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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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If all electricity gets shut off, acoustic telephones would become the next internet for relaying life-saving information. My idea is to take a diaphragm that is 1 foot in diameter, then take 1 mile or longer line wire so you can have better range. It would be a public payphone.


For air conditioning, make a fan using an automaton action that's sufficiently powerful enough to provide stable enough AC to a building.


I feel like that's pretty far down the priority list tbh.
Potable water is probably the top.


Youve reminded me of lowtechmagazine.com, you might like it


It's probably not going to work over that distance because sound waves attenuate to much. But why would you build a completely new and inferior communication system, rather than repairing the electricity generation/distribution system.


lack of skilled labour?


Because electricity is fragile.


Books & gambling will become the next new thing again. No more people sitting on their lazy asses for 12 hours a day when they're interacting at taverns.


I like building stuff that makes other stuff


>lack of skilled labour?
you're not building a new communication system without that either.
laying all that pipe seems harder than copper wires and fiberglass.
>Because electricity is fragile.
Not fundamentally. We could build a hardened grid and power plants if we wanted.


wireless telegraphy gang where you at:muscle:

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