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 No.1660[View All]

Alright filmfags, show me what you've got.

&ltS Tier - Timeless
>Tarkovsky: Stalker, Andrei Rublev, Solaris
>Klimov: Come and See
>Bela Tarr: Turin Horse, Werckmeister Harmonies, Satantango (all very demanding)
>Bergman: Persona, Seventh Seal
>Herzog: Aguirre (I love them all but this one stands apart)
>Kubrick: 2001

&ltA Tier - Food for the soul
>Visconti: The Leopard, Rocco and his Brothers
>Fellini: La Dolce Vita, Amarcord
>De Sica: Bicycle Thieves, Umberto D.
>Pontecorvo: Battle of Algiers
>Cocteau: Orpheus, Blood of a Poet
>Godard: Breathless, Band of Outsiders, The Little Soldier
>Kurosawa: Yojimbo, Throne of Blood, Ran
>Mizoguchi: Sansho, Ugetsu
>Kobayashi: Seppuku, Human Condition
>Fritz Lang: Dr. Mabuse, Metropolis, M
>Bunuel: Discreet Charm, Simon of the Desert, The Exterminating Angel
>Kieslowski: Dekalog
>David Lynch: Anything, including Twin Peaks old and new.
>Ki-duk Kim: Spring, Summer…
>Gilliam: Brazil
>Kubrick (pt. 2): The Shining, Clockwork Orange, Dr. Strangelove, FMJ

&ltA- Tier - Entertainment
>Cronenberg: Naked Lunch, Dead Ringers
>Billy Wilder: One, Two, Three, Sunset Blvd, Witness for the Prosecution
>Becker: Le Trou, Touchez pas au Grisbi
>Melville: Army of Shadows, Le Cercle Rouge, Bob le Flambeur
>Clouzot: Diabolique, Wages of Fear (the ultimate languagefag film)
>Bresson: A Man Escaped, Pickpocket
>Renoir: The Grand Illusion, Rules of the Game
>Ferrara: Bad Lieutenant, King of NY
>Jodorowsky: The Holy Mountain, Santa Sangre
>Peckinpah: Straw Dogs, Alfredo Garcia
>Woody Allen: Annie Hall. All the other old-and-good ones too.
>Carpenter: The Thing, They Live
>Tarantino: Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs
>Scorsese: Kind of Comedy, Taxi Driver. The rest can kinda fuck off.
>Hitchcock: Pretty much all of them.

Let's talk about movies, then. Don't have to be lefty films but obviously recommendations on that front are also welcome.
429 posts and 114 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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> the italian version of pulp fiction


anybody got some recommendations for films in Spanish?


>a WW2 film series where every character speaks in their native language
>they dub it over


Azor stayed with me



I've got a bunch of recs.
Any genres in particular?


Not sure about genres really, I liked Canoa, Libertarias, Pan's Labyrinth, Devil's Backbone, Los Olvidados. So I guess give me a mix of overtly political and ones that are less so. If you know a really good comedy, throw that in too please.


Right on, I'll try to group them by country, I think.
I'll put the plot outlines from imdb too to give you an idea of each movie.

Spain (mostly thrillers/mysteries with a few horror movies at the end):
El reino
>A Spanish politician whose high-class lifestyle is based on nefarious and illegal business threatens to break his entire party after a newspaper exposes him to the public eye.
As bestas
>An expatriate French couple operate an organic farm in the Spanish countryside but clash with villagers.
Que dios nos perdone
>Inspectors Velarde and Alfaro must find what appears to be a serial killer. This hunt against the clock will make them realize something they'd never thought about: neither one of them is that different from the killer.
La isla minima
>Two cops lost in the deep south of Spain. One serial killer to catch. A lot of secrets and lies to disclose.
Tarde para la ira
>A hard-working single mother and wife of a getaway driver who is about to be released is approached by an unassuming and gentle man, completely unaware though of his inscrutable and utterly impelling motives.
Celda 211
>The story of two men on different sides of a prison riot – the inmate leading the rebellion and the young guard trapped in the revolt, who poses as a prisoner in a desperate attempt to survive the ordeal.
>A successful entrepreneur accused of murder and a witness preparation expert have less than three hours to come up with an impregnable defense.
Mientras duermes
>Cesar, a miserable man who works as an apartment concierge, takes a special interest in an attractive woman who lives there. He goes to great lengths to trouble her.
El Orfanato
>A woman brings her family back to her childhood home, which used to be an orphanage for handicapped children. Before long, her son starts to communicate with an invisible new friend.
>While doing a thesis about violence, Ángela finds a snuff video where a girl is tortured until death. Soon she discovers that the girl was a former student in her faculty…
Los cronocrímenes
>A man accidentally gets into a time machine and travels back in time nearly an hour. Finding himself will be the first of a series of disasters of unforeseeable consequences.
>1950s Madrid: The agoraphobic Montse raised her now 18 y.o. kid sister. The upstairs neighbor falls down the stairs and breaks a leg. The crazy Montse takes him in.
>A television reporter and cameraman follow emergency workers into a dark apartment building and are quickly locked inside with something terrifying.

