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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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Is this the most bourgeois sport in existence? What's the materialist explanation for that?


>the most bourgeois sport
To my understanding, yes, Embed related.


It can be comfy to watch. In many places you can play for rather cheap. T practice is pretty fun with friends and you don't need a large area. Just a large field with a net and it can host many many people. Like batting practice fields.


Has this motherfucker talked about every single modern issue in existence?


None of the ones that appeared after he died but yeah he basically turned autistic complaining about random shit into a comedy routine.


Also he has an interesting argument about porn and cuckoldry.


If it were up to me, my sex sessions would primarily be a group activity. More cuddling, fondling, kissing, and hugging than penetrating, but all of the above.


Based and pagan orgy pilled.

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