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General for discussing occultism, magick, meditation, esoteric traditions, including any theories about aliens, ufos, etc.


Aliens and UFOs? Sounds nice.



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I'm currently working on a series of books combining the occult with communism and dialectical materialism. Essentially using magick to bring about communism and destroy capitalism.

UFOs have been documented to switch directions travel rapidly and defy the laws of physics. People who encounter ufos usually note lost time. that is because ufos are likely transdimensional pockets of etheric energy being used for transportation or other purposes by highly advanced beings (some of which are hostile to humans).


did you know that football is a kabalistic game? It was 11 players on each side, 10 outfield players - sephiroth of the tree of life, with a goalie who is the gatekeeper of guardian of the abyss (da'ath). This makes 22 players in total, the number of paths in the tree of life, with the 23rd participle of the referee (ain soph) who is the god of the court.
Its policy in the FA that all officials are supposed to wear black when they can, so as to be the "occult" member of the game.


>he doesnt know that capitalism is the ultimate system of occult sorcery


gotta fight fire with fire


Also, in FA games the players will come out with children. This is part of the child bride rites of the masons which mirror the sorcerer and apprentice system of initiation


You WILL get burned
Believe me


Few people have an understanding of what the kabalah is due to centuries of the removal of knowledge and the mass murder on behalf of the Catholic Church of the people who had it, namely pagan spiritual leaders. Unbeknownst to many, there is an Egyptian Kabalah, a Gothic Kabalah, a Phoenician Kabalah, and a Greek Kabalah among others. The entire universe vibrates and through vibration, we greatly empower our soul and amplify our magick. The original alphabet is based upon the constellations. Some people claim Hebrew was the original language and alphabet but this is NOT SO. Hebrew was taken from Phoenician and other semitic languages predating it and from similar levantine peoples. It also appears that Hebrew was taken from Hindi in that the letters have similarities and many of their words have their origins in Hindi. Kabalah runes can be traced back to Ancient Phoenician and cuneiform scripts. This is their power. Many of the correct pronunciations have unfortunately been lost due to the systematic destruction of spiritual knowledge and its replacement with Hebrew.


/unmedicated/ general


The loss of time is because of the harvesting of time that creatures need to live. Like heidegger says, Being is temporal. When we eat an animal we eat its time, like how blood transfusions of young blood make us younger. Birth and death are portals, like singularities. The aliens just extract this time very efficiently.
Think even of a story like alice in wonderland. She experiences the time dilation of the rabbit hole - vortex spiral of relativity, where as per carroll, logic has lost its meaning.
This is the realm of dreams, which is also an astral portal which slows down time, like travelling at high speeds.


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Did you also know that the swastika AND star of david featured there in their sacred sites? Then in ww2 hitler thought that the aryan swastika was against the aryan hexagram - which is why he failed despite using the power of the black sun


You're overthinking this, I'm pretty sure that whoever invented association football decided to have an even number of players that cover enough space on the field in order for the sport to be viable but had to add another one specifically to guard the goal. 10+1=11. We also have a decimal system so 10 is an obvious intuitive choise. It's normal for team sports with goalkeepers to have an uneven number of players. Futsal for example has 4+1=5 (also 1/2 of 10 btw).


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Also this is the origin of the swastika btw in case anyone wanted to know
The north star sits directly above the north pole, the homeland of the hyperboreans


Haha. Look, i cant convince sceptics of anything. You have to have "eyes to see" to understand.


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Also, baseball is a masonic game
It doesnt mean its an EVIL game, it just means its symbolic


>You have to have "eyes to see" to understand
Sounds like "Clap your hands if you believe."

I'm not trying to discredit occultism but it does sound like a deliberate overreach to reaffirm one's own worldview. And I'm not even disagreeing that numbers are truly fascinating, I'm just sceptical of this particular symbolism, it's deliberately cherry-picking specific examples.
>he doesnt know that capitalism is the ultimate system of occult sorcery
Can I pray to the Cold God to kill itself? It has created so much misery already.


>It doesnt mean its an EVIL game
I don't even believe in morality.


