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Rightoids criticize brutalism for being soulless, but worship the aesthetic of bioshock's rapture. What if we incorporated art deco in commieblocks?


Hmm, interesting idea. I always was a fan of the look of Art Deco. I think blending it with commie blocks could be a nice design. So long as you got the design and the architecture right.


concrete should always be clad when possible, unless you wanna regularly powerwash 10+ story buildings


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Good idea.
It'd be limited somewhat since it's flat. You can't do much with the architecture itself.
But some nice abstract panelling maybe.


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Commieblocks are based the way they are. Literally all you need to do is put on a paintjob of pastel colours and they look better than most American yuppie neigbourhoods.
t. School was located in a half original, half repainted commieblock part of town


>all you need to do is put on a paintjob of pastel colours

a nice shade of cream
>What if we incorporated art deco in commieblocks?
you could take something like this (Hermes building in London, I was rollin past yesterday, ubering, waiting for a ping on the app ).
If it was a commieblock,the point would be to house as many people as possible.
So it'd be better to stack another block or two on top on the building vid - related as well. It's not going to make much difference if it looks brutalist,like a normal tower block, or more throwback numinous deco Egyptian pylon/Sumerian ziggurat. Cos I'm guessing The limiting factor is going to be stress on the iron girders/concrete it's built with. Architectural anons pls correct me if I'm wrong. Plus if it's double or triple the height it's going to look more monumental.


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>>22513 (me)
Still out on t'road
What about this one, /siberia/ anons? It's another residential block in the same area of London (Chelsea). sure I saw a superhunny coming out this building once in a latex bra. or maybe I just dreamt it
You could stack another layer the same height on top, without it spoiling the proportion. It seems pretty much perfectly proportioned as it is.
There's a Morning Star (Britain's daily communist paper) line that art deco is bourgeois, whereas brutalism is for the proletariat. But it's just an aesthetic, and a technical question as to how you build it. It's not a political question.In the future it'd just be a matter of what people want. No surplus value expropriated from you. You get labour vouchers, and what you don't get labour vouchers for, you vote for for in terms of communal housing and infrastructure. So if people vote for it they get it.


The issue is taking one style and applying it everywhere, style should be conscientious of the local environment and cultures


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Yea, it depends in a city what the local environment and culture is. Ofc the situation is now, you don't want areas of great people and history and authenticity spoilt by "redevelopment" into the whimsy tourist theme park experience (like seems to happening with Soho in London, for example. )
But housing for regular people in the future, if you could live in something like pic related… Go out on the roof on a hazy night! It's be like you've get to live in Gotham.

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