I also highly recommend the series Antidisturbios.
>A fictionalised look into the human tragedy of riot police and police brutality in Spain.

Mexico (some political satire and drama. Go for any of the first three, if you want a good comedy - although they are much more than that. Matando cabos is dumb fun, if you're in the mood for that):
El Infierno
>After being deported back to Mexico, a man has no choice but to join the vicious drug cartel that has corrupted his hometown in order to survive.
La ley de Herodes
>A naive man appointed as an acting mayor of a small town turns into a corrupt politician capable of anything to stay in power.
La dictadura perfecta
>After accepting a colossal bribe, a powerful TV conglomerate gins up fake news stories to enhance the image of a notoriously corrupt politician.
Matando cabos
>A dark, offbeat comedy about a group of Mexico City teens embroiled in a kidnapping involving a retired wrestling legend and a parrot.
Ya no estoy aquí
>In Monterrey, Mexico, a young street gang spends their days dancing to slowed-down cumbia and attending parties. After a mix-up with a local cartel, their leader is forced to migrate to the U.S. but quickly longs to return home.
>A year in the life of a middle-class family's maid in Mexico City in the early 1970s.
>A dark fairy tale about a gang of five children trying to survive the horrific violence of the cartels and the ghosts created every day by the drug war.

Argentina (also mostly thrillers/dramas and a couple of horror flicks at the end. Relatos salvajes is a black comedy):
Relatos salvajes
>Six short stories that explore the extremities of human behavior involving people in distress.
El secreto de sus ojos
>A retired legal counselor writes a novel hoping to find closure for one of his past unresolved homicide cases and for his unreciprocated love with his superior - both of which still haunt him decades later.
El aura
>A deluded taxidermist plans the perfect crime.
Nueve reinas
>Two con artists try to swindle a stamp collector by selling him a sheet of counterfeit rare stamps (the "nine queens").
El clan
>The true story of the Puccio Clan, a family who kidnapped and killed people in the 80s.
>When strange events occur in a neighborhood in Buenos Aires, a doctor specializing in the paranormal, her colleague, and an ex police officer decide to investigate further.
Cuando acecha la maldad
>In a remote village, two brothers find a demon-infected man just about to "give birth" to evil itself. They decide to get rid of the body, only to end up unintentionally spreading chaos.

La llorona (Guatemala)
>An aging paranoid war criminal, protected by his faithful wife, faces death while being haunted by the ghosts of his past.
La casa del fin de los tiempos (Venezuela)
>Dulce is a mother of two who experiences terrifying encounters with apparitions inside her old house, a place where a tragedy occurs. Thirty years later, an elderly Dulce returns home to decipher the mystery that has tormented her for so long.
La casa lobo (Chile)
>Tells the story of Maria, a young woman who takes refuge in a house in southern Chile after escaping from a German colony.
Crónicas (Ecuador)
>A suspense thriller about a reporter from Miami who travels to Ecuador in pursuit of a serial killer known as the "Monster of Babahoyo."
Che: Part One
In 1956, Ernesto 'Che' Guevara and a band of Castro-led Cuban exiles mobilize an army to topple the regime of dictator Fulgencio Batista.
Che: Part Two
>In 1967, Ernesto 'Che' Guevara leads a small partisan army to fight an ill-fated revolutionary guerrilla war in Bolivia, South America.

