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I haven't played Tabletop RPGs in a hot minute, and I need my fix. I had an idea for a VTM chronicle that emphasizes the "Political Horror" aspect of the gameline. Given this is, ostensibly, a political board I figured it'd be fun to introduce folks here to the World of Darkness and see how they handle it.

I'll be running V5, mostly because that's the version I'm most familiar with. I'll try to find PDF copies of the rulebook to folks unfamiliar with the setting and tutor new players where necessary. I'm making this thread mostly to get a poll of people who are interested and see if I can't work out a time to play. It'll probably take place online. Microphones are necessary.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. I'll probably post the teaser to the chronicle tomorrow.


Okay, I'm up for it. Sounds cool.


I played the old WoD, how much djustment will i need for the V5? Didn't even knew it existed, lol.


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The 5th Edition WoD is focusing more on localized stories which has been met with a bit of controversy. In Vampire the Masquerade this entails a mechanic based around Hunger and The Beast so there's a greater emphasis on feeding regularly. Lore wise the Anarchs are in open revolt, the Sabbat declared some kind of "Gehenna Crusade" and sent most of their forces to the Middle East. The Elders of the Camarilla are being drawn to fight in the Middle East thanks to some kind of psychic compulsion called "The Beckoning" and its heavily implied the Antediluvians are waking up and compelling their children to defend them. Meanwhile the NSA managed to crack into portions of the Camarilla's network and now government spooks have been alerted to the existence of supernaturals. A conspiracy was formed within various international NatSec agencies alongside the Vatican in order to hunt down and eliminate Vampires, and they've had some remarkable success (basically annihilating the Kindred population of Vienna and destroying the Tremere Pyramid)

The Old World of Darkness is dying, and a New World has yet to be born. Now's a time of monsters.

Neato, what days do you think you'd be available to play?


How do you plan to run it, OP? Like how are you planning to talk to players?


Debating between using Roll20 or Foundry. Leaning towards Foundry. For voice chat we could use fbi.gov, though I believe R20 at least has in game mic options (granted I hear they aren’t that good)


Every day except Tuesday, I'm on GMT time though and I have work so I could only play from 5-12pm GMT on weekdays and I guess 10am - 12pm weekends.


Interesting, I’ve been thinking of joining cause I haven’t gotten the chance to play a ttrpg for a good long while.


Thanks Anon! I’ll keep the thread updated and hopefully we can get a group of players together.
It’s been a minute since I’ve had a chance to play too, I’ve gotten positive feedback when I’ve run VTM before so I hope I can tell a story that would interest everyone here.


and by the way, I really dislike tabletop rpgs, and I will only join to derail and ultimately ruin the experience for everyone, as much as possible


I have a roll20 acc tho i didn't use it lately. I has voice chat, i think it was allright, wasn't worse than fbi.gov as far as i remember.

Weekends are good for me any time. Work days less so, since i probably have a much different timezone than you guys,


It would be a nice game to play, unfortunately my job has odd days and hours, Mostly with me going in at around 11 AM and not leaving till like 7 PM or even 8 PM Pacific Time.

I do have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off though.


Then I suggest you don't join
I might be able to work with weekends.

I feel you, I get the occasional 11-7, mostly 2-10pm though.


I probably can do work days, unless they are like in the middle fo the night for me, since i do remote work, but by default weekends work best for me.


How many players you looking for anon?
I'm interested tho.


Honestly my days off are in the middle of the week but I'm willing to do some stuff after work too if weekends work best for everyone. I'm PST

I'm thinking a coterie of 4 or 5 players would be ideal.


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>If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. I'll probably post the teaser to the chronicle tomorrow.
[I'm a little late, but I figure that's better than nothing. Have some music to set the mood.]

Valley by Night

Nearly two million souls inhabit the San Fernando Valley; they all have their own little lives blissfully unaware of the wider world. Sami Kazem gets up at 8:00 in the morning, eats a bowl of cereal, throws on his jacket, and drives to his job in Mission Hills; along the way, he passes a derelict Masonic Lodge with a dying lawn that leers at him from its otherwise empty lot. It's 10:00 in the morning, and Jasmine Ortega is texting her friends while walking to her next class; rumor has it the Succubus Club set up shop somewhere in Van Nuys, and her best friend's cousin scored a bunch of molly, she only needs to call out from work tonight. Detective Javier Medina clocks into his shift at 4:00 in the evening; he pissed off a few too many of his superiors and can look forward to working the beat on Reseda Boulevard. He tries, dear God does he try.

