietnam resistance, especially the climax of the film.


What exactly is leftist there? It is lib tier idealism.


Why are we discussing the supposed existence of "left wing media franchises" again? Fuck off; this is just a comics thread.


Invincible had potential but became shit after the first half and libshit at the end.


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>Probably something edgy about communism not working
It didn't really say anything about communism specifically but the movie talks shit about the left wing throughout. For the most part it depicts college age hippy libs being naive, but towards the end there's a couple of full on left wing radicals who are depicted as essentially pure evil. There's a methhead tweaking nazi (?) biker rabbit who keeps beating up his horse girlfriend and a sadistic lizard girl who talks Fritz into blowing up an oil pipeline, but decides to blow him up along with it because fuck it why not? Yolo lol


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this guy as kraven the hunter?


>The Communist Manifesto (2018) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire)

So I'm reading this foreword and it seems to me like this author is a lib who once used to hold revolutionary ideals in his youth


Are both of these authors communists?
Do all of their works have a communist message?


Yes, it does seem that way doesn't it. He mainly does cartoons for the Guardian and the Daily Mirror, which are very lib papers. But he also sometimes does stuff for the Morning star which is affiliated with CPGB. He also definitely supported Corbyn.

I think he's just your standard doomer, disillusioned eurocommunist who pays lip service to communist ideals, but really quite enjoys his nice London flat and laughing at the poors.

I think for the most part they're decent drawings and a good accompaniment to Marx's words, but the foreword and the aftermath bit is pretty cringe.


I love the fact that Kilowog and his home planet are canonically communist and DC has refused to address this since the 80s.
One of the biggest names in underground comics. He wrote Trashman, basically a communist Punisher fighting against a “future corporate America” which is now hilariously looking exactly like 2021 America.
A punk doomer liberal that LARP as an anarchist with his comic profits. However his writing is impeccable and his knowledge on Brit cultural history is very in-depth. He’s also a Lovecraft fanboy. His books on Providence, Watchmen and V for Vendetta are all great. Even his reconstruction of superheroes are great like Miracleman, Tom Strong and Supreme.
Dude used to be as much as a weasel as Goeff Johns but after his work got stolen by DC and his wife left him for a lesbian he became the guy he is today. Completely withdrawn to money and live squatting about.


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>Kilowog and his home planet are canonically communist
I was wondering about that pic I saw on leftybooru
lmao they made the porky the communist

were any of the mentioned authors involved in green lantern who made this character


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What level of vulgar anarcho-capitalist-primitivism is this?


Also who is the high evolutionary?
People were mad in the comments that kraven defated his creations and made him clone himself 87 children

Is he like a celestial? I can understand the anger then


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Imagine dr Monroe but cosmic. Dude fought with beyonders and celestial while owning counter-earth where he routinely create civilization of beastmen then killing them because they don’t suit his liking. This is like having black mask trying to struck a deal with Sinestro, it’s retarded, also the entire storyline is just too long and overtly convoluted.


He just hated the movie lel


Are power rangers/sentai/ultraman shows /co/?
Or should I post about it in the tv thread


in 4chan they'll go on /m/. You could make a tokusatsu thread here but dunno how long could it go for.
I wish the toku and capeshit communities were closer, if you like one you will like the other.


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Aquaman and flash are in contender for the most petty arch nemeses:
<killed Barry’s childhood dog
<pushed him down a stair
<disintegrated every single best friend he’d ever had
<killed his mom to frame his dad for murder
<killed Arthur’s kid for fun
<drove Mera insane
<then blew up the kid’s grave and funeral
<pretended to have autism so that Aquaman feels sorry for him


Reverse Flashe's name is Eobard? Lmao


I remember years ago some tripfag storytimed a magazine for children's entertainment industry professionals and it always had ads for upcoming obscure shows, I miss it, I heard about She-Zow for the first time there.


My favourite story time was on /co/ about a french comic where a dad raises three daughters

If anybody knows the comic please say so, It was very bright and colourful



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The History of EC Comics (TASCHEN) 2020 c2c (A-Team-DCP) (F).cbr


Finally finished reading the comic
I liked it.

These were my favourite panels
Did anybody understand what the ending panels meant?

The only one I could guess was an anti-stalin panel I presume because it showed a decayed mustache guy on the marx and engels (statue? or whatever a slab of thing is called with people's name on it)


My other favourites

What is this?
EC comcis was a publisher?


You seriously don't know about EC Comics? They were arguably the most influential comics publisher of the 20th century. As cliched as it sounds, there was a time when American comics weren't all about superheros. Crime and horror fiction were all the rage in the 1940s and 1950s, and had come to be widely known for the mature content. This was cause for concern among a certain segment of the population, which in turn led to the creation of the Comics Code Authority, whose subsequent censorship sunk the market for that kind of stuff into the underground by the 1960s and 1970s (later to be picked up by artists associated with Zap Comix, for sample). EC Comics' co-editor Bill Gaines' 1954 testimony would be famous for those concerned with the rights of comics artists, especially since the establishment of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund in 1986. The scans themselves are of a massive, $200 tome history published by TASCHEN just last year: https://www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/graphic_design/all/01135/facts.the_history_of_ec_comics.htm


>Tfw dad and bellybuttons still haven’t had a sequel in years


*for their mature content. Digital re-releases of EC Comics' work are mostly split between Fantagraphics and Dark Horse. They should all be on libgen and wherever else you can find comics rips.



Do you have a link to a pdf of this?


No, cbr/cbz are the preferred format; get used to it.


Just download a comic reader. It’s literally free bruh.


It's still my favorite thread ever


Wait it was you who did that?


Anons above posted this here >>15276

It's a cbr file which you can read through SumatraPDF https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/free-pdf-reader
or extract the images liked I did by using 7zip or Winrar


Yeah cbr/cbz are just comic book forms of rar/zip; just the change the file extension and extract to folder.




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What a delightful coincidence that after all these years both, The person who made the thread and I, who enjoyed it, found each other on an obscure imageboard in an obscure board on a obscure thread.

Good job anon. Guess it was likely that you were a leftist since we are the ones who take initiatives to do such communal things.


Wait really? Based. Storytime is always a great reprieve from the same outrage farm by /pol/tards and the waifu autism of /co/.
It’s just annoying that we don’t have a storytime cycling general here to do that.


makes sense but beside storytiming I was never active inside any /co/mmunities
A storytime thread here will be great, I haven't storytimed anything on 4/co/ in a while because of how fucking painful the captcha is, last time it took me all night to post about 120, it was hell.


not having to solve the captcha is an underrated feature of this site ngl



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>this kills the MCUoid

seriously what were they thinking? was that one "OOOOO" moment from the audience worth throwing away the entire mystique

are the TVA like this is in the comics too?
I hate their ideology

WTF is the actual hiearchy levels or parallel levels in the marvel universe. Whole thing is a mess.
The trope of making eternal, celestial beings into some 60's bureaucrat office was cute at first but is now just depressing and hollow


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It was a simpler time.


Are there any reliable sources for sales figures that includes digital marketing?


For real. Kraven needs to be menacing. And kinda hairy. I ink Henry is too big a star for Kraven but someone with Henry's presence would be good. It's also hilarious to see Grace Randolf hate Henry while simultaneously thirst after him.

But the tribe picked this lil Jewish kid from Kick ass to be Kraven. His accent was not even good as Quicksilver.

I'll never understand


I've seen these woke Felix panel many times but I've never seen a context or a source


>kid from Kick ass


he got godzilla, mcu?


Not as far as I know, none of the digital storefronts publish any sort of sales figures. Even comichron for paper comics is not reliable since diamond doesn't actually publish unit figures, and of course it misses actual book shop sales. And now that DC aren't with diamond anymore it's even more difficult.

That one's just an edit.


>Written by fame hogging scam artist #1 and fame hogging scam artist #2
The fact that these two haven’t retired yet is amazing to me.
>Disney “lore”
It has always been retarded. The power showing of the MCU was terrible and lack any scaling or consistency at all. Most of it relies on telling you that the people are powerful rather than showing it. It’s a lasting problem that continues to exist ever since the first Iron man movie.
For instance, the MCU Wakanda is said to be an extremely technologically powerful country, yet their army comprises of an invisible plane that has to decloak to do anything, a bunch of techno barbarians on rhinos and a few elite guards. Or Thanos “army”, which is just a bunch of bumbling retards that can be easily mowed down with normal assault rifles. Most of the universal threats in the MCU can be dismantled by any country with a competent military in a single weekend.


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Problem Sleuth was the best thing Hussie ever made, fuck Homestuck.


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Jesus, this new Jupiter's Legacy is such lib cringe, glad the shit netflix show got cancelled. It's 2051 and the glowie propaganda is still right there.

This is most of the reason why I'm not a fan of capes, there's supertech and mind-blowing powers, but the geopolitics is still the same, the proletariat are still getting assraped, it's just not imaginative.


Most of Millar’s body of work is lib cringe. If you think Red Son is bad you should see his run on the Authority. A complete downgrade from Ellis’ (rest in canceled) and full of the most retarded shit ever. He had them toppled Suharto’s Indonesia and wrecked the G7 but in the end they only replace them with the same capitalist bullshit but with a human face.


Post highlights from The Boondocks the comic strip


Are there any good communist comics?


why does the "look what have they have to do to mimic a fraction of power" line feel so familar

what other /co/ media have this theme of aritifical gods fighting born gods

i've never watched invicible only the meme


There was Supergod, but I think that was just artificial gods. Also God is Dead, but that was pretty shit beyond the first few issues.


To be fair the Uyghur genocide shit is about as real as superheroes, so it fits right in


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"I suppose any form of art can be said to be propaganda for a state of mind. Inevitably, if you are creating a painting, or writing a story, you are making propaganda, in a sense, for the way that you feel, the way that you think, the way that you see the world. You are trying to express your own view of reality and existence and that is inevitably going to be a political action–especially if your view of existence is too far removed from the mainstream view of existence. Which is how an awful lot of writers have gotten into terrible trouble in the past."


Zenith and the Invisibles are the closest we got with this theme. It both have humans elevated into another level of perception either from sponsorship of another god or artificial drugs fighting eldritch multiversal god entities. However the first one is a cylindrical ending with the artificial heroes slowly becoming more powerful to the point they became the gods and go on to attack another version of the multiverse. It’s a never ending cycle.
>what’s getting cucked by lesbians and corporations will do to a mf


Millar somehow always makes the real heroes into bad guys with his gay liberalism.
>invading Iran, trashing their capital and murder their entire leadership
<the Avengers are totally the good guys!




wait the hammer and sickle thor is supposed to be looking evil and bad?

he looks cool wtf. is this miller as in frank millar?