Feel free to ask if you want more specifics about any of the movies listed!


if Barbie came out in a different time it would probably be just a generally positively remarked upon movie we reference here and there like idk Mean Girls or something but because our culture increasingly demands Pop Art to be taken seriously its a culture war


How are those Russian "nationalist" movies more nationalist than say Band of Brothers, The Patriot, Saving Private Ryan, Fury, White House Down, etc. anyway? Especially the latter is full of nationalist motives that it borders on fascism. Saving Private Ryan at least gives the pretense of "war is bad" but in the end it's heavily tilted towards the Americans - five men taking out a tank squad, the sniper being a super soldier, etc. Same with the Vietnam War really, they are supposedly anti-war movies but the Vietnamese are portrayed as weak and helpless.

Also not all Russian films that receive money from the government are crazy nationalist - Sputnik for example was a movie that received money from the state movie fund and was just a good horror movie with no patriotic undertones.

The Soviet movie industry was also patriotic, there was Tarkovsky but they tolerated but they were at times suspicous of his work. And especially the Chinese and Russian war effort and blood toll in WWII are fucking buried in Hollywood with exceptions like Enemy at the Gates and The Last Emperor - well, that was made by an Italian communist. So China/Russia have every right to produce patriotic movies considering their cost was greater than that of the US. I have yet to see a Russian or Chinese movie that is openly chauvinist as well, especially when it comes to the portrayal of women.


Anyway, the Russian movie industry has taken a hit after the sanctions. They have problems contracting foreign actors, only freaks like Steven Seagal are willing to work with them. They don't have access to many Western shooting locations, let alone co-productions. They basically have to use Kaliningrad for that because it looks like Western Europe.

The Chinese industry is on the rise I imagine after it sucked for a long time. Wandering Earth and Three Body Problem catapulted them into relevancy even if redditors are still sceptical.


I had no idea how many good short films are on YouTube. Especially in the Sci-Fi and Horror genre. The actors are often surprisingly good, CGI has come a long way from being accessible for amateur filmmakers with low or no budget in decent quality, and the movies are often more intelligent that full length feature films. Sadly a lot of the short movies leave you wanting, because they don't have the budget to make it longer.

I used to make fun of movies of film students but now I'm more hesitant to do that. Also sadly you usually never hear from the actors and directors again, at least not in bigger productions. Do their scouts not seek out young talented movie makers and actors? They are missing out.

Anyway I'm continuing my marathon through Sci-Fi horror short films which is more satisfying than what came out recently in the mainstream.


sounds cool. any recs?


>Also sadly you usually never hear from the actors and directors again, at least not in bigger productions. Do their scouts not seek out young talented movie makers and actors? They are missing out.

I can't remember what they are, but I know on Half in the Bag they've mentioned one or two directors of successful youtube productions getting big hollywood movies.


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You can slurp down slop or you can make it mean something.
A masterpiece of political cinema.
Watching it, then listening to the two part Programmed to Chill podcast honestly elevates it into something even better. I like PTC a lot, but in this case the echoes of that movie and that time are literally ringing today. The level of detail that Jimmy FG goes into about the movie and *everything* surrounding and connected to it makes it even more powerful. The PTC episodes are patreon, gimme an anon filehost and I'll upload them for leftypol.


Just rewatched pic related
Absolute kino, lovely scenery and great soundtrack too.


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Who here remembers Phantasm? Great movies, but only the first two was good. Plus, I have no idea what was the point of the franchise.


I know i know, but after work i want the most brain damaging thing possible.

I'm watching Spiderman No Way Home. Tom Holland is not as hot as the previous movies, now he's ridiculously and unrealistically bulky.

The script is not particularly bad. The acting is good enough. In general, everything is good enough. The story though, is fucking retarded.

Really dropped the ball there. It's not even good for a "turn off your brain" movie, because the story is so fucking nonsensical that it makes me angry.


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Lol. This what I always felt, even the so called "anti-war" movies are just jingoist propaganda in disguise. Idiots still watch Hurt Locker and Jarhead and go "hoo-ahhh!" I want to do that!

I guess like how they use Fortunate Son for every Vietnam war game trailer.

A real anti-war movie about soldiers has yet to be made.


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anyone knwo of more movies like zardoz and the holy mountain?


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Yes those are kino. I love both of those too. Maybe not as good as either of those but try Logan's Run. Same era, same vibes, dystopian movie.


