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Anyone seen this show yet?
It’s been dropping Marxist theory in it.
Vid related


I watched it and I'm surprised how it hardly gets mentioned on this site since it was released.


I watched the first 2 episodes
The Foucault mention intrigued me but I dropped it cuz the whole thing feels kind of like Rain Man


>I watched it and I'm surprised how it hardly gets mentioned on this site since it was released.
why would anybody expect anything materialist from a show with astrology in the title


You're dumb


Boots Riley wrote and directed it


I guarantee it's radlib, watered-down Marxism, twisted into serving liberal ends as part of a (largely successful) psy-op to neuter and absorb the left into the neoliberal order.


Watering down of radical ideas happens naturally without direct state intervention in a free market economy.


The title is more tongue-in-cheek than that.
It’s more of a jk.


So far it’s about on the level of “Sorry to Bother You”, except that there is Marxist class analysis sprinkled in. It’s not a masterpiece and kind of crass, but I had fun watching it. However the dystopian surrealist story telling may not be everyones cup-of-tea.


All this shows us is that Porkies are so comfortable in their position that they can allow "Marxist talking points" to be on mainstream media services. Netflix has had an uptick in such movies as well. It is made for the BLM, "punch a nazi", lib crowd who think buying bread from a bakery owned by a minority is a revolutionary act.


> BLM, bad
> "punch a nazi", bad
Opinion discarded




> but I dropped it cuz the whole thing feels kind of like Rain Man
Fair, but a lot of that is purposeful.
I think the main character is used as a vehicle to deconstruct the trope of the “magical negro”. He’s essentially John Coffee from “The Green Mile”.


>Being this much of a lib
>thinking BLM is anything but a populist, black power movement with reactionary radlib ideology
Fuck off LARPer, go back to your Sakai forums.


>everyone that doesn’t snub populist issues stemming from capitalism is a sakaist
Another hit and a miss


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1) It's 'a swing and a miss' not 'a hit and a miss' idiot
2) BLM is no more of an "ally" or something to support than any other libshit group - they are enemies to actual socialists and socialism and are the encapsulation of "More *clap* Black *clap* CEOs" and instead of unifying under a workers front they cause divisions in workers unity and class solidarity, by deliberately excluding attacking, verbally or physically non-black proletariat. And in the meantime they ignore the real issues and causes of their problems that can be summarized under the umbrella of 'consequences of Capitalism'. So yes I snub the typical burger mentality of "attack the symptom not the root cause" that BLM propagates. They are completely incomparable to the Black Rights Movement and the Black Panthers' genuine efforts against the establishment
3) Sakaist is not meant in literal terms, it's a generalized shitpost termin used to refer to supporters of such rhetoric, not literally that you are Sakaist.

TL;DR: Go back liberal, I don't support black porky any more than I support white porky or any other kind of porky.


Whatever value BLM had as a people's movement went down the toilet as soon as the Ford Foundation gave them 300 million dollars.


and Landback is the same tbh


1) it’s hit and a miss because you hit a foul ball. It’s a half-truth. Reactionary radlibs exist in BLM, but the premise remained true.
2) there’s a difference between the org and BLM the decentralized movement around police brutality. There are Occupy orgs,like “Occupy Democrats” that sprung up that were pure lib shit but that never over shadowed the underlying premise which remained true. The left can incorporate what BLM was concerned with easily.
3) three you’re a retard and coping “hurrr I was just shitposting”…pls. Quit being a little bitch, hiding behind irony, and fight me faggot

It’s fair to critique all the orgs that took money and non-profits that hollowed it out. I have no issues with it.


