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How do you format manuscripts?
>inb4 latex
Publishers don't accept PDF's


>using anything but plain text files


Okay, came-across-luke-smith-last-week


I have no idea who that is.


Also, general LibreOffice/Writer thread I guess
Share macros, templates, etc


I use Notepad (or Mousepad) for writing down on-the-spot notes and brainfarts and whatnot, but when I need to start actually having bigger ideas of what to write and putting everything together, I would never use them


You could just send them the .tex file? Isn't that how scientists do it?


>Publishers don't accept PDF's
OP are you retarded? You send in the LaTeX code, not a damm pdf


Nope, most major non-academic book publishers/agents/editors only accept .docx


pandoc can work with .docx, it can convert to-and-from .tex, template them, the works.

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