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Ooh thought of another surrealist 70s dystopain Sci Fi for you: A Boy And His Dog

Now that one is really top notch. Fallout aped the shit out of that movie.

Lol apparently it's set le current year.


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>Green Book (2018 or whatever)

Surprisingly good. Liked how it didn't feel like a buzzfeed/Guardian Article. Felt it accurately depicted the racism in Vigo's character and also showed how most normal working people lose their prejudices.

>Shutter Island

Pretty cool. Thought the effects looked a bit funky at the beginning but knowing Scorsese that was probably intentional, to give off the implication that the main character was a looney. I'm a bruv so prefer Casino and Goodfellas but thats just personal taste.

>Secret of NIMH

Was supposed to just watch it for fx animation inspiration but its an actually amazing 2D cartoon feature. It's very hard for me to not get emotionally invested in animated films, but it is a gnarly film from start to end. Everyone needs a bit of balance between baby movies and grown up films. Otherwise you either become infantile or some boring doomer


Tags: lolicon, body swap, cuckold, netorare, shotacon, bdsm, gangland, prostitution, anal, double penetration,

Is the new thing going to be Hollywood just making feature length live action hentai movies?generation,

What was the message of the movie? 7 year olds just want to be child prositutes?


Oh yeah, and I guess cuckold porn is the hottest trend in filmmaking right now. Poor things disappointed in that regard not having any BBC cuckoldry.


I wonder if a reason Fight Club, as a film, is so notable is because it describes and demonstrates a fantasy, even if ultimately it is later critical of it. A large portion of the middle of the film is dedicated to glorifying the club as escapism from the boredom and disempowerment (characterised as femininity) of the alien urban capitalist society. This is not just a simple sex scene to spike adrenaline or watching some ripped jerkoff spray a machine gun, this puts you in the middle of a self-gratifying society. A social orgy of sorts, an exciting community that you are placed in the middle of. At least in mainstream film (and that's most of what I've seen), this is extremely rare.

It's very distinct from an action film, and in a very different way from how, say, Jarhead (and Full Metal Jacket) are in their similar personal stories. We don't glimpse into a hell, in this case we glimpse into a fantasy, in a very personal way through the close-ups and fourth-wall narration.
It reminds me of a video game with the immersive violent fantasy, maybe the closest film I know of to one. Would be interested to hear of any other film that manages to parallel this fantasy fulfillment.


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You're talking about Poor Things, right? Shit reminds me of Balabanov's crap in the 90s. All of this directors films are samefaced art-house nonsense obsessed with sex.
Most of it is a vulgar mess. In theory the makings of the story has the potential to be good; a girl learning to be herself in spite of her Frankenstein-like nature. But Lanthimos had to make it 'extreme' for the sake of shock value, typical modern Hollywood. Like, her childishly enjoying breaking plates is good enough, we don't need her to visibly piss herself too. If she's stabbing at corpses because her father figure does autopsies and surgeries, that makes sense but there's so much that is contradictive narratively. The book it is based on is even more boring and only slightly less vulgar; a collection of hearsay and letters and the author's rambling political opinions collaged together.
It's kinda worse actually, since it's like a reversal of the "adult in a child's body" that crap like the 1000 year old vampire loli trope is. The question of sexuality in such a situation is a concept that Star Trek explored far more maturely and without being tasteless. The director called criticism of this constant obsession with sexuality and ghoulish violence "prudish" but I disagree. There's many movies with sex or sexual scenes that have been accepted as such. Terminator comes to mind as being basically softcore porn, and nobody batted an eye - you came for an R-Rating you expect some adult stuff. But this film just had sex because the Lanthimos was a horny fuck with a penchant for the grotesque IMO, so everything about Bella's growth is forced through a purely sexual lens. There's plenty of grotesque films that can have sexuality in it and strange exploratory themes that aren't tasteless, there's a lot of Italian and French films like that, for example Jean-Pierre Jeunet made several such films in the 90s.

>What was the message of the movie?

