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I've redistributed a red flag from work and I wanted to turn it into a flag for my union branch. Unfortunately I've no real experience with sewing anyone got any advice?


Needle goes into the cloth


Cheers mate, thanks for the help.


Make sure to tie a string into the needle eye beforehand

I am good at doing that, If you need help, give me the needle or just lick it into your mouth


you mean embroidery? it helps to print out what you wanna stitch onto it and tracing it onto the flag before stitching


also get help from a skilled woman if possible


Stop buying into "HEAVY DUTY" sewing machine branding

What Kind Of Sewing Machine Should I Buy? (For sewing "manly" utility stuff)

Industrial Machine Required for Bag Making?


Recently I learned how to use a sewing machine at trade school.


Does it have to be sewn? Have you considered dying imagery onto it?


why tf would you want imagery of people dying on it


To threaten anon's boss


Hah ah fucking English language and it's homonyms.


what's the best fabric for a balaclava


The type of balaclava most common in your region, unless you want to wear a unique identifiable object for a mask


wearing a balaclava is already "unique"


Not really, Balaclava's and 'unique' ones have entered contemporary fashion, really hitting the mainstream this last year.
I see it as a reation to the CCTV-ifiication of our cities, that is for a different board but i think there is a lot to unpack and explore.

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