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The numbers add up to me. They dont to you. It is what it is.
>Can I pray to the Cold God to kill itself?
No no no. The cold god kills *you*, you dont kill it.



>>38111 (me)
>And I'm not even disagreeing that numbers are truly fascinating
Now, I'm interested in this numerology/lemurology/demonology thing. What was Land smoking?


so they're essentially vampiric then


>north pole has 卍
lmao no wonder global north is so fucked, it has a literal swastika in it

south pole truly is based since it has actual land and no swastika


>>38117 (me)
I mean global south as well when I said south pole


the nazi swastika is an inverted hindu swastika which is the real one


Yeah, it's funny how many of our opinions are purely heuristic like in this tweet instead of scientifically accurate. Like, are SJWs real? I claim that they're real. But how do I scientifically measure this? I don't even know.

I understand why you believe in all this, sometimes our personal experience is all the information we have. And the occult is the ultimate reflection of our personal experience: it cannot really be measured scientifically because it's experienced personally. Like seeing the code of the Matrix.


>south pole truly is based since it has actual land and no swastika
And an azone hole.


I meant I wasn't going to morally shame you or call occultism evil or anything.


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Lemuria is an archaeological concept to account for a landbridge which seemingly never existed to explain why lemurs were on both sides of this great chasm. Some say that lemuria was a lost civilisation like atlantis or mu. The CCRU perspective is similar except that lemuria is a time-travelling vehicle that uses psychic powers, like the possession of land to forward the K-War of crunching the technological wave-function unto singularity.
Numerology is in in basic gematria under his own system, in which Cybernetic Cultural Research Unit equals 666 and so is the harbinger of doom for the human species, as per its original theory fiction.
The demons are the abstract entities which are extracted out of capturing the earth and enslaving organisms to their autoproductive desires by the machinic unconscious
"The dark enlightenment" equals 333 which is why land has it as his avatar. 333 is also the demon choronzon who is the devil in john dees occult magic. Choronzon also possessed crowley and is now the patron deity of tempel ov blood and many sects of o9a which push "accelerationism" in different ways


>The cold god kills *you*, you dont kill it.
Wait, why? Is it a god of death or something? I thought it's a god of capital.


who needs atmosphere lol


Yes of course
But all life is vampiric, dont forget


but it's still a swastika


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Capital is an active death by being the Zero of abstract labour. It converts all organic matter into machines, thus creating bloodless, soulless beings who exist in uncanny spaces like the nephilim spirits of the jesters




time to kill a god/demiurge then.


You can try.


>lemuria is a time-travelling vehicle that uses psychic powers
>The demons are the abstract entities which are extracted out of capturing the earth and enslaving organisms to their autoproductive desires by the machinic unconscious
I didn't understand a single thing but that sounds cool, I want a demon now.


I was referring to how many of the things we know are the result of our subjective experience of them instead of applying some strict scientific method.


You dont have demons, demons have you


The soul is described in many religions as the "clothing" of the person. Here the soul is seen as the aura which has its own colour. This is why the holy men, such as in the book of revelation, wear white. While the evil or soulless wear black, like goths, emos and satanists who identify with death, particularly spiritual death, or atheism.
Armour too represents this aura, which is why in the iliad, soldiers would steal their enemies' armour, to represent the taking of their soul.
In ancient thought, souls got lost in the land of the dead and so had to be buried in their homeland and be remembered. This thought continues today even in secular culture, where people visit the graves of the dead.


just occurs to me that almost no one truly follows the "left hand path" in the modern day. all magick is basically people trying to induce an altered state of consciousness. Right hand path would be various kinds of meditation, fasting, celibacy, trying to connect with a higher self. this is basically buddhism and 99% of all western esotericism.

Left hand path would be trying to induce an altered state of conscioussness through singing, dancing, chanting, ingesting mind altering substances, feating/gorging on food, sex/orgasm, even ritual violence, mutilation or death. Ancient pagan mystery cults engaged in private orgies, the closest thing to this would be skyclad/nude wiccans but even they are just nude and don't orgy-fuck AFAIK.