Supposedly an inspiring journey of a woman's liberation if they could explore themselves freely from the start or some shit like that. It's why every male character is twisted as fuck. The idea itself has merit, a naiive woman with the mind of a child growing up quickly (mentally) allows for interesting scenarios, but we don't really get them. The fact that the film glosses over the interaction with other women, (especially at the brothel) is demonstrative that Lanthimos is treating her like a plot-device for the film, not a character, the only woman that has any significance is the token lesbian. When people tried to discuss the messages and ideas his film might have he stated that he would prefer not to get into "an analytic conversation"

I disagree with a lot of feminist takes because usually they're just codswallop, but this film's story and direction is the encapsulation of "le Male Gaze". The original book, boring as it is, has a distinct contrast of how men viewed and talked about Bella and how she talked about herself and her experiences of being taken advantage of. The film loses this almost entirely and feels like a parody of the book, mostly because, unlike a book, we see everything from a third-person point of view, rather than a third-person limited or first person POV.

>X (2022)
The story for this was a stereotypical 1970s slasher movie crossed with a psycho-biddy story… most movies of that genre suck TBH, and only a few are well known and considered good, usually because they have unique aspects that broke the mold despite having the usual 'group of people killed off by psycho' narrative Friday the 13th for example.
The movie (X) got an entry on this fetish site for that scene, at least she has a nice ass.


>The question of sexuality in such a situation is a concept that Star Trek explored far more maturely and without being tasteless.

I miss /trek/.


Yes poor things.

>Most of it is a vulgar mess. In theory the makings of the story has the potential to be good; a girl learning to be herself in spite of her Frankenstein-like nature.

I think the premise is fine if you don't take it to some degenerate sexual angle.

>It's kinda worse actually, since it's like a reversal of the "adult in a child's body" that crap like the 1000 year old vampire loli trope is. The question of sexuality in such a situation is a concept that Star Trek explored far more maturely and without being tasteless.

Yes I know, but her brain is literally supposed to be that of ? year old or something, no clue how long after the operation the movie was supposed to start. I dunno I guess they just we're supposed to accept that her brain hyper develops because it's in an adult body.

>The director called criticism of this constant obsession with sexuality and ghoulish violence "prudish" but I disagree. There's many movies with sex or sexual scenes that have been accepted as such.

You know it wasn't even the graphic sex scenes that really bothered me and I watched it with my parents too lol. I guess it was because every sex scenes was played for laughs it wasn't as awkward as usual in movies.

>The fact that the film glosses over the interaction with other women, (especially at the brothel) is demonstrative that Lanthimos is treating her like a plot-device for the film, not a character, the only woman that has any significance is the token lesbian.

Her relationship with the mistress was weird as fuck. Seemed at first they were trying to imply like her naive feminism was going to make a difference at the brothel and then the mistress goes "hah black whore you aren't as popular you get punished for standing with her." Then Emma Stone gets an explanation of economic reality and basically told to STFU and service the johns and that seemed to be the final message on the sex stuff. Then they just sprinkle in some ridiculous scenes of her learning surgery and becoming socialist or whatever but nothing becomes of that.

The overall netorare plot was so weird. The whole thing sounds like something an incel would dream up but the director is turning it around and going, "yeah she wants to fuck hot assholes who want to pump and dump her instead of you while using you as a fall back after she got thousand cock stare from the sucking half the cocks in Paris, …. AND THAT'S A GOOD THING chinlet!"


>The story for this was a stereotypical 1970s slasher movie crossed with a psycho-biddy story… most movies of that genre suck TBH, and only a few are well known and considered good, usually because they have unique aspects that broke the mold despite having the usual 'group of people killed off by psycho' narrative Friday the 13th for example.
Yeah I know. I've seen a lot of these despite not really being into them because my friend was obsessed with grindhouse cinema stuff. My favorite is still Behind The Mask because it so accurately broke down the slasher tropes. Lol always the virgin is that one female who is going to survive. Ortega isn't a virgin and also partakes in the sin but they still setup that dichotomy in the beginning between her and the rest of them, she's pure hearted. These movies are boring as fuck tho because nothing happens for most of the runtime. You just see a mediocre "young people hanging out" story with some murder shoved in at the end. I actually stopped watching in the middle because I was so bored. I only mentioned it because like I said their seems to be a cuckwave in media right now. Makes sense since it is in the zeitgeist, but I just don't really remember media embracing cuckoldry as a positive thing before and all of a sudden it's everywhere.


We have a star trek thread in the catalog and an older thread that reached bump limit in archive.
>t.OP of the first star trek thread here.