That's Frank Miller, I think he means Mark Millar


do you think he's seen this


people talks shit of 90's comics like if the 00's had not been any worse


00’s comics were literally bush warhawk porn. Remember Holy Terror? To be honest Frank Miller’s falling out with liberalism is hilarious to behold. It basically alienated him from even his closest friends, Alan Moore and Frank went from a friendly rivalry to bitter spats after Occupy went down.


why is frankie such a rightoid
what happened in his life


9/11 basically broke his brain. He saw the event as proof that the US is under attack by communist Islamic terrorists or something and in order to protect him being a radlib he have to support the warhawk bush. His hatred of Reaganism basically went away that moment.


wait he was a radlib and was against reganism


When is Freakazoid coming back


Preferably never. Warner have a track record of shitting on every animated reboot they’ve ever made and the original creators are now too busy sucking off batman to care.


yeah that's crazy that paul dini wrote for freakazoid


Just finished the entire Moebius collection. Sad that there will never be any other artist like him again. What a wonderful old crank.


>DD is a lawyer
>WW is a ruling class despot and have no problem with slavery.
>SM already have everything a man can want without having to work
>Fishman is a king.


That's the Flash, not Daredevil. He's worse, he's a mechanic for the police. GL is obviously a space-cop too.


are superheroes not basically cops?


Was the multiverse gimmick a good or bad thing that happened to modern comic books

It pretty much lets you rewrite and redo and take and pick whatever you want.

Which comic book writer invented this trope by reading science books



What is that from? It looks dope



The worst thing that ever happened to comic books is the obsession with continuity that heralded the arrival of the multiverse stuff. Canon as a consept to get obsessed with ruined genre fic ever since it became a huge thing


Probably the flash of two worlds being one of the first incarnation of comic multiverses. Probably started from DC’s corporate deciding that they want their cake and eat it too by taking a double dip in making two different characters with the same name.
Most comic writers can’t write multiverse for shit. It’s either extremely lazy crap or mega-autism with rigid rules.
Agreed. The autism over it was stupid and led to a misuse of multiverse and parallel worlds into not a tool to tell interesting perspectives on the same character archetype but just pure over-indulgence in excess.
Hickman and Snyder are notorious for this. The former is notable to push his gay agenda against hope just to be dark for edginess’ sake and his obsession with graphs.
The latter on the other just want to wank Batman by recycling ideas.
A Moebius story about how a US officer refusing to nuke the USSR in retaliation was executed for treason. Pretty cool and based.


The worst thing to ever happen to comic books was clowns in tights and capes.


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>Job leaves me no time for comics


to read or to make?



Kind of, they're vigilantes who are mostly tools for cops and government, but sometimes go against them. GL corps are literally a space police force.

I wish there could be an actually based story about Kilowog the GL's politics, he comes from a communist world, but the closest we got is some lib bullshit where he starts working with the USSR and then denounces them as too authoritarian.


I wouldn't call stoping the Joker from blowing the city, fucking a thief and making a kid with a half demon being a cop.
Now go read the watchmen.


to read, I have a pile of unread floppies since last week


such is life
i have the time but i lack the drive

i'll read one for you today


Solidarity forever



Hey blame the game not the player. The CCA killed non-capeshit comics in its entirety and it’s still recovering from it.
Morrison addressed this aspect the best.
>"I got interested in the class element of Batman: He’s a rich man who beats up poor people. It’s quite a bizarre mission to go out at night dressed as a bat and punch the hell out of junkies. And then he goes home and lives in this mansion. There’s an aspirational quality to him—he’s an outlaw and he can buy anything. He has a new Batmobile every movie. He’s very plutonian in the sense that he’s wealthy and also in the sense that he’s sexually deviant. Gayness is built into Batman. I’m not using gay in the pejorative sense, but Batman is very, very gay. There’s just no denying it. Obviously as a fictional character he’s intended to be heterosexual, but the basis of the whole concept is utterly gay.I think that’s why people like it. All these women fancy him and they all wear fetish clothes and jump around rooftops to get to him. He doesn’t care—he’s more interested in hanging out with the old guy and the kid.”
His entire run on Batman is in essence a way to avoid the inherent class aspects of a vigilante that is the views that not systematic solutions but individual actions can cure societal ills. He made it explicit that his Batman is too big to take on normal crime so that the fantastic can be explored.


Wait. They were supposed to be left wing?
They seemed more like neonazis to me.




I don't want to sound pedantic but the CCA didn't kill non cape comics, non capes survived up until the early 70's
What killed non cape comics was the paperback novel, which also killed pulp/fiction magazines.
Paperbacks where very cheap for the amount of entertainment they offered and comics and magazines just could not compete. Cape comics survived because capes where a genre exclusive to comic books and so got no competition from paperbacks.


Yeah in the comics they’re essentially Mautists. Crumb was explicitly hard on Maoism and China at the time as well as the western supporters of the ideology. Dude made an entire strip on trashing Mao’s comment on nukes being a paper tiger. In the strips, one of the cell member was a glowie from the start, something that he got from seeing some real Maoist orgs in San Francisco.Crumb ridicules his revolutionaries but more because they’re ineffective not because they’re extreme or evil like Bakshi.
The schism between Bakshi and Crumb in the adaptation of Fritz really mirrored the latter adaptation of watchmen by Snyder. Crumb basically had no say in the film with his signature on the contract wasn’t even confirmed to be his.
The film was a bastardized version of the three comics that not only got molded by Bakshi’s liberal mentality but also his love for extravagant violence and sex. Kinda like how Snyder made the scenes that was supposed to show silk spectre I in a vulnerable position into just another way of romanticizing rape. The fact that Fritz also became a projection for Bakshi’s extremely contradictory liberal beliefs is even worse, he saw Fritz as a fraud because deep down he interpreted his own shallow leftism as a fraud in of itself.
Dude nearly pissed himself when Crumb got Rodriguez and Wilson into the screening of Fritz.


Bro somebody tell morrisson that batman is just a very clueless volcel


Didn’t he go full non-binary recently? Makes sense since his wife is basically a female version of himself.


bro i straight up got alan morre and grant morrison mixed up


Issue 2 and a faction of the capes are literally invading china, busting open uiyghur concentration camps and parking nukes on Xi's successor's lawn, then having arguments about how they have to do it because interventionism is based.


Not something outside of Millar’s writing mind you. The dude genuinely believes in world policing even though the people who do it being a bunch of self righteous fascists. In his Authority run he had the group straight up invade Tibet and take it from China.
The only few comics that do this trope in a coherent way are books like Miracle Man where the “heroes” took over, overthrew capitalism, nation states and then rule over as gods. The other one of my personal guilty pleasure is No Hero, in which the world is so sick of the superpowered vigilantes that they joined forces to murder them all. Since these bastards had been in the world since the 70s most of their changes were horrific.


Yeah I'm not enjoying this book but I'll keep reading it for more lib idiocy.

No Hero is terrible, but I'm definitely also in that guilty pleasure camp. I think it's that one where the guy makes himself a dick out of someone's spine.


Any other good Argentinian comics? Just finished El Eternauta and it was truly phenomenal.


What are some good long running web comics to bing read
I always enjoyed going through pages of that rotund guy who strangles an animephobic dodo

I've been thinking about reading that Ctrl+Alt+Del comic
Is it funny like that?

Drop some website links for some fun webcomics (If you can from the first page) I prefer non serialized



Horacio Altuna's work is pretty fun.


>Is it funny like that?
imagine the time when gamers thought that they’re special snowflakes. That’s basically all of the comics content. K9BD or gunnerig court are better.


Fucking Eugene would blow his fuse reading this mini. It’s perfectly encapsulates all the retardation that comes with eugenics from a radlib.




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I just finished XIII and I got to say it's quite good, the plot is heavy and convoluted but basically involves an amnesic dude who fights US presidents, glowies, fascist conspirators and military juntas. Closest thing to an anti imperialist comic I read recently.


what is the name for the type of character that kingpin is

like he's a mob boss but he wants to appear nice and classy and elegant and clean

like he made it but he still has the unrefined, faker and poser seeking approval kind of vibe to him

tell me the trope name



>does he win?
The body count is around a US president, a vice president, a secretary of defense, the director of NSA, 2 or 3 generals, quite a number of members of the klu klux klan, a few CIA operatives. He also was instrumental to do some socialist national liberation by ousting a fascist US backed junta. So yeah I'd say he wins.


Fucking hell Bendis seriously need to just make a scat fetish comic already. The man probably gets his rocks off shitting his pants.
Ever since he moved to DC every single comic he has written had someone shitting their pants. From Batman, Wonder Woman, Legion and now fucking Superman.


Based honestly, making the capeshitters capeshit


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so what did everyone think of the second and final season of Centaurworld



a lot of authors do


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Comic Book Workers United is now America’s first comic book union
>We're beyond thrilled to announce that today we, Comic Book Workers United, have WON our union election, making @ImageComics the FIRST unionized comic book publisher in the United States. All 12 Image staffers submitted ballots, leading to a 7:2 result in favor of the union. At this time, three staffers' ballots are subject to a frivolous legal challenge on eligibility, thus their ballots were not opened.


anon likes cats hahaah



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Why do american comics live rent free on weeaboos' heads?
You never see fans of american comics even care about manga while weeaboos have to make an scene about waifu fighter being better and selling better like if it were a football match.
I don't care about anime or manga and want to stop hearing about it.


It wasn't bad, it was just worse than the first season.


Red Rosa by Kate Evans
Nestor Makhno by Philippe Thirault
Everything by Joe Sacco
Berlin by Jason Lutes
The Eternaut by Hector Oesterheld
Grant Morrison and Alan Moore are both anarchists but it doesn't necessarily come across very strongly in most of their work
John Wagner's Judge Dredd is a satire on American policing and attitudes towards crime; Marshal Law and Terror Assaulter O.M.W.O.T. are similar
Yossel, April 19, 1943 by Joe Kubert and Once Upon a Time in France by Fabien Nury are both about anti-Nazi partisans
The original Superman comics by Siegel and Shuster are more New Dealer than hard left but they're still very political. Grant Morrison's New 52 Action Comics run is supposed to be a modernized version.
Orbital by Sylvain Runberg is a space opera about a multiculti space federation and the villains are human separatists
Stuck Rubber Baby by Howard Cruze is about a gay man who gets involved in the civil rights movement
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller is (despite Miller's best intentions probably) a great satire about how fash Batman is if you cast him in realistic terms.

Haven't read 100% of those so some could be trash. There's also no shortage of message of the week capeshit stories like Green Lantern/Green Arrow where some supercop learns that poverty is bad or whatever but through comic book magic goes back to ignoring it and doing supercop stuff.


>ou never see fans of american comics even care about manga
Yet you bring it up. The comics vs Manga rivalry has been around for ages and got to the point that places like VsBattles and other such places (comicvine) banned anime v comic discussion because both sides go apeshit. Like I recall reading a discussion about Hulk wanking the green fucker off so much it was impressively stupid.


There was an amusing anarkiddie Tintin comic posted a while back.