Maybe the closest experience modern people have to a true left hand path spiritual experience are things like raves, where people do in fact dance, take drugs, hook up or at least dance sexually, hell even a genre of EDM is called trance, the repetitive electronic beats are like the modern equivalent of shamanic drumming inducing a trance state of immersion in the ravers.


>this is basically buddhism and 99% of all western esotericism
What is the best Buddhist school and why is it madhyamika? What's your opinion on zen Buddhism and tantric Buddhism?
>hell even a genre of EDM is called trance, the repetitive electronic beats are like the modern equivalent of shamanic drumming inducing a trance state of immersion in the ravers
Hell, you're right, though I'd say that techno also has this effect on people as well as acid house and even some more drone-like gabber. I'd say that techno, acid and gabber are the products of the Cold God since they turn people into dancing machines. Trance (Goa trance especially) is more… um… "organic," if you will.


The LHP doctrinally is gatekept by moralists and dogmatists who transfigure the powers of darkness into bare-bones antinomian polemics.
I know some nietzscheans still exist in setian circles, but even these have been criticised as "problematic", as if satanism is just supposed to crowleyan gnostic masses or laveyan black masses. There is the o9a today who claim an LHP tendency, but it just devolves into boring extremism. Theres no spiritual value.
I have flirted with LHP but its also important to cultivate mental strength in self-restaint, since the same end goal is the destruction of the ego.


>>38137 (me)
Generally, industrial and post-industrial may be traced to the Cold God also, as this too is the machine-like music (although hard techno is more machine-like since it doesn't have vocals at all).


The CCRU thought jungle was channeling the future most effectively
Ofc later fisher says capital has in fact cut off the future by ending new forms of music


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>I have flirted with LHP but its also important to cultivate mental strength in self-restaint, since the same end goal is the destruction of the ego.

The difference between the left-hand path and the right-hand path in magic is not merely one of approach or ethics, but also one of worldview. Most schools of magical thought adhere to Neoplatonism either explicitly or implicitly. This is understandable given that Neoplatonism represents, in a sense, the height of pagan philosophical thought (in the West, at least). The left-hand path is different. The inverted pentagram represents the “triumph of matter over spirit” as the four classical elements are positioned above spirit. In the same way, left-hand path ontology makes the psychic a product of the physical. Unlike in Neoplatonism, where matter is just the final and most fun emanation of the platonic superform (“its egregores all the way down”), LHP magical dualism posits that matter generates mind/soul. Godhead in this view is not ego death or unity with some cosmic consciousness, but rather, the elevation of the individual soul to a higher state. The difference between this worldview and classic substance dualism is that classic substance dualism is concerned with the interaction between a single mind and a single body, whereas in magical dualism there are a multiplicity of physical entities interacting with a multiplicity of “minds”. Strong interaction occurs between a body and a mind that are associated with one another (e.g. you think about moving your arm, and it moves). Weak interaction (i.e. magic), occurs when the mind associated with one body (i.e. the magic practitioner) interacts causally with another, external mind or body. Additionally, magical dualism permits multiple bodies to share the same soul (oversouls) and for generated mind/soul to have an existence independent of any particular body or matter (egregores, otherwise known as thought forms), at least for a time.

RHP = Apollonian, neoplatonism, nondual hinduism, buddhism, neopagan wicca, spinoza, hegel
LHP = Dionysian, stirner, nietzsche, old school pagans, setianism, satanism

endpoint of LHP is the perfection of the ego, not its destruction.


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In every human being there is a potential "God", as everyone has been given divine capacities. At the same time, humanity is not only mortal, but with-held from this very knowledge by the enemy. Many of our Gods are indeed, human beings and alive like we are. But that they are immortal.

The above is nothing else but indeed what the Gods have been relating to all of their disciples. The purpose of the LHP is to reach the Godhead.

In Ancient Pagan religions, "God" was a code word for the self and the soul of the individual that has reached the Godhead. This state of consciousness is achieved with the rising of the Kundalini Serpent.