>the premise is fine if you don't take it to some degenerate sexual angle.
Basically my point, but without the sexual angle it's basically just Frankenstein's Monster but Rule 63'd
>The whole thing sounds like something an incel would dream up but the director is turning it around and going, "yeah she wants to fuck hot assholes who want to pump and dump her instead of you while using you as a fall back after she got thousand cock stare from the sucking half the cocks in Paris, …. AND THAT'S A GOOD THING chinlet!"
Sounds accurate, the director's every film is obsessed with sex and the ideological overtones are all liberal in every film. The part with Bella 'learning socialism' amidst a brothel is like every other liberal writer and their succ-dem comprehension of leftism.

>I've seen a lot of these despite not really being into them because my friend was obsessed with grindhouse cinema stuf
I saw a lot as a teen because bootleg stuff was cheap in the early 2000s and it was just to have a fun time watching stuff we weren't supposed to.
>I only mentioned it because like I said their seems to be a cuckwave in media right now. Makes sense since it is in the zeitgeist, but I just don't really remember media embracing cuckoldry as a positive thing before and all of a sudden it's everywhere.
It's the internet, NTR-shit and so on has made the fetish more available to find and sexual frustrations can sometimes leak into new fetishes like this. Considering how healthy relationships are becoming rarer (in the Western hemisphere at least) it's not surprising the increased cheating and cuckshit is prevalent - its a reflection of the material social environment.


>We have a star trek thread in the catalog and an older thread that reached bump limit in archive.

Yeah, but it's not the same.


>What was the message of the movie?
yorgos lanthimos likes wacky focal lengths and mentally stunted people having sex


The Soviet-British Waterloo film from 1970 by Banderchuk blows Ridley Scott's Napoleon film out of the water.


Just watched this, its quite odd that some online conservatives have lauded it as a good "right wing" movie. Yet
>The opening scene is the protag(whom is black) fornicating with an East Asian woman.
>Both cops(Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn) are potrayed as corrupt, prejudiced, and racist baby boomers who want to return to the good ol' days when "men were men".
>Two of the three white bank robbers talk like racist /pol/tards
>All three white bank robbers are violent psychopaths They brutalize a bank teller woman after pleading she just had a baby and cut off the bank manager's testicles
>Both black getaway drivers(one being the protag) literally disguise themselves wearing whiteface.
>The only likeable character(s) aren't even white
What did S. Craig Zahler mean by that?


Kind of makes me want to watch Gran Torino again.


>A million Days (2023)
If you like intelligent low budget sci fi like Primer, Coherence or Prospect you'll like this. I didn't look away from it for a second. If you miss a sentence of dialog you might lose the movie. Go into it cold. It's on the torrents. Maybe cinema isn't dead if you can make something that looks and grips like this on a micro budget.


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Everyone moralizing the sexual aspects of the film and focusing on this only are abrahamic-pilled. This movie is peak vitalism, life, will to power, etc (it shows in every technical aspect too). Never had so much fun in front of a recent big budget movie in a long time.


It was only mildly amusing at best.


>You're abrahamic-pilled if you think vulgar sex-obsession is vulgar
Okay schizo.


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spoilers in picrel
arrest everyone involved in making this film


What's the problem, that sounds great, like a real wild ride


>vulgarity is bad
Aristocrat detected


>ignore the mention of Z (1969), watch it some other time
>post is about State of Siege (1972)
>movie is about a CIA wolf kidnapped by revolutionaries in LatAm
>picrel 1 is the wolf
>picrel 2 is his famous UFC figher descendant
>attached is part 1 of a deep political dive on the movie that will blow your mind and elevate the movie even more
>torrent movie and listen to mp3 for a perfect multimedia film appreciation experience


>Aristocrats and other bourgs are the ones that have historically indulged in vulgar behaviors
Ok retard


You have an inhibition fetish. Boring, at lesat kink it up and keep it in your bedroom


>a long set of schizo babble
You're genuinely mentally ill. Touch grass. NTA BTW



Part 2 of the patreon PTC exploration of State Of Siege (1972)


Yeah, except some of the dialogue between Gibson and Vaughn (which btw is so stereotypical reactionary boomer talk, that I'm not even sure if it's meant to be a parody or something), I don't get why this gets mentioned as a right wing movie. It's not like these reactionary cops are portrayed sympathetically at all.

Unique IPs: 33

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