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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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It’s actually useful and maintains consistency
It can be interchanged with all kinds of statistics
It’s easy to work with
It can yield you the same answers regardless of what units your using
You can use the most precise measurements you want and never have your calculator make miscalculations thanks to the simplicity of the number
It can go on pretty much forever or as low as you want it to. Such a good fucking system
And best of all over 190 countries use it meaning it allows information to be transferred beautifully


>using base 10 instead of base 12
why did they fuck this part up tho


Holy shit shut the fuck up this isnt reddit


i think the only thing americans did right was the ansi keyboard, its a lot better than iso


Do you have like some leftist theory about this or should I move it to >>>/hobby/ ?


great until you want to divide by three


polydactylic hands wrote this post


honestly fuck it just use your two feet as the sixth fingers


File: 1652379446328.jpg (25.42 KB, 800x533, pass the mic.jpg)

>thinking standardizations of measurement are only important to redditors

tell me, how did you get so stupid


File: 1653074225408.png (66.37 KB, 548x548, BIPM.png)

>no one ever talks about metrology
>only muh metric vs imperial


File: 1653074600602.png (126.75 KB, 497x493, 1617970357757.png)

but how many football fields is that?

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