"God" also was used interchangeably with the highest level of consciousness that can be achieved by the human being. In this meaning, equality with "God" does not mean to equate one's self with a bearded man in the sky - but rather to attain access to one's own higher consciousness as a human being.

The Egyptian Lore of the Creation, clearly explains that the Gods have arose out of the "Neter" or what in India is called the Atman or Brahma. From this do spring outwards all living beings. Coded here lies also the fact that all of this happens from nature, as nature gives life to all beings. The Gods are such beings that were later called Neter-u implying they came from the Neter. This is a force that underlies the creation of the universe, and it does not need "worship" or anything of the sort as the enemy deceitfully tries to claim. That is a lie to keep humanity in chains and keep us locked lower on a level where we are spiritually lost.

Being a force, the "Neter" or however one wants to name it, is not named "Jesus" or "Allah" and has nothing to do with these poor human made lies. If anything, these hoaxes were created to misdirect people. Falling on one's knees, worshiping all day, whipping your body with blades like a muslim, or going circles around a black rock, is not going to get you anywhere close to the Godhead. All of these practices are meant to waste human life and psychic energy and they lead exactly on the reverse of the Godhead: straight into deception.

The Gods, having come out of the "Neter", are more important than the Neter or unified field, as they represent it's creations. Likewise, human beings despite of our mortal nature and lack of knowledge, can also rise to these higher levels if we receive the guidance from the Gods and we meditate. What is water to a living being, is what is the Atman or Neter is to the human soul. The water, however important, is not more important than the living being who is made out of it.

In Hinduism, the word for Neter, is term of Neter by the words Brahma or "Atman". This level of understanding is reached when one successfully raises the Kundalini Serpent into the Crown Chakra [The 7th Heaven], an event which will reveal to a person that one too is "God". When the Kundalini Serpent successfully reaches the Crown, the soul can reach an understanding of the level of Atman or reach the Atmic level of consciousness.

"God" is additionally a title for people who have successfully attained this rising towards this level of existence. The "Union with God" is also called Samadhi, from the word Sam and Adi, which means to bring the mind and the soul together in communion. That state of existence is a holy state in which man understands his own spiritual inner essence, reaching self realization.

The erroneous idea that the creator was a spook that punishes people or that demands "worship", is spiritual sacrilege and originated from people who had an agenda to deceive humanity with. There is nothing else to that.

The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. These represent two things respectively, the Godhead and also everlasting life.

In the Bible, Satan appears as the liberator of mankind, the giver of knowledge and understanding. Even in this childish hoax of "creation" that is stole from Sumeria, the case is that indeed Satan's promise stands for real. As "Eve" and "Adam" eat from the Tree of Knowledge, they do indeed stop being unconscious animals and start understanding "Good and Evil". The alien human hating gathering that poses behind the acronym "YHVH", goes into a state of boiling anger, immediately attacking humanity to avoid human advancement further into this process.

Does that sound like "God" to anybody? Clearly, this isn't "God". Clearly, this has nothing to do with any "God", but solely beings that want the bad for humanity expressing themselves and blocking humanity from spiritual development.


If you actually heard old-school jungle, it's actually more organic than it gets credit, though your claim definitely holds true for techstep and old-school neurofunk. Channelling most effectively though? I dunno, some techno and Goa trance tracks would beg to differ.


Well it depends on your perspective and orthodoxy
To me, the supremacy of matter over spirit is a forgoing of the personality into the abyss, which confronts us with our "true self". In the RHP this is the higher self of the rational soul, in the LHP it is the irrational animal.
I feel like these are getting at the same thing by breaking down the ego into its fundamental parts, thus opening up a channel into outside forces - this is the psychosis of awakening, or the innocence of bestiality - like getting black-out drunk or experiencing ego death on drugs.
I feel like these are twin paths with the same destination. But thats just where my education has led me.
Dionysus is the god of ecstasy, which means to "come out of ones body", to destroy the self in ritual madness. This then reforms the self from its brokenness. Like alchemy, you break apart to join back together.
The LHP and RHP only differ in method but both give credence to the void where creation and destruction become the same act, like ouroboros.


