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File: 1659724255566.png (38.47 KB, 1255x253, anime.png)


Dreamworks is about to release to the public teir animating tools. I I think a golden age of indie animations is among us.



File: 1659728928484.pdf (401.93 KB, 197x255, MoonRayPressRelease.pdf)


File: 1659729941198.png (293.95 KB, 454x438, ClipboardImage.png)

fascinating, tell us more


Huh, intresting. Makes me wonder how M$ is going to somehow screw this up?


And they use Apache instead of GPL or evrn AGPL.


File: 1659738188592.jpg (34.62 KB, 544x400, spiderman jail shrug.jpg)

I remember there was an interesting conspiracy theory regarding Flash and Photoshop in the mid to late 2000's were everyone thought the software was easy to pirate on purpose; get teens on newgrounds and the like used to the software, and then when they get out into the job world it's all they'll know and corporations will have to buy it. Once they became industry standard with no real competition Adobe switched to the subscription model. Maybe dreamworks is trying to snipe potential animators before they're even in college by herding them into a specific software environment.


Didn't a while ago the software Studio Ghibli or something used went open source? I recall hearing news on that.


Yes, it's even named as if it was for making cartoon porn: https://opentoonz.github.io/e/


blender already exists



I meant the news, Why are they doing that

I just can't help clicking on boobies


OpenMoonRay is just a renderer, Blender is a whole animation suite with multiple renderers.


People say this about Microsoft products all the time.


What does that mean for patents?


there's no patent because it doesn't do anything technologically unique. it uses publicly available algorithms and standards


How do you know that?

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