The Adventures of Tintin - Breaking Free (1989) (c2c) (phillywilly-Empire)


Hell yeah, been waiting for a /leftyco/



How long did you wait? Negative 10 months?




If it's a Kanker episode, there's an 80% chance I'm just gonna skip to the next one.


Trashman by Spain Rodriguez


>first 12 episodes of Archer namedrop Eugene V. Debs and Noam Chomsky



Why what?


Any (ex-)horsefuckers lurking around these parts?


What? Why would Ex-Horse fuckers be in a /co/ thread?


I think what he means is if there are any ex-bronies in the thread.


Ponyfags, nor/mlp/eople. Since they got their start on 4chan's /co/ I figured this would be the thread to ask in.


Ooooh, ok. You might wanna give /siberia/ a shot, or the pony thread on /games/


I never stopped being a horsefucker, but yeah I use siberia more.


for reference


Alright, so you know how I said a big HMMMMMM to Archer? Back in >>23518 ?

Well they openly namedrop Operation Gladio and call it a "weird crypto-fascist CIA shitshow", and explain Operation Paperclip.


Cool, can you post a clip or the episode its namedropped in?


its funny because this show has an entire episode making fun of an allegory of gommunism


MonBol gang


I don't remember that. which one?


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forgot an attention grabbing Jenny


Batman is a neoliberal.


Everything awful about the MCU is forgiven when they make this types of movies

You could not tell me 10 years ago, there'd be a movie with Thor with Guardians of the Galaxy, showcasing the entire Greek pantheon and that the normies around the world would be hyped for it

Stuff like this is what really makes the creative overhead worthwhile, the universe really feels a whole
I don't feel that way with the comics

I wonder if James Gunn and Takia Waiti collaborated for this flick


okay yeah they did
that's so cool

i feel these two are the only guys that somehow broke free of the marvel overheads
i don't know how they bullied them back but it's good

for example those goats in the trailer? which thor's boats are being led by? they didn't allow that back in 2009 but here we are now


More like a libertarian. THe only version that broke out of this mold was O’Neil’s and Morrison’s. One is a semi radlib and the other is just batgod.


can you go more indepth on those two batman versions?
what makes them


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comics were so cucked back in the 50s
i'm trying to read o'neil era batman from the 1940s and this was one of the ads before it


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I just need hercules to pop in at some point and for Thor to start blathering to him and then does pic related


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>paying camgirls to roleplay as Doctor Girlfriend
>not even for any erotic reason just because it's fucking hilarious

Gladio is a theme in S3 episode "Lo Scandalo"
Paperclip and Nazi's fleeing to South America is explicitly implied in the B-plot of S2 episode Placebo Effect

and apparently there's more references to IRL CIA covert ops that I haven't watched yet.


O’neil did a lot of work to firmly establish Batman as a character to finally get out of the 50s era concept of a rich guy beating on poor people yet still keeping the self awareness of it. This Batman also was a return to form of golden age brutality. Literally the difference between #223 and #224 is night and day.


I've heard that theory that he's going to be introduce in this film and it sounds dope af

He will be out buying milk or something
And then Thor will take him under his wing, And he'll basically be like thor from the first movie

Rich, old god kid learning new ways


>Literally the difference between #223 and #224 is night and day.

brb, checking out

don't you mean knight and day?


That could be cool too. I wonder what they'll do with Starlord and Thor. I'm not sure I like the weird freenemy shit they got going on


any of malachi ward's independent work anons. it's the shit.


>watch early spongebob for the first time
>almost every single famous meme is from season 1


later seasons turn to shit so


i also went on a spongebob chronological order watching spree a few years ago
the first 2 seasons are the classic ones with all of the famous episodes, i found out


I know the trend of later seasons to get worse and that spongebob is the biggest cash cow of nickelodeon by far, but just the first two seasons? How can a show even crash so hard?


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were the CW shows a mistake?


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Is this the first time the genocidal maniac DarKKKseid has felt fear? lol, mogged


This is better than every MCU movie


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Yes, but at the same time they exposed the rotten core of modern superhero shlock


Is that doomsday?


Darkseid feels fear all the time. Mf once got mugged by earth street thugs.


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They are normalizing women having muscles so that's also a plus.

>I wonder if James Gunn and Takia Waiti collaborated for this flick

Korg is in it so yeah.


i just want doom in the mcu
i don't want kang doing secret wars, wtf does kang even do



this is from superman/doomsday comic
they end him in the most dope way possible

LOL, do you have any idea of what comic


>They are normalizing women having muscles so that's also a plus.

The Muscle Girl Agenda remains in motion


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Is this true?

are the beyonders an allegory for people who hate comics?
could make sense with the name too

they are BEYOND reading comics


Literally Jack Kirby's Fourth World. He was intended to be a complete paper tiger. But over time especially with the Great Darkness Saga in LoSH he turned into a real threat. Then Grant Morrison wanked him even more in Final Crisis so that we have the modern incarnation.


so he was one of the enemy of the new gods? wow

>mfw darksied was a reactionary


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>they really drew this even though all of them create 9/11s like it's a usual wednesday for them

people were really emotional back then when it happened, huh?


I feel this could have almost worked if they used the usual new york street level bad guys, kingpin, tombstone, sandman, hell maybe even nroman but using Doom out of everyone is so fucking out of place and nonsensical


did ben affleck ever really actually post on /co/?
i just read "josh trank" post on there


kingpin hasn't caused building mayhem?
but yeah street level thugs would work

guess they were going for a campy togetherness thing with

"see even the bad guys are against 9/11"


kingpin is a crime boss, but he doesn't destroy cities like Doom


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Lassies and Gentlelads

M.O.D.O.K has been canceled after Tony Stark dug up some of his tweets on attacking N.Y

Hit Monkey is next
Don't sleep

Also is modok actually a threat villain or just one of those silver age goofy characters that people make fun of? I've never been able to figure out


why do they keep making villains vaguely leftist (rhetorical question)


M.O.D.O.K. is a legit threat in the comics.
He’s almost Dr. Doom level.


wait which villain are you talking about?

i saw they also made him the final boss in the new avengers games

he's like a kaiju


I guess the new Dr. Strange is getting a lot of shit, but I thought they let Raimi have way more creative control than a lot of these other films give their directors. It’s first one in a while where the special effects and action scenes didn’t make me roll my eyes.


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ain't no way bruh
they canonized my gods in the mcu

look at this,
we're never beating the distant space alien allegations


There's a effect where the fights with himself with musical effects no?

I can't wait for it to come out and digital to watch it

I heard there was some 80% drop-off in the box office for some reason?

Was it really because of fan backlash on the cameos or is there something else that caused it


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Thor fought Shiva
what the fuck

Everybody else gave their life force but he refused until being fought

So in character, I wonder if in the new movie we'll only see Greek Gods or other pantheons too

I really want them to introduce more hot godesses this time and NOT KILL THEM



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you don't understand bros


Freakazoid is the most ADHD show


All those Spielberg cartoons at the time were and I loved them for that.


What were the others?

Is there any reason why they were like that? What was happening in the 90s


Tiny Toon Adventures
Pinky and the Brain
unbelievable amounts of cocaine


That's a lot more than I thought existed
>Tiny Toon Adventures

Is this the one that got into a controversy cause it showed bugs bunny drinking alcohol?

I only ever saw this baby version of looney tunes
The wikipage says they're reviving it on HBO Max


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>logs onto the internet once
>becomes gigaCHAD

why are you not freakaMAXXing?


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Marvel is going to milk a corpse for at least 20 more years.


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just learned about the rasputin siblings, that anya taylor joy played magik and that colossus is not in the new DP3 movies


what does that mean exactly? they are ressurecting him how


They're gonna reboot it someday, aren't they?



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Getting baked and watching picrel for the first time tonight. Redpill me on teh Moomins.


its good, i wanna dress like snufkin someday


Watched the first 2 episodes, they're great so far. Way more adventure-driven than I thought they'd be. Snufkin is cool but I relate more to Sniff as a loser nobody wants to hang out with.


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What is the materialist explanation of moomins?


what happens in moonmin? like they just go on adventures?


The anime (mostly; a joint production between a Japanese, a Finnish and a Dutch company) from the 90s is slice of life light-fantasy by genre, following a bohemian family living in an idyllic valley on a sparsely populated island. Light-fantasy both in the sense of light in fantasy elements and also very light-hearted, wholesome and relaxed in mood. The time period is ambiguous but probably between 1890–1920 judging by technology.

The episodes are usually self-contained but there are a few multi-parters. I'd say about half of them are very adventurous. A common plot involves the Moomin family discovering a supernatural entity or a powerful force of nature, which they then interact with for a short while before it disappears from their lives. Other episodes are centered around something as mundane as a photography contest. In any case there's a heavy emphasis on character interaction. Characters often end up either complicating things for or doing something heartwarming for one another. There aren't any recurring villains to speak of; the closest we get are a few trickster-type characters who pull pranks that get way out of hand.


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Anyone else remember that time Spider-man fought the Nestle Corporation?




Redpills, gotcha. The characters Tofslan and Vifslan are actually expys of the author, Tove Jansson, and her lesbian lover Vivica Bandler. Their rather unfortunate English names are Thingumy and Bob.

Everyone wants to see themselves as a Snufkin but almost everyone is a Hemulens, a Fillyjonk, a Sniff or at best a Stinky.


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Alan Moore comic recs (outdated)


Too many white green lanterns, I'm sorry
I can't keep up

John Stewart is my GL


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Speaking of expys and repdills https://wikiless.org/wiki/Atos_Wirtanen
>Wirtanen was a close friend and lover of the author Tove Jansson and a model for the Snufkin character, whose green hat is borrowed from Wirtanen. The first Moomin comic strips were published in October 1947 in Ny Tid. The series had to stop earlier than planned, as readers criticized it and especially the Moominpappa character for his bourgeois sympathies.


> the funniest possible outcome with morbius is it massively flops again, triggering another cycle of ironic memes, which causes another rerelease in theaters which also flops, etc, and so on. i call this the mörbius strip


Too many earth lanterns in general. I want more ayylmao GL stories damn it!
Speaking of Alan Moore. Tyger is still to this day the peak of Green Lantern comics. Fuck that raccoon Goeff Johns for turning it into a Michael Bay action comic with no scale or scope.


I will only watch for Pierce Brosnan
I've never read Doctor Fate but he just looks cool

Also they're making a Sandman TV show?


Old doctor fate is pretty fun. I still want to see an adaptation of some of the old JSA people like the 90s Starman (if that writer finally agree to it that is).


what is the JSA and how are they different from the regular JL?


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I just want an alive and well, living breathing DC universe live action

Snyder tried to do too much
Now there's a billion different DC movies with all their shitty cutesy easter eggs and they're good, artistically speaking
They should continue making Else world stuff like "The Batman"

But ffs just make a main DC universe where the robins exist, and the entire GL corp could be called for defense in some big ass final movie

Fucking hate it that he first time, Batman and Superman interacted on live screen was a cultural embarrassment
I have no idea why it didn't work, but I hate it

Maybe the MCU method is the only way to have a full comic book universe on-screen
I mean that's how they started right?