And what does it mean practically to "be a god"?


Stirner is LHP?


i would say so, yes.


I think rn phonk is futuristic and by the affect, it mostly carries the aesthetic of death, but living death


Biographical and historical accounts suggest a link between scientific creativity and schizophrenia. Longitudinal studies of gifted children indicate that visuospatial imagery plays a pivotal role in exceptional achievements in science and mathematics. in short, schizos are based


I dunno, (drift) phonk sounds less mechanical and more metal. Though there is definitely a more mechanical phonk… Unless the future is metal and rough like machines desecrating everything into pieces. Then I guess phonk qualifies.


>>38137 (me)
Somebody, plz respond to the first part.


zen and tantric buddhism are fantastic but IMO the best eastern traditions to get into are hatha yoga and kundalini yoga, but just the exercises mainly, no need for the asceticism or vegetarianism or whatever.


I think sewerslvt was riding the wave for a while too. It definitely has the annihilating aspect of a deleuzean spectacle, where the montage of the unconscious is enlivened. Sewerslvt is a trans pedo too, so she is tapping into her drives while giving embodiment to the body without organs - her virtual interface, jvne.
My favourite rn tho is "black dresses", another trans artist, whose newest album is called "forget your own face", so is definitely deleuzean by overcoming representation


Also the future isnt just about the iron march of invincible mechanical automatons, but about capital using the autoproductive powers of desire for its own ends, where brains and other organs are externalised as pure drives and thus exploited by abstract labour.
Here, land ascribes a less fixed notion of the LTV, where labour stands as the implementation of any sort of fleshly fusion with machines. Labour power becomes an unconditioned concept here, which then feeds into capital's expansion.
Other figures like reza negerastani also sees inhuman labour as being mixed into the productive process, where psychic constructs gain a positive existence. An example might be how Nations desire ritual sacrifices to uphold their central idea. Reza calls these superorganisms "demons".
Accelerationism is about increasing the metabolism of capital to its own properties of accumulation, wherein the singularity is achieved and it then becomes the self-directed artiface of the machinic unconscious - or of autoproductive desire.
AI here is not just skynet, but pure creativity, like we already see with LLMs like chat GPT.
For humanity this entails our being shaped by the void into bodies without organs, or plastic entities that sustain the constant trauma of torrential sensory stimulations. The future will be more psychedelic than anything else.
I like to call it the postmodern unreality.


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The fundamental discrepancy today is the view of desire
Deleuzeans think desire is productive while freudians and lacanians think desire is unproductive.
Thats why deleuzeans typically align with the right/capital and freudians/lacanians align with the left/anticapitalism
Its more in depth than this, but this is what generally separates the left and right. This is why the left is more serious and the right more excessive. Land would say that the left is human while the right is inhuman.


Isn't Zen RHP? And what's your critique of Theravada Buddhism? I personally think that even if Theravada is historically accurate that doesn't mean that everything Buddha ever said is correct. No more than everything Marx ever said.


Are there leftist demons we could summon to posses right wing elites?


It's better to summon Stirnerite demons to posess the proletariat, the leftist elite will be caught up in reformism.


Conservatives actively claim that communist ideology itself is demonic. Look at all of james lindsay's work to show how leftism is "gnostic" following from hegel's alchemy and so on.
There was that book "the devil and karl marx" to claim that marx was a satanist.
Although, i have found that marxism and hegelianism expressly preach a christian eschatology of "heaven on earth" at the end of history, but with a luciferian tint, in which the tree or knowledge liberates man from the curse of adam. This is also said by engels in "socialism: utopian and scientific", that when man achieves species-being he effectively becomes a god, or "the new communist man", which is directly analagous to man eating from the tree of life in the new heaven.
I think nick land is right that capitalism is practical demonism, since it liberates the plurality of the abyss - think of legion, he is not one, but many - this describes the demonic realm, as being a type of black orgy - liquid in kind.
Reza has spoken about the self-determinate properties of oil and how it relates to capital. Oil in antiquity was called "the blood of the earth" and so has its sinister connotations. Of course, hell is in the centre of the earth, which is otherwise called "Cthell" by the CCRU, the prefix "cth" referring to its subteranean nature, like cthulhu, and "hell" to give character to its fiery mantle.
Of course to nick, capital is inseparable from technological progress, the "dead labour" of the machine which directs man. And to him, the left is the human itself, which can only resist. There is no positive leftist politics, which is why leftism is an unsustainable project to him.
You could say that leftism in this case can call upon angels while capital feeds demons.