That's the life of the mortal inhabitants of the Valley. The sun shields them, temporarily, from the world you know. But when the moon rises, your kindred awake from torpor: in penthouse apartments and dilapidated industrial parks, in suburban abodes and undisturbed mausoleums, in clubs, offices, and vans. You. The Vampires of the Anarch Free States.

It's 10:00 in the Evening, and on his way home Sami decides to pull up to the Masonic Lodge's lot and poke around, for curiosity's sake; his car is found wrecked on the 405 and his death is ruled a suicide. It's midnight and Jasmine's friends see her leaving the club with a charming stranger; she's reported missing three days later. It's 2:00 in the morning, and Javier answers a domestic disturbance call only to find a petty dealer and his mother slaughtered in their homes; it's chalked up to a gang hit, but what kind of person could tear a man's head clean off?

This is your world. A world of inhuman appetites and human depravity. A world of secret wars and ancient blood feuds. A World of Darkness.

You are one of the Undead. Vampires, Strigoi, Nosferatu, Cainites. Your people go by many names. Tonight, in this cursed year of Our Lord, 2023, you and others have been summoned by the Baron of Los Angeles, Armando "Nines" Rodriguez, to meet him in Hollywood. Whether a Vampire for a few months or a few decades, everyone knows to answer the Baron when summoned. Tonight, he'll make a proclamation that will alter the course of the San Fernando Valley, and millions of lives in the process. As you walk through the throngs of kine, you have no idea what awaits you. All you have is a promise witnessed by the stars themselves: it'll be your choice, and no others, that will decide your fate.


Post rulebooks too


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Smart thinking. Here's the V5 rules.


Also if you check WtA 20th Anniversary Edition, it has a cookbook. An unironic cookbook. There's a really great recipe for stuffed bell peppers in there. Try it.


>There's a really great recipe for stuffed bell peppers in there.
I have my own, thanks.


I still think you should try it, trust me. I went to a halal butcher, got some fresh ground lamb, seasoned it the way the recipe said, it was to die for. My family fucking devoured it.

I think they've got a good recipe for chocolate lava cake too.


I have seen it and there are some flaws, like lack of carrots. Meat is also fried on the pan and the stuffed, so it looses some juices, i do prefer stuffing raw meat with half cooked rice inside the pepper or boiled cabbage leafs along with chopped onion and grated carrots that were sauteed together. Really bring out the meat flavor. Chopped garlic, black pepper and salt are the only spices i use here except the bay leaf that i put for some time when the stock s hot but not yet boiled and get out when it begins to boil. I usually like the ground beef as meat part and cooking beef without bay leaf should be considered a crime against humanity. Then you roast the stuffed pepper on the sides, lower the temperature and put in a little bit of tomato paste and plenty of sour cream, add either stock you have on hand or even simple clean water. Cook till ready.


How’s this looking? How many people planning to play cause I may join. PST.

Also wait, food?


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>How’s this looking? How many people planning to play cause I may join. PST.

From the thread here it looks like we got maybe 3-4 players interested. If need be I can supplement the group with some friends of mine.

Just to make life easier, my fbi.gov is syke2047, add me if you're interested as it'll make getting a headcount easier.


Sounds like a plan.


Can we use something else than fbi.gov? Honestly, i hate using it with fucking passion.


fbi.gov is the best service out there


Lol no


oh shit i been wanting to play vampire again for years, if there's still room i sent a message on fbi.gov


matrix, mumble…


Which are both less feature complete and functional than Dicksword in my opinion. TBF I've only used Element and not any other protocols but it's fucking godawful.


Matrix is the protocol and Element is the worst client. What features are they missing that are vital to play VtM with other imageboard posters?


Sent you a request, I don’t know if it was denied or something.


Maybe after Vampires we can roleplay as communists.


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I understand people's concerns with fbi.gov, but it's really convenient for me. I apologize if that's a deal breaker.

Why not both? Pic related.


Nobody wants yout shitty politics in their fun games except as hordes of baddies to kill 200% guilt-free.

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