The guys who made Batman or Green Arrow didn't plan for them all to team up 60 years later, They just did their own thing and the company that owned them, made them team up for sales


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>Well first I hang the old worm out there, they usually go for it, so jerk them around for little, they fight for a while, and then they just lay back and accept it


Enough Capeshit let's talk 2000AD
Snyder is just a plain old idiot with Ayn Rand syndrome. I wish they had continued the Gods and Monsters idea. I was interesting while it lasted. Mexican Superman is cool.


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Basically all the old golden age superheroes except for the main golden Trinity. The JSA comic itself is pretty mediocre but the standalone series are great.


jay garrick looks cool and power girl hummna hummna hummna

i didn't know she was a golden age supe
so these were the old DC superheroes huh?

what gods and monsters idea, i didn't notice any


Daria episode "The Misery Chick" has some major anti-spook vibes. Good stuff.
vid semi-related.


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>gods and monsters
In the simplest terms it's an alternate DC world where character origins and personality differ tremendously.
<Batman is actually the Man bat but a vampire
<Superman is the son of Zod but Mexican
<Wonder Woman is a new god exile after Highfather killed Darkseid
It's also made by the same DCAU crew. They intended to make sequels but it didn't gain much traction so was canceled by DC.
>old DC superheroes huh
Yeah they exist during the loose DC timeline in the 50s and 60s. Sandman and friends specifically exist in the middle of ww2 period. Some are legacy characters. Like the Starman which has about 10 different successive versions.


oh yeah this was a machinima partnership
i'm gonna check if it's still there on youtube


machinima only agreed to advertise it. But it's a direct to dvd movie. The clips on youtube are just lore expansions. Unfortunately the wonder woman one wasn't reuploaded after machinima collapsed.


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who here a /seymour/ head


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they dug up spider-man lotus's homophobic tweets
it's so over

spider-man is done now
why is it called lotus anyways?


okay it's actually kinda sweet

>Following the tragic death of his former girlfriend – seemingly caused by his own attempt to save her – Peter Parker (Warden Wayne) lingers in his guilt of the past, questioning whether the curse of his alter ego should be buried for good. When he's met by the news that a terminally ill child has requested to meet Spider-Man, Peter contemplates the decision to comfort him in his final days

has this ever been a storyline in the comics? i know radioactive spider jizz is


>Radioactive jizz
Or Marvel's attempt at a bargain bin DKR.


if he blood is so radioactive then why is he still alive

also lol how many times a day was he fuckin bustin in her to give her cancer



I really love how the comicbook and entertainment industry as a whole keep encouraging old rich out of tough jewish dudes write about black characters. It's amazing how racist it is.


of a


what is DKR??

that's just so fucking cringe and hilarious


The Flash movie is not happening

Ezra Miller is fucking unhinged, he is literally holed up in a farm with babies and guns, I'm not joking


dark knight returns


Most American children's media did. Many such cases.
Obviously there's a few they went the opposite way but never as explicit.
I don't know which one he's talking about but I'm assuming it's the one where mice take over her house and body?


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holy shit guys
iron man confirmed for avengers

>t-they're not in the same universe!111

hulkcels in shambles

who do you think they'll make the main villain


cringe and sad



my vote is that Dr banner starts to control the hulk, iron man tries to recruit him,(as hinted in ) gets punched out, more or less. then they kiss and make up only to see a fire ball come from valhalla wit thor kicking lokis behind, hulk goes for thor than cap america jumps in and say 'you guys CUMMON now take it outside' then iron man slaps cap A for being gay (whos gonna play the cap?) then they kiss and make up… again then they all fight the biggest super villian of them all…… Barbara Streisand. (or tetsuo from Akira)

insane how this guy in the comment actually predicted the movie

while others where guessing ultron or magneto for main villain

i love reading old comic book movie guesses
it's a blast


Ezra is trying to do a full Waco. Man took method acting as a school shooter too far.
Oh I almost forgot about the hundreds of black characters that Bendis wrote would basically fit into most racist caricature.
>Miles has no identity of his own, he needs to steal from others. And a black character has to have electric powers even though it literally makes no sense for Spider-Man to have it.
>Riri also steals identity because of course he would write it like that. Also a self victimizing welfare queen stereotype.
>Naomi is just a bad marry sue no one cares about
A series Miller made before he went nuts


At least they are being bashed for that shit.


was miller not in nut phase during TDKR? i thought there was some political stuff


I get why some actor would refuse a role in these movies now
This shit is way too cheesy

>Ultron revived for this


Capeshit movie humor is so unbelievably cringy.
>We know this shit is goofy so we might as well signal to the audience that we know *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*


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>look up character's name to make sure I spelt their name correctly
>first result is Anime Feet Wikia
gotta love niche shows


serious question
who were the thor comics for?

i'm reading the 60s and it's all thou, thy, god shit
who were the dorks reading this? dungeons and dragon, fantasy kids??



we need a new era where it fully embraces it's camp and goofynesss

RVTRN to Batman and Robin era


Once I came across the swallowed whole vore wiki while looking for an obscure anime.


Anybody have any recs on where to start with Black Manta? Preferably one that is similar to his young justice portrayal.


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love comics that are basically soft core porn
comic artists are the horniest people alive


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For the comedy Black manta look no further than the 2003 Aquaman series where Arthur got a water arm that cured Manta of his autism. Turns out he was faking it the whole time.
He's currently having mini series fighting his JLU doppleganger Devil Ray.
You would love the 2 adam west batman animated movies. those are great, They even had william shatner as two face.


speaking of camp, I watched Love and Thunder and it was great

It was like Airplanes or Scary Movie in humor in a good way but actually had a nice message and heart

That opening with Rafu or some god, was literally the most disgusting thing I've ever seen, It's like good agitprop

The gods are bougie fucks, who bleed god and let their followers starve to death

I wanted to get up in the theatre and beat up that bougie god in the opening


also Eternity is finally in the MCU
actually feels like the cosmic side of marvel is in now

Not like the Eternals or GotG, actually physically there now

And they shot that shit in a best buy parking lot


If anyone's looking for a rec The Killer has some surprisingly good politics. There's a good run with a Cuban storyline.

It's a french comic, you've probably never heard of it. libgen.gs


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Who did it better?

So did any other childrens cartoon do current political stuff like time cope did with George Bush?


loki was shit


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Name a comic with better artwork. I'll wait


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Why do people hate this twist from The Boys again? I thought the concept of the strongest supe on Earth getting accidentally gaslit by the government into turning into what they feared most was great.


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>blocks your path
It was cool but making the Batman expy actually just a superman expy clone was dumb. Like how the fuck would Vought cover for him without knowing.


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Can anyone explain What is it with modern writers who do performative wokeness and having essay tier speech bubbles?


youre reading superhero comic books


which supe is this

i love the modern spider-man comics art
they're always punchy and vibrant

same with any of those cartoons turned into comics books

they look good for some reason


>which supe is this
looks like kitty pryde and colossus


Correction it’s not modern writers but Bendis only. This man is the forefront in spewing shit on the pages. Both figuratively and literally as he legitimately has a scar fetish.
>the final pic is actually the full unchanged dialogue bendis put in his legion of superheroes run.


Do y'all agree about the boys comic being inferior than the TV show?

I just heard about one scene in the comic where they snort baby fetuses, like wtf?


wow another youtube essay


Not gonna watch your shit but Ennis despite hating capeshit understands superheroes and what makes them tick better than all of the show writers put together.
Also the pacing, delivery and overall plot in the show is a fucking mess and they keep writing themselves into a corner. Meanwhile the comic had a coherent plot structure and actually ended.
Also also, the show pretty much removed Love Sausage.


Read and judge it for yourself retard. But yeah the only thing the comic did better is the capitalist satire. But it was ruined because of how much Ennis wank the military industrial complex.


>how much Ennis wank the military industrial complex
did i miss something? the us gov were constantly depicted as terrible people


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we will never have the best the boys character on screen, feels bad man


Purged, as it were.


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anyone else watch Mao Mao? it's pretty good


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Yeah it was pretty fun until it got silently cancelled.


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I thought there was a second season in the works?


There's been complete radio silence for two years already. I wouldn't hold my hopes up when the only thing the creator has said about it is encourage fans to "contact CN about it".


the characterization in the comics is a lot subtler if you can believe that

we wont see vas coming from russia to help the boys kill stormfront together either


what is it about


the fans should do one of those fan campaigns to bring him back

it worked for snyder shit

i'm very confused, who made the comic garth ennis or eric kripke?

i've not seen garth ennis in any of the show's promotions, is he not involved?


I mean the government is depicted as shitty but nowhere near as shitty as it actually is, especially the laughable whitewashing of how agencies handled 9/11.

Ennis is the sole writer of the comic.


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>Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart centers on its Coming-of-age story, with the title character, Mao Mao, a daring cat who has high intentions for action and adventure. During one of his adventures, he gets stuck in a cute and cuddly town called Pure Heart Valley with his co-hero Badgerclops, a cyborg-armed badger, and meets Adorabat, a cute little bat. Together, the three go on adventures to protect their citizens of Pure Heart Valley from the forces of evil while they find a way to fix the Ruby Pure Heart to its original state.


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Best Lego cartoon by far.
>US military BTFO'ed capes
>The boys outright stated that the president is an old fashioned MIC stooge and their whole point is to protect that against Vought
Garth is a western military simp bro. He thinks them as the lesser evil than the comic book industry. An utterly deranged mindset.


The comic is better in a lot of ways.
That’s a lie.


Yeah one of the few good things the show did is not sharing Ennis's frankly pathetic infatuation with the military.


> a daring cat who has high intentions for action and adventure. During one of his adventures, he gets stuck in a cute and cuddly town called Pure Heart Valley with his co-hero Badgerclops, a cyborg-armed badger, and meets Adorabat, a cute little bat

literally me
this looks like the other panda show


what is MIC
can't find the full form online

is it like MI6 of the Bri'rish?


military-industrial complex


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what panda show?


why did they wuss out near the end in the boys story

why would billy the butcher hurt Love Sausage? ;_; RIP
they just make him go crazy because they wanted to hammer the message "violence bad?" "both sides bad?"

idk, it's on CN
there are many bears on it, it's called something like "We be bears" or something

dn worry


Billy thought letting any supe live could mean a new Homelander or Black Noir could show up eventually so he put his mission above his comrades, except for Hughie, because he was very similar to his little brother who could calm down his violent urges.

>they just make him go crazy

I think the comic spelled it pretty clearly throughout the whole thing.


Billy is an author mouthpiece, so Garth gets to live out his autistic fantasy thoughts.


you lied to me
love sausage is in the show

apparently he gets his dick cut off in herogasm


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>the fans should do one of those fan campaigns to bring him back
>it worked for snyder shit
That was astroturf lmao. IDK if the studio was behind it or they got finessed by somebody (like a competing studio) to waste a bunch of money on that nonsense.