>it’s hit and a miss because you hit a foul ball
Nice job trying to cover your ass
>there’s a difference between the org and BLM the decentralized movement around police brutality
The 'decentralized movement' has never existed, unlike Occupy. It was entirely based on reaction, the only difference being that its black populist reaction with white hatred instead of the reverse as with /pol/. Both the 'leadership' and the actual "decentralized" supporters I've seen in large numbers are absolutely rabid radlibs with very few good-faith actors if any.
>you’re a retard and coping
No faggot, lurk moar
>Quit being a little bitch, hiding behind irony
That's not what irony is you drooling moron.
>fight me faggot
<saying this on an anonymous Chinese pottery forum
Ok Navy SEAL.

Thanks for the laugh pal.


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Boring ass schlock spitting half-baked 'marxist' talking points that every other radlib spits out. It's neither interesting, nor inspiring to anyone that has read a fucking book in their life. This is literally the same shit as 150$ Che-Guevara shirts sold by various corporate clothing stores - discount 'rebel' shit dangled by porky because it's not actually coherent of well-formed enough to genuinely harm corporate interest and profits, just enough to get shit stirred up and muddy the waters.

Anyone that thinks this show is "good" or that it has "marxist theory" of any worth needs to go back and read Marx, Lenin and Bakunin


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>I’m a Virgo
And I am Strelok


> It never existed
Where was it originally “centralized” exactly? In fact, that was part of the problem. There was a power vacuum that allowed what every org with the most financial backing to seize control in most circumstances.
> white hatred
Neocon bullshit narrative.
>i’ve seen
I’m not going to “listen and believe” your personal experience, sweaty.
> what irony is
I know a irony poison limp wristed hipster when I see one
> Ok Navy SEAL
OK pussy


crackers will fly at this location


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>This load of vitriolic, ad hominum, denial and projection
<N-no, libshits don't say "all white people are racist" and demand 'reparations' from people not even tangentially related to any race crimes that's just le stupid republitards!
<Y-you're irony poisoned, even though I don't even know what irony is and and and a hipster tooo!
Yeah ok, thanks for revealing your colors, as always the maxim 'scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds' has been proven true

Bye-bye now.


>this is YOU!
i’m not reading all your meme arrows, dummy.
Have fun jerking yourself off thinking you actually managed to sputter out a coherent political opinion here today.
Sayonara conservative liberal hipster fag


> to anyone that has read a fucking book in their life
I think you forgot Americans are probably the primary audience.


>Marxism: Brought to you by Amazon™


Can you think of any pure anti-capitalist art that reaches a lot of people that isn’t somehow engaging with capitalism? I can’t.



> Marxism: Brought to you by Amazon™
I mean…


Why does every thread on this website get concern trolled by some very angry anons about how the subject isn't Marxist enough in their heads meanwhile the most popular thread on the website is geopolitical cheerleading


It's news


>It's news
Lol, over a year and the world hasn't fundamentally changed. The frontlines are still the same. And you shit your pants over hobby discussion on the hobby board like a uselessly raging channer.


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>ad hominum
Who are you replying to even?

False equivalency; using a service or tool under capitalism is fine - no ethical consumption under capitalism. The criticism isn't that it's a product under capitalism, but that it is a product of capitalist ideology, co-opting some marxist excerpts to appeal to the ignorant, jaded and/or naive, in essence populism with cherry-picked marxist rhetoric, which is funnily enough, exactly what the NSDAP and fascist Italy did in the 1930s to gain support of the masses, and like then it appears to be working, given the reviews.


> which is funnily enough, exactly what the NSDAP and fascist Italy did in the 1930s to gain support of the masses
OK, but what did you think of the sex scene where Flora rides Cooties dick like a balance beam? I got real “Triumph of the Will” vibes from that.


triumph of the will is also intensely sexual


> triumph of the will is also intensely sexual
I like the part at the end where they all fuck on top of the Blutfahne




Yeah this thread is definitely /siberia/ content.


It got posted in siberia and was moved here.


Should have stayed there, the thread is frankly speaking, shite.


It’s not too bad.


By the standards of posts in the alt-boards it's awful.


Eh, I’ve seen worst.

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