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Post left-wing visual arts.
>The Murder of Andreas Baader (Odd Nerdrum)
>Massacre in Korea (Pablo Picasso)
>Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge (El Lissitzsky)tankieTankie






what's left wing about this one?




Any anons up here (especially Russian) who know, where one could buy a reprint of this painting? I've been searching everywhere in the non-cyrillic parts of the internet and the best I found was the painting in this resolution which I could print myself, but it ain't good enough ….

Tnx for any halp


File: 1642503078201.jpg (1.03 MB, 1675x2272, natasha.jpg)

I of course forgot the painting, lmao


I. Baldin. Natasha Kachuevskaya.

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