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made a mao mao mp4 because why not


i know i just saw it today lmao
who would've thought



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from what issue do i start reading spider-man Chasm?
i love the design



Green Arrow is rich as fuck.


God awful show, my god
Is soldier boy actually as much of a big deal in the comics?

Also the irony of "democracy in the workplace" line considering it's an amazon tv show and they fuckin' hate anybody making unions



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doom patrol was trans?
i never knew that latveria was so progressive

Doom really is a great and benevolent ruler
The comic or the CW show, which one should I watch


>doom patrol
<not the based team but literal who from Marlel
the writers from Marvel love their Doom wank. Because of that they have been twisting his dictator status over time to the point of Latveria being a technological paradise. modern Dr Doom sucks because he's basically a bigger mary sue than Batman.


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Just speed read the boys omnibus, I like how bemused sigma sitwell was by everything

Do omnibus cut content or something? Felt like there was something missing between the attack on Washington

The comic is so 2000s
>mfw nancy pelosi is mentioned in the comic even back then

So in the end, supes still exist, sitwell goes crazy "basic economic unit?" or something, idk waht that means in marxian terms or if it is a reference

I speed read the dear becky sequel as well that's the last story in the entire story too, right? i liked it, it's sweet, I understood what hughie said while reading the diary and felt about becky

So what are y'all final thoughts on this story that's essentially about love and what it does to a man
Is it better to seek revenge for your love or… what else, i guess find new love?

Have any of you sought revenge and did it make you better


Why is Garth Ennis the way he is?


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anybody ever watch Dan Vs.?

the girl character is cute but the main character is annoying as fuck
also does luke skywalker like just voice work for every american animated show, unreal


Belfast upbringing.


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What does Venture Bros. do different that they've got so many gay characters that work as opposed to this?


>the girl character is cute but the main character is annoying as fuck
Dan based, woman gay
you would be beating meat to him he was genderbent


Are you referring to Butcher?


No he’s not.
Butcher is meant to be a Punisher analogue.


I think the idea is that at the end of the day, a guy with a pathological hatred and out for vengeance is not going to be the sanest person to be an ally with.


HQ has its positive qualities but somehow VB feels more sincere. Maybe because VB was always about the thinly veiled queerness of the superhero "lifestyle" where HQ is just a Queer Demographic Product cashing in only after its been proven safe to do so.


no way hahaha
can someone run dan under those gender bender apps?

no reason


what is he trying to say through butcher then? that revenge is futile?

True, Unless you happen to look like their most loved relative

Then pass on
>yfw when he lied to hughie about killing his mum and dad so he would kill him but he actually just visited them out of love for hughie

First I hated the comic ending
But now, I'd be okay with it

Killing supes or controlling them is still the sanest thing

That's one of the main problems with this form of narrative choice

Civil Rights = Mutants falters a bit
Oppression is still bad of such people who can melt buildings with their eyes

If you lived in a world of mutants, and you were NOT one,
would you be pro or anti? /leftyco/


>you would be beating meat to him if he was genderbent
>can someone run dan under those gender bender apps?
>no reason
there's already porn and waifu pics of genderben dan


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>If you lived in a world of mutants, and you were NOT one would you be pro or anti? /leftyco/
I would take the Syndrome position.


Based and Sublime pilled
Ennis said it publicly that the entire series and butcher specifcally is his vent for the hate of supers.


>Not cock ring
wasted opportunity
Belfast loyalists specifically


>What does Venture Bros. do different
well for starters theyre actually funny


this is some fucked up shit

the people who worked on the MCU shows for netflix will not be getting paid for this "new" daredevil show according to their contract which starts at season three (it was cancelled)


so basically mutant kulak
still anti-mutant like the sentinels program

this sounds like a cool run, "the self-mutated"
what comic is this from?

i don't know much about belfast? and these loyalists
how do i find out


It seems like HQ basically has one joke: "wouldn't it be funny to see these characters you know act out of character?"


>Ennis said it publicly that the entire series and butcher specifcally is his vent for the hate of supers.
I guess that's the more hireable position than it being about how corporations are the fucking devil.


>so basically mutant kulak
Literally how? The point is to distribute powers to everyone, not to hoard them.


Oh that's syndrome's plan? I forgor


The pic is literally captioned "when everyone's super, no one will be" lol


I started watching the Harley Quinn show and it's pretty fun, the voices are a bit off tho

Like I can recognize them

I thought he was mad about that, so was gonna kill supes

I should watch Incredibles 2


Morrison’s new mutants. The run is fucking wild. So much change to the status quo that Marvel panicked and tried to retcon a ton of it.

A funny bit with Sublime is that the U-men was a subtle way for the author to come out as non binary.
Look up the Troubles. The clusterfuck de Margaret thatcher used MI6 money to fund loyalist paramilitary death squads in Northern Ireland to kill catholic republicans. Ennis himself love the UK military force at the time while being paradoxically liberal.
He doesn’t exactly want to make everyone supers. Only the people who can afford to buy his tech, only the rich. Even then it’s after he got old and had all the fun already.


It's more than a little annoying that a show like Harley Quinn that brands itself as being gay doesn't have the main gay couple actually become a couple until the very end. Sure, it's a trope or whatever, but they could have just ended a season (preferably season 1) on that note and continued to tell the story afterward.


Lesbian and bisexual are the most lazy attempts at pandering honestly. There’s nothing to flesh out the relationships.


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Been reading Empowered and what started as obvious fetish bait turned into a pretty entertaining read.



avengers vs x-men is already top tier burger propaganda about muh ruskies

but i skip over to the end,

Magneto has asteroid powers to basically wipe out all hatred of mutants and save lives

But he asks the idiot american for his choice


i fucking hate american individualism ideology so much


the entire comic sis so stupid


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Savage Dragon made one of its characters die from covid and antivaxxers lost their shit.


>this never works have happened if she got vaccinated
lol how embarrassing


>I don't remember why heroes massacring their opponents and bullying world leaders

That's what I love about Miracle Man. He massacres nazis and bullied the shit out of Margaret thatcher by saying "full communism now"


Has anybody read J. Michael Straczynski's run of Okhlahoma?


> bullied the shit out of Margaret thatcher by saying "full communism now"

wait when? i cant find anything


It's towards the very end. MM decides he's going to run the world and he sits down all the world leaders and tells them how he and Miracle Woman are going to restructure the entire world economy. Maggy goes "and what if we don't let you?" and MM replies "Let me?" while staring her down. She slinks off defeated while the Miracle family leads the world into a golden age and all the world's former leaders go into therapy.

I did. I really enjoyed it. The juxtaposition of a bunch of Okey yokels and Asgardian gods was a lot of fun, but then it gets derailed in setting stuff up for Siege, and that Super Great Marvel Event™ ends up throwing it all in the dumpster, so who the fuck cares.


>savage dragon
Lol the author literally went nuts over the years. There’s one issue where there’s an entire gratuitous sex scene featuring the girl being launched away by ejaculation and having an agehao face.
Maggie BTFO’ed


>There’s one issue where there’s an entire gratuitous sex scene featuring the girl being launched away by ejaculation and having an agehao face.
That sounds good though.


>Maggie BTFO’ed
I'd rather MM put his hand through her chest and pull out her black little heart but I guess this isn't so bad either.


I cried ;_;

gotta leave the world a better place than you found it


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This is fucking hilarious


I guess it's no surprise. He's a cop after all.


Thor is so funny,
Pigs come and tell him that he can't build on muh private property

He levitates asgard 2 inches off the ground
Free housing king


I feel like a lot of Cartoonists and especially “comic book writers” have adolescent at best, completely middling and pedestrian at worst, taste in actual capital L literature.
Its so awesome that youre really into talking too much about William Burroughs as a grown adult (your comics are published by Fantagraphics or printed on Risos) or Isaac Asimov (you “”write”” for Marvel/DC/Image).


>That's what I love about Miracle Man. He massacres nazis and bullied the shit out of Margaret thatcher by saying "full communism now"

Just read Miracleman recently. Found it pretty transcendent fwiw, but I read comics. Hard to believe he was writing this kind of material in the eighties.

>I feel like a lot of Cartoonists and especially “comic book writers” have adolescent at best, completely middling and pedestrian at worst, taste in actual capital L literature.

Hard to argue with this. Comics were supposed to be the media of the masses though, the tiktok of the time. What comics and the people who still read them have become is….strange.


I just now realise Thanos was a theorylet

If someone told him about Karl Marx and how to properly allocate the resources of the world he would've been based

Mad Titan? No more like the Red Titan


He pays the property owner for the land iirc. He tells him to fill up his truck with gold and go.


What, just now? Not the part where he's like "I have to kill half of everyone in the universe at random?"

And it was obvious in the second movie that his plan failed. Life on earth is exactly the same as it was pre snap, except everyone was sad that some people were missing. You even have kids going on fun study abroad trips instead of dealing with their country catastrophically falling apart because half its fucking population just vanished.


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all the people who kept saying doom cares about his people were bullshitting
his people are starving and all he cares about is immortality

im glad Kang will steal his spotlight in secret wars
asshole killed Kelda


Anybody got any fun lightheard comics pic related?

I'm gonna need some for my birthday with big text and not huge panel shots that will be hard to read, I'm reading on a small laptop and it's hard to zoom in


All I want in life is for that to happen to me
"Just fill up gold and go"

I would die of happiness


Better start buying up a bunch of Oklahoma desert and start praying to Thor then


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I storytimed that on 4/co/ years ago and it still is my favourite thread.


This and the bellybuttons are great. Too bad they’re stuck not releasing the next part.



who is this dog girl and how is her own the uncle/aunt of spiderman?

i remember, mine too

the bellybuttons? what do you call this genre of comics, slice of life comedy?


The entire voice acted animatic of Popeyes got leaked on YouTube and Sony is on full panic mode lmao.
Communist praxis in action to the unnamed hero.


Sony did Tartakovsky dirty so I'm glad.


What's the difference between Neil Gaimon and Alan More

And why do people find the former annoying?

Do you think they'll find our hero?
I hope batgirl leaks too, I heard Brendan Fraser was playing somebody innit



sandman and american gods/good omens were great (as well as some of his short stories). ultimately though gaiman is a very formulaic writer who was buoyed by early success and got stale around the time he got famous and decided he'd rather ruin his life on deranged burlesque women, whereas alan moore is a chaos sorcerer who occasionally writes outsider art graphic novel


Isn't Gaimon one of the fags that tried getting IA shut down and then when publishers took them to court said "nothing to do with me bro lol"


Reminder that they axed this so they could make The Emoji Movie.


Or if resources are a problem, just make more lol. He literally controls reality. I really think its projection of liberal desires. Like they truly believe in this malthussian bullshit that the issue is overpopulation but it's morally wrong to kill the ones causing the overpopulation, namely, Africa, India, China, and the muslims.

Bill Gates publically states that his goal is to curb overpopulation. The uyghur really funds vaccines all over the third world because he thinks that will cause them to have less children. I find it unlikely that there is 0 racism involved in his programs. And it is definitely malthussian.

Bill Gates is Thanos.


He also could have just snapped mor habitable planets into existence.
Thanos was a retard.



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The quote that ruined an entire medium


Batgirl looks like absolute garbage from every scene showed. From the terrible costumes to the atrocious acting.


Didn't comics used to be like that before too?


joss whedon sucks


yes,the movies in the 60s-90s were goofy shit with no budget,the batman movies,the captain america one,all of them terribly kitch and they weren't taking themselves seriously at all.
then we had the dark knight/man of steel/X-men period,that everybody remember and thinks that's what superhero movies are supposed to be like.
that's how the comics were at the time as well,the batman comics back then were an absolute joke about stupid shit like the joker having something that transform people into human sized keys.


Yeah, that's what bothered me about MCUcks at the time being like "hey did you notice that Thanos kind of had a point woah so deep" was that, no, he literally doesn't, because he gives himself the power to do anything and then goes with the most retarded, needlessly cruel option.


Is there any way to pirate marvel's comic reading site? They got fancy zoom-ins

Is there anything other than readcomiconline's superior?

I want to read comic events in whole and not chase different #s

I remember there used to be site, where you could download comics

anyone know?


use the index on the r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH subreddit,it's great.
you can also just search in bittorrent and on torrent sites I guess.


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Why do they have to fuck up every single comic book adaptation? They've got a good chunk of the work already done.


same as the video games adaptations that always end up garbage that trash the (sometimes not even that good) scenario of the original to write an even worse original stories (I don't count Paul W.S Anderson,he's just making movies to fellate himself and his wife,kind of a chad move tbh)


Get on DC++ and join perfection hub (perfection.comichub.org:777), don't piss off nestlesux, he is an autistic tinpot dictator who will ban you for no reason at all. People on there are sharing pretty much every comic scanned. They may have events in their own folders but chances are you'll have to get a guide and search issue by issue though.


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thank you so much


>nestle sux
how can someone with a based name like this become a tyrant, i will not understand


marvel's really scraping the bottom of the barrel huh


Would I wrong to presume the plot of the Marvel Event "Civil War" basically boils down to stupid american
ideology of "muh big gobberment!!"

Civil War II sounds like a more interesting question, regarding free will and choice


yes lmao, the terror in the t-rex's face really gets me
it's uwu bean territory


The p is silent, so he's Ter Tarker?


peeter pee tarker
no, pee taker


were arachnids even around when dinosaurs existed


Did Saban or Disney treat Power Rangers workers worse?
Have they ever been unionized


why is the p silent?

all poo poo
no pee pee makes teter tarker a bitter biter

i bet they did, insects are the true owners of this planet

you hear about how cockroaches survived the extinction event?


Yeah, but they couldn't spin silk back then, so spider-dino's power set would be a little reduced.

>why is the p silent?
Because it is in pterodactyl, English doesn't really do 'pt' sound clusters so we just do 't'.


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>The way hickman is fond of asserting "The hidden hands of economics controls peoples and ideas"

Is Jonathan Hickman Marx-pilled?


what did the lazy asses do back then?


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Should I make capeshit fancomics or should I focus on my capeshit OCs?


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CV2 writing is fucking dogshit. That’s the issue. Because when it comes to insane liberalism Millar and Bendis are on par with each other.


They're doing a second fucking civil war? The first one wasn't fucking shitty enough?


metoo was worried about paltry sexual harassment when they should have gone after him for raping cinema as a whole


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bro it already happened


what do you wanna do truly?
also is that edited or real


i mean that's fucking funny
i did hate this kind of humor in the new star wars tho,

like oscar issac's character immediately quips after some old guy dies just ruined the tone and his sacrifice


>i mean that's fucking funny
theyre edits


Anyone read Grandville? It’s basically steamnoir furry alternate history with Britain and several other countries being communist.


what is the plot? cap vs com?


>what do you wanna do truly?
I don't know, I'm very undecided and that's why I'm asking
>also is that edited or real
yes, it's from a Dexter's Lab episode


Depends on the volume. From against opportunists, fascism, lumpen organized crime and monarchism.
Also Asterix and Obelix as Lenin and Stalin.



Loving Hickmans run so far, on Dawn of X's TPB 3 or 4 I think, his house/powers of x story was great, gonna read the x men issue where the economic meeting happens soon, looking forward to it


I'm such a fucking zoomer.


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Thor becoming the herald of Galactus is such a cool idea
I have no idea why he has become king or retired

I saw another old king thor in that wolverine and loki comic at the end of time or something


Galactus is such a slut
>hnnng this power… i need more!!


Thor listens to Ye?


I watched NWH, didn't like how much it spent on the villains and the fan service wasn't really all that much there, Felt like too much self-aware meta improv
Needed more Peter-to-Peter-to-Peter talks about each of their universes

I will not be paying for the new "10 minutes of fun version" to help fund morbius 2, el muerto 3 and kraven the vegan hunter

They need to slow down with these movies and think some more

I don't listen to Kanye, what's the reference? Does he walk with crows now


well that happened

he didn't blabber yet, he said "YES, FADER" and the screen faded to black

i clapped


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I didn't hate NWH but I also felt like it was pretty insubstantial. I thought the whole Dr Strange breaking the universe because he didn't take 5 seconds to just ask Peter specifically what he wanted was fucking retarded, especially when Strange is getting all up Peter's ass about it.

I did like that it gave Doc Ock a second chance though. It was always a bummer that he died considering he wasn't really evil and was being controlled by his arms' AI.


I love Doc Ock's sweet turn too,
It seemed like Alfred Molina was the only one who really gave it his all

William Da Foe also probably did, but GG is so annoying
We get it, you have two wolves living inside you 🙄

Yeah a lot of the plot just didn't make sense, the only substantial thing we got which I liked was that Peter is broke just like me now

Friendly neighbourhood broke boy


I guess I should say he listens to JAY-Z. On Watch the Throne there's a track called No Church In The Wild that Ye, Frank Ocean and other feature on. The chorus goes:
Human beings in a mob
What's a mob to a king?
What's a king to a god?
What's a god to a non-believer
Who don't believe in anything?
Will he make it out alive?
Alright, alright
No church in the wild


>What's a king to a god?
>What's a god to a non-believer

Oh, I thought that phrase existed since time being
I heard it in DBZA: Broly too

Unless that was referencing from this too, Then I'm fucked


So discovery just buried a bunch of HBOMax cartoons – probably forever – just as a tax write off and probably to push more reality shows on the audience.
The Chip and Dale movie was /co/'s 9/11 and this is /co/'s afghanistan war.


i hate it, idk how they are allowed to write them off when they've been out for such a while

also that french chip and dale show recently? >>>> whatever cynical meta movie that was


>The Chip and Dale movie was /co/'s 9/11
Worse than The Powerpuff Girls (2016)?


Anyone have a list of the toons buried?


>The Chip and Dale movie was /co/'s 9/11

That is seriously so fucking funny.


I love how capitalism functions. It’s never been about who’s more competent, it’s about who’s richer. Discovery will always win because their production value is literally pennies.


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>write off a show you have already released and has been on the platform for a while
Not a single thing about this makes an ounce of god damn sense. The boogs just have the tax men by the balls.


But fucking why? I get shit like Uncle Grandpa, but some of these aren't all that bad. Reminds me of libraries in the USA ATM, they've purged hundreds of older book copies and VHS/Audio tapes and discs, old comicbooks etc. and left very little on the shelves. I talked to a librarian dude and he mentioned that Amazon has created a precedent, because pressuring libraries to get rid of those books means that the same books on sale in Amazon become far more valuable as a result.


What happens to those books, I wonder…


Tax write offs, they tell the IRS that they show didn't make a profit and so they don't have to pay taxes for the production but they also have to bury it forever
Also Uncle Grandpa was okay


Seeing as they get tossed into recycle bins mostly… you can guess.

>Uncle Grandpa was okay
No it isn't, you're just so used to being exposed to substandard shit at this point that it seems okay
>Tax write offs
Fucking porky'd kill their own mothers for a tax write off


>muh lore
>muh ongoing plot
Mr sophisticated taste on cartoons up over here


I would guess how it works is that they have an intangible asset (IP or whatever) on the balance sheet which is all the money they put into developing the show. Ordinarily they get to amortise this over a period of several years, so a chunk of it goes to the profit and loss and reduces their taxable income. Now instead they think they won't make enough money off these properties, so they will forego any future profits and just take the whole balance off to the P&L.

Kind of the same situation as scrapping a machine.


Literally to cut costs. The rate of profit for streaming services is way way lower than normal cable TV. As is everything under capitalism nowadays they needed to destroy all of the excess capital. Be it physical or intellectual.
>It was the first time I had ever heard Karl Marx s doctrine of surplus value elaborated, and Ernest had done it so simply that I, too, sat puzzled and dumfounded.
>“l’ll tell you a way to get rid of the surplus” Ernest said. “Throw it into the sea. Throw every year hun dreds of millions of dollars worth of shoes and wheat and clothing and all the commodities of commerce into the sea. Won t that fix it?”


>muh lore
>muh ongoing plot
Never mentioned either but ok faggot, thanks for proving you know why your taste is shit.

Unironically though, stores toss out surplus food to rot, extra/damaged clothing is often no longer donated but burned.


I see no reason to hate on uncle grandpa beyond being a elitist with arbitrary standards.


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>U-ur an elitist
<hating on
Anon, pointing out trash as trash is not hating, it's being objective. It's mindless garbage, not horrific, but that's a pretty low bar.
>arbitrary standards
Yeah, no. Sorry if Social Media and memes have burned out your brain-cells, but simply accepting something that relies on random color-noise to generate random low-brow humor with literally nothing else of substance to offer, is substandard content for anyone above the age of 4. Even animated seriees of the 80s, made for Toy selling, had SOME level of nuance and some level of genuine effort in their animation, art style and stories, and if they lacked in one area they tried to make up in another.


anyone ever seen this before?


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>muh same face syndrom is new
i don't get this thing and the whole problem with tracing and music plagiarism

there are only so many styles and ways that you can arrange finite things in that are still enjoyable


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>muh same face syndrom is new
Never said that, but you're also incorrect
Pic 1 is not same-face, it's same style, there's a difference, given that they're both Hannah Barbera cartoons and not separate productions like many toonboom tv series. I'm not even talking about Hannah Barbera being low-hanging fruit, as an intentionally poor, lazy animation studio for its time (and still being better than toon-boom shit).
Pic 2 is just fucking laughable and not because its a crappy thumbnail
A) That's not /co/, Dragon Ball is anime
B) ALL Of them are from the same artist Akira Toriyama so their similarities in style are going to be apparent, NONE of them are same-face.

>the whole problem with tracing and music plagiarism

Because it leads to carelessness and unoriginality, that further lead to a drop in quality of production. Some tracing or music referencing is normal, but just straight up making the same generic animation/style and often the same 'story' is a terrible standard to have.
>there are only so many styles and ways that you can arrange finite things in that are still enjoyable
And yet somehow animators on youtube can pull it off.


Read the entire thing. SBP covered it way better.


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You're proving me right, you have no criticism beyond "it's shit" and can't even explain why.


>You're proving me right
<you have no criticism beyond "it's shit"
Except I have, you're proving my point - being in denial because you know it to be true. Hell you're not even providing a rebuttal except to say "it's not that bad" and then fail to rebutt sameface by demonstrating an utter lack of comprehension of the meaning of sameface.


In all this conversation you have not provided any criticism and are just going in circles and now are denying it.


>you have not provided any criticism
Just saying so does not make it true, I've pointed out several issues of modern cartoons and you're just denying it and then projecting it onto me.


Where uygha, lets look back:
>No it isn't, you're just so used to being exposed to substandard shit at this point that it seems okay
>Never mentioned either but ok faggot, thanks for proving you know why your taste is shit.
>Anon, pointing out trash as trash is not hating, it's being objective. It's mindless garbage, not horrific, but that's a pretty low bar.
>Yeah, no. Sorry if Social Media and memes have burned out your brain-cells, but simply accepting something that relies on random color-noise to generate random low-brow humor with literally nothing else of substance to offer, is substandard content for anyone above the age of 4. Even animated seriees of the 80s, made for Toy selling, had SOME level of nuance and some level of genuine effort in their animation, art style and stories, and if they lacked in one area they tried to make up in another.
None of these are arguments uygha, you're just hating on a show that you have not seen because it doesn't fit your taste because you're not the target audience, this is /v/ tier of thinking.
You're not even giving me a "I saw uncle grandpa once and didn't laugh", just admit you have not seen it and move on. Go back to 4chan if you want to keep thinking in black and white like this
Not the anon you're replaying to and actually agree with most points.


>None of these are arguments
By that standard faggot, you have no argument at all. I've provided general arguments, I didn't go into detail because you're not making any concrete statements to contest.
>You're not even giving me a "I saw uncle grandpa once and didn't laugh"
The fuck is this BS statement? If I had said that you'd just cry about "humor is subjective" another libshit fallacy that gets used to excuse anything.
>Go back to 4chan
<muh /v/
<copious use of the "uygha" filter
You're the only 4chan faggot here, go back yourself you /co/plet

>you're just hating on a show that you have not seen because it doesn't fit your taste because you're not the target audience

This fucking faggot argument is libshit deflection. But fine you're looking for a fucking argument? Eat this and shut up.
The people who say that its just for kids may POSSIBLY have a point, if you assume that only kids existed for an audience, in a societal vacuum.
For many (young) kids, seeing a crude joke and many colors is enough to satisfy their sense of humor and adventure. What do they really know of irony and complex motives and moral themes or questions and long form humor, the stuff of beauty in sequential and written art? Very little. BUT the purpose of a good cartoon is to weave such ideas in an understandable way as you tell a fun story, thus Avatar The Last Airbender being a benchmark for animated story telling in Western media.
But, kids grow up, and the crude stuff that used to appeal to them stops doing so, because their tastes grew up as well. As a result, their shelf life and fame are short if an abundance of bright colors and easy cheap jokes was all there was to a show or story.
However, its possible to make a cartoon show that isn't just pretty colors, movement, and cheap jokes. Even the simplest show can insert some complication, some edgy talk or action, and some deeper humor. And so, as the kid and their taste grows up through the years, they come to discover and appreciate its more complex beauties, and the show becomes memorable.
From a more cynical, reductive, and profit-oriented perspective: Memorability = money.
To re-use some well-worn and very applicable quotes:
"A children’s story which is enjoyed only by children is a bad children’s story."
– C. S. Lewis (Seemed to have bit of a hate-boner for the term "Sales Resistance")
"You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
– Walt Disney (A lover of sappy animation and adapting old stories for it)

Sesame Street for the longest time retained high quality despite being a show for little kids, I can still see an old episode and be entertained and amused even if I don't need to be taught the alphabet. There is no overarching plot in Sesame street but you can still enjoy it even as an adult. Or in Between the Lions, or any number of such children's material.

- Old system: Old fart boss wants to earn money. Boss has no clue how this whole cartoon thing is supposed to work. "Screw it, these people I employ are supposed to know this. Just do it good and I will earn money and we will all be happy, ok? Good, I'm late for golf."
- Modern system: Old fart boss doesn't know much about cartoons. I think I'm supposed to hire some young and 'hip' person who knows this. Let them do the work.
27-35 year old twat who 'totally know what the kids like these days; memes and pop-culture references are totally all the rage on reddit and 9gag and of course liberal idpol'. They make the artists put it in not understanding that the low tier comedy they have based their entire show on has aged like milk during the 6 months it took to animate the season. Twat also is too lazy to have an actual style so they just copy the generic toonboom style that is mislabeled as Calarts today. The entire thing is a flop as anyone could expect and the show becomes cancelled. The twat goes off to another gig and ruins it as well until the entire old legacy of cartoons is retroactively tainted.

Also see


>And yet somehow animators on youtube can pull it off.
I don't really see how they're doing it
My worry still does not subside,

I feel this need to be utmost "unique" and "original" is a product of capitalism and how art has evolved under it

there's only so many ways to skin an apple


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>I don't really see how they're doing it
As a hobby and through the magic of computers permitting them to do such things like vid rel.

>I feel this need to be utmost "unique" and "original" is a product of capitalism and how art has evolved under it

<there's only so many ways to skin an apple
That has a kernel of truth, but my point is that one should strive to make something of their own. Take the recent Netflix film Sea Beast. many of the designs and aesthetics clearly have other influences such as HTTYD, BUT the film is sufficiently creative in its utilization of the aspects and in such provides originality and good quality story.


This comic is so creepy, Blasphemous
Also sweet another comic book channel, I've never heard of before

I personally don't enjoy seeing my supes suffer
I like to see them quip and have fun fighting their villains, like spidey

Kinda fucked up how they made the line to not kill robin be a paid one, lol


Neal Adams seems like a based guy, Did a lot for comic book writers

Who's has done the most for workers in the comic book industry and how?


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When you think of Frank Miller and see his work and beliefs
You imagine some guy like TDKR Batman

Grizzly, old big guy

And then you actually see him, he looks just looks like Freddy Kruger


Loved it.


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El Hombre Araña!

Someone please…
Tell me how to read these exclusive Mexican Comics

I want to see Gwen Stacies' ass and the stories sound comfy too


why are "free hugs" at comic-con a thing?


Reminder that Rosen is based and red.


Rosen Lore drop me


because hugs are nice


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are you one of those people offering hugs?


I don't like sandman because it implies dreams are important and real

Last night's dream I got kicked out of the theatre and wished they got b***b and it happened and I ran

Also, what's up with that weird woe is me shit, fuck outta here dreamoids




I think sandman was good in certain arcs but way overrated in its entirety. The Sandman Mystery Theater tie in series was way better. The art is nice and Wesley Dodds in noir stories is always a golden formula.



I can't believe he is an actual dude with a career and not just memes


>He has written columns for the Socialist Worker

I hope he puts socialist propaganda in his children's books
Are they leftyco material?

I went out and tried to find some comic books near my area and 😔 there was nothing but kiddie versions

I only found one big ass batman art history and Prometheus, alien and predator omni

How do y'all build your collection? Are there local shops or online sites?


Just a slow process of getting things on sale from a local comic shop in London, bookdepository (before it got bought by amazon), world of books. But physical books are mostly a meme I just read on my tablet these days since it's convenient and free >>27688


whats your tablet? is 10 inch the minimum


I got a Galaxy tab A on a deal a few years ago when it was relatively cheap, not sure what the current model is. It's 10.1 inches and I'd say I wouldn't go smaller than that. The aspect ratio is not quite right for western comics so you waste a little screen space, but it's perfect for European comics. I think apple tablets would have a better aspect ratio, but they seem more expensive and worse.


What app do you use

I was browsing F-droid and found this open source app called "Seeneva"

It uses AI to automatically detect speech bubbles and it works bloody good

What is the difference between american and european comics you mean, in aspect ratio terms

If someone does a PC app like this, then it's gonna be utter bliss


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I run ubooquity on my computer with all my comics on it and then kuboo on the tablet hooks into it and I can read stuff from the computer on wi-fi or download for offline reading. Moonreader does the same for prose books.

Sorry, wrong way round, android is better suited to UK/US comics and iOS better for euro comics. Because European comics are usually fatter where UK/US are taller, they don't fit to the screen as well and are by default more zoomed out and smaller. Obv you can still zoom in, but it's a bit annoying.


Green Arrow is supposed to be a FDR type character, a rich liberal


I read this last night, it's your standard off brand superhero setting but from the point of view of the villains and it shows the difficulties of life after prison and life in a slum, it felt redpilled enough that i wanted to storytime it here






This is all, the rest of the pages are a previews for BENDIS's newest comic


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Scooby Doo is such a fucking ganster. Just does whatever the fuck he wants to whoever the fuck he wants; ties them up, drops them in a dungeon, and locks it up, he doesn't care, he couldn't give a fuck.
Bet those sexy mamas Daphne and Velma let him knot in them too.


>Minor Threat
That's what they used to call me when I was a kid


oh wow thanks, didn't know these existed
how big is your folder


Maybe 2 terabytes. This is what happens if you've been reading digitals and scans for a decade and never delete anything. One day I should probably go through and see if there are better versions of the really old scans I have for some series, unfortunately digitals often omit interesting stuff like ads and letters pages.


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this is probably more /games/ related but i was playing that spider-man game, the one that just got remastered. it's decent, satisfying combat, even if a little simple, neat web-swinging and all that. but i was struck at just how deep in the ideological trashcan the story was, i shouldn't be surprised but i was. norman osborn as mayor creating chemical weapons and hiring a private army to enforce the law, he's clearly painted as this fascist monster who only cares about his own wealth while the city devolves into chaos but when otto strikes back at him, rightly so, they practically dehumanize him and make the notion of sympathizing with him absurd, to the point of him releasing a biblical plague upon the city (a plague that was created by osborn in the first place). you end up saving norman, he slinks away and gets away with it scott-free, meanwhile otto gets fucked up by spider-kulak and they even include otto giving an 'evil' speech about how "you must use power to help people, even if they don't want it! we must forcefully help people beneath us!" shit was fucked up.
atleast MJ was cute.
to make my barely relevant post slightly more relevant, my question is: are the comics like this too?


This is par for the course with capeshit unfortunately. Superheroes exist to protect the status quo and anyone actually doing anything to change it other than incredibly slow shitty peaceful ampaigning must be seen as evil. Most recent example coming to mind is that falcon and the winter soldier show, the 'bad guys' were objectively right and the 'good guys' were literally tools of the US military industrial complex so they had the designated bad guys randomly blow up some innocent people.


>often omit interesting stuff like ads and letters pages

true dat, i've always loved those old ads, cute ones for jam or mlm for kids

i've been reading up on all the omnibuses, marvel masterworks and epic collections and neither of them seem to have it


>otto giving an 'evil' speech about how "you must use power to help people, even if they don't want it! we must forcefully help people beneath us!

cringe, i don't regret not having a good enough pc to play this game
are traditional superhero comics reactionary because they seek to maintain the status quo?


i dropped it in 0.2 minutes in, as soon as i heard some middle eastern guy thank the american soldier and the villain being set up were anti-nationalists

erasing winter soldier would make marvel 90% less anti-reactionary

also i just now thought how fucked it is that they did deals with weapons manufacturers and their ceo is like buddy with trump

Does DC have any dirt like that behind the scenes?

Warner Bros doing genocide


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The old FF movies were GOOD! Their only fault was not showing Gah-Lak-Tus!

Also look how sweet the Silver Surfer is

Man, I hate it when the secret family of apes that I've been teaching to in the Himalayas, turns out to be an ancient race of magicians and his followers actually brainwashing me


>are traditional superhero comics reactionary because they seek to maintain the status quo?

Essentially yes.

Superman is complicit in the genocide of the Palestinian people.


>google superman palestine

>shows up "le tyrant superman" where he forces the leaders of both countries to sign up peace agreement


hahaha wtf I just finished the pretty mid Come Into Me.

On the last page, promoting another comic, is the quote

"Black Mask is drop kicking fascism. They ran a voter registration drive on the san diego comic con convention floor and debuted ALL SYSTEMS GO, about a young woman fighting DHS internment camps through pirate radio"

Considering the recent news, who is Black Mask please?


>I was browsing F-droid and found this open source app called "Seeneva"

>It uses AI to automatically detect speech bubbles and it works bloody goodIf someone does a PC app like this, then it's gonna be utter bliss

Any linux software with features like this?

I've looked several times but have still defaulted to the bundled kde comic reader. There's gotta be a better way to read comics on a 42" LCD TV. Still the best way to enjoy comics imo.


Damn that must be fun scrolling on a 42 inch, Could you post a picture

Why do you consider it to be the best way, Because you can see the full page spreads?

I'm sorry I don't know if there is any software for linux, I can't see it's appstore

There's wine to emulate windows apps, is there none for android? It's basically linux



come on now, use your imagination. visualize any large screen TV with your laptop plugged into it. then visualize you reclined on a hot couch with a wireless mouse or something.

It's the shit. Don't know why people don't talk about it more. fuckers got 96 inch TVs now.

Obviously I don't read capeshit, but the Immortal Hulk run on a big screen in the dark is….the shit.

Yeah, it can be a pain switching from full page spreads to single, and zooming, and switching back….but for me, it's a large tv.


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i seriously searched before this, people reading comics on odd things

nintendo switch, but no one reading on their tv, i think you're the world's first

why does everyone like the immortal run hulk, what's gucci about it?



Well I am a high iq chad, but I can't be the only one doing this.

You can control any linux box plugged into a tv with a mouse, airmouse, keyboard, phone, tablet…..It's the only way I read comics for years now. Same for windows and android boxes.

Immortal Hulk because the art is XXL widescreen style, and it's a well written run too.

I used a $20 airmouse for years until I dropped it too many times. Gotta get another.

Try it and report back anon. Try a specialized comic reader app, not a general document viewer. I'm using okular rn just because it comes with kde.


Black Mask Studios, the publisher of the book you just read. Some guy with something to do with Occupy Comics, the guy who did 30 Days of Night and the guitarist from Bad Religion.



Gah lac Tus is the ultimate universe version where he’s a swarm of ships


I don't have a tv, but I will try it if I ever buy one

>where he’s a swarm of ships
i've never read ultimate, that's hilarious

shit like sue being a future word of kang that just comes and disappears and hulk being a cannibal, oh man


Ultimate has a lot of whacky shit. Like Dr Doom being a satyr and the Fantastic 4 breaking up because Sue got with Ben rather than Reed.
Ultimates part 2 was straight up Bush level of war mongering hawkishness.


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Anybody ever read Thanos Wins? It's so depressing and nihilistic, I hate him

Fucking movie thanos looks more nobel next to his simp, perverted ass

I was reading it for Cosmic Ghost Rider (cos it looks so sick)
and I never understood why in the final fight, he's still supporting thanos, was it to show frank's gone fully mad? He would've never supported

Silver Surfer still goated, the gentle and loving soul

Idk where Cosmic Ghost Rider is going next, I got an entire folder of his next adventures,
I need answers


Ayo can someone explain waht Marville is?

At first I was just reading it for the boobies, but like it seems to me the most redpilled shit Marvel has ever put on their print which is weird asf

I assume this is 2000's era liberalism or actually had leftists writers at best


pbf still got it


how do i add comicinfo.xml like all the professional releases have? what program do they use

comicrack is defunct


idk, most of his stuff feels formulaic to me, I would prefer less dumb 'gotchas' and more interesting material


Reductionism is dumb.


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>Bet those sexy mamas Daphne and Velma let him knot in them too


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>GARTH ENNIS COMING UP WITH A NEW COMIC IDEA: What if the Teen Titans all sucked each other off and got herpes. That’d be so fucking funny dude
>GARTH ENNIS SITTING DOWN TO WRITE THE COMIC: These poor fucking kids. They didn’t ask for this herpes. [sobbing now] They’re just kids,


is that actually a plotline?


It's actually about child exploitation, cult dynamics, and how rich and powerful people become instrumental in cycles of abuse even while being abused themselves.


What other writers insert their fetishes heavily into their work?
Chris Claremont being into BDSM seems vv true


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Anybody reading The New New Fantastic Four (2022)?

It's really cool, They've gone back to a story from years ago and are doing a new comic within that specific time period, Kinda like what MCU tried with the Black Widow movie

From FF# 347

It's really weird there's a Thing with boobs and an another one of Hulk's personas but this time it's a gray one in las vegas called Mr. Joe Fixit

It's so stupid

New FF is as basically as Spider-Man said it, It's him with 3 older mean brothers


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How do I download this? I keep trying it with ISBN code and can't find it anywhere

How do we archive webcomics or turn them into ebooks


Also what are some other good webcomic e-books?

What's the name of that one with the turtle, mouse and rat friends


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Was this based or anti-communist propaganda


>first serialize don a catholic newspaper
what do you think?


You could use something like HTTrack to copy and archive the whole website. Beyond that you need to learn python and create a script to scrape the site. Or maybe pay some guy on fiverr to do it for you.


the second one,it's god awful,all of the ones before the blue lotus are absolutely terrible (good thing it's like the third in the series)


>Pronounced Vantje
Ah, another addition to my collection of French spelling autism. Not as funny as Fuko, but definetly more retarded than Konjak. Like this shit isn't even consistant. I would have assumed it would be pronounced as Vinje or something.


what are you talking about when you say Fuko and Konjak ?
you expected both the G and the T to be silent I presume.


It had a part where the Soviets had invited a bunch of reporters including Tintin to see how they had industrialized. Well, Tintin goes off the tour and finds out they have staged an entire factory complex by burning hay to make smoke and beating pots and pans to make noise. Also had the goverment literally kill an entire family because they didn't give their grain for free which Tintin helped hide.


>second most industrialized power in the world is obviously faking it!!!
<now free state of Congo where 30 millions people died collecting rubber with literally no hands, now that’s true world power!
Can we wipe out the Belgians? Next level of delusional brain worms.


They kind of are if you're talking about just Vingt, it's more like Van with the whole back end swallowed, but if it's got the ième on the back it's van-tyem.

The rules are not that inconsistent though. Consider doigt/doigtage.

I guess by Fuko he means Foucault and Konjak he means Cognac.


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>At the time Herge was working for the right-wing paper "Le XXeme siecle" which was run by Norbert Wallez, a Catholic priest and leading right-wing figure who is said to have admired Mussolini, the Fascist dictator of Italy.
>A major source for Herge's "Soviets" story was "Moscow Unveiled" by Joseph Douillet who had been a diplomat in Russia for almost a decade and it seems that many of the scenes Tintin witnesses - including the "election" in which the people are forced at gunpoint to "accept" the Soviet list of candidates - are based on his claims.


Oh and that Soviet diplomat was also a Catholic and rabid anticommunist lol


>Consider doigt/doigtage
I wasn't sure because "u" in phonetic is just u and not "ou",but ault being said "o" is pretty fucked,going to give him that.
I also don't think it's really inconsistent too.
Norbert Wallez also engaged Leon Degrelle for his paper too if you want more funny trivia.
And the Economist (really makes me think) also said the depiction in the book was "surprisingly accurate" even tho Hergé himself disawoved it.


what teh fuck


i hope tintin that lil shit kills himself, gulag his ass


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Anyone here like Moral Orel?


Even though I read it as a kid I could still see through all the bullshit, ironically it just made me more symphatetic towards the Soviets


Of course.


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are there any nib comics collections on getcomicsinfo or the usenet



I get why the soviets drove him away out of the USSR


Oh, yeah. He's also the guy that had Norman Osborne literally cuck Peter Parker.


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Thoughts? I didn't know the impact of spider-verse was that big or that the animation style was mimicing comic panels so much

It's the only valid argument for sony still getting to have spider-man's rights tbh

Also wtf, Ik Incredibles is popular but Incredibles 2 is the highest grossing Pixar release now? I didn't even hear anything about it in pop culture at all


Maybe it was big in China


Chinese are big Sophia Bush fans


One word adult Disney tards. They would buy anything of Disney branding no matter what. Lion King remake was shit yet it raked in more than 1.2 billion. Same for incredibles 2 or toy story 4.
For easy glowie infiltration
>I get why the soviets drove him away out of the USSR
Wtf really


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Fang from Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal won Ms. /co/ 2022. Thoughts?


>His grandparents lived in the area which today belongs to Belarus and fled to America from the Russian Revolution

It was his grandparents lol, I thought it was him and his family as a kid


thats a girl?
how an why did she win


never wanted to ride a dinosaur?


slay, queen


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as for how she won? by being a badass



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no context



There’s plenty of panels that look bad even with context. Remember that time when Hal Jordan was a pedophile?



Don't remember that one thank fuck. Based librarians here probably took it out of the children's section.




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Idc about it but damn the name goes hard also copyright is cringe

what was the context of this, he was accused of being one by some evil wizard?



That's anime tho

I heard that Thor is basically a shounen protagonist

Is that true?


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Ive taken to comic bad girls lately. Can any recommend some good comics/manga with hot nude/semi-nude vulgar women doing raunchy and bad shit?


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