>Conservatives actively claim that communist ideology itself is demonic. Look at all of james lindsay's work to show how leftism is "gnostic" following from hegel's alchemy and so on.
There was that book "the devil and karl marx" to claim that marx was a satanist.
ive read those books are they provide basically 0 proof that Marx was a satanist, its essentially just out of context marx/engels quotes and literally no reference to western occultism at all but merely taking the christian view of satanism as definitive.


Yeah ofc
I mean its silly from the outset
Although, marx was a mason, but freemasons arent satanists either. Maybe luciferians, but thats not the same.


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the reason they claim marxism (really should apply more to anarchism) is satanic is because they believe in an old fashioned victorian great chain of being hierarchy.
>The great chain of being is a hierarchical structure of all matter and life, thought by medieval Christianity to have been decreed by God. The chain begins with God and descends through angels, humans, animals and plants to minerals.
In a European sense the great chain also extends within humans to men above women, rich above poor,
In a way it actually makes sense, you keep trying to make people more and more equal the logical endpoint is to make all humans equal (communism) and ultimately to make humans equal to God(s) (satanic godhead/magnum opus). So actually they're right but a) based if true and b) it applies more to liberalism/anarchism than marxism. Satan is just the ultimate symbol of rebellion since he rebelled against the first hierarchy, and becomes a metaphor for all rebellion against hierarchy.

Again the left and even liberals dont really understand rightoids. see this quote:

>The right deeply, deeply, believes in the authenticity of a hierarchical society as much as the left deeply, deeply hates it. They simultaneously want a hierarchy and desperately want to not be at the bottom of one. They would rather take their chances being in the middle of a capitalist hierarchy, than throwing out hierarchy altogether, which they don’t really think is possible and even if it was they wouldn’t like it. This is really what ties all types of rightoid thought together, from libertarians to fascists to regular conservatives. You notice in Ayn Rand novels and ancap fantasies they’re always the ones running the place with bags of money, not just a normal worker.

Hierarchy on the left is seen as a unfortunate necessity at best and more often as an irrational holdover from a previous era or a form of oppression which results in the benefit of one group at the expense of another. However the right has a totally different mentality. They believe hierarchy is either inevitable or actually preferable. They WANT hierarchy and would rather be in the middle of an inequal society than on the flat plane of an equal one. They WANT to be above other people. Just as long as they're not on the absolute bottom which is why so many rightoids are petit bourgeois or landlords because they want to be in charge of themselves and also have their little fiefdoms where they can boss around and lord over their employees/tenants/etc. and their worst fear is being proletarianized i.e. their small business failing and them having to go back into the wage labor workforce and be one of the suckers working hard to make their boss rich again. Instead they would rather have their own business so they can capture the profits and decide what to pay their employees out of that, that way they can pay them less and give themselves more. The fact is you can't convert a true rightoid because a true rightoid in their heart of hearts believes equality cannot and SHOULD not happen because some people really are better than others - in particular, THEM.


Jesus is liberation. The church is the anti-christ. So only way to get to christ is through satan. Satan then becomes Christ, and all things are set in order.
That would be the basic dialectic in my mind.
This to me also represents Christ being resurrected out of Hell. Also of christ rejecting the jews for the gentiles and so on.
Protestants also have the correct idea about this, that the catholic church is the anti-christ, that religion is evil and all that matters is Christ himself.


>There was that book "the devil and karl marx" to claim that marx was a satanist.
I would have thought that christian worldview is pretty compatible with communism (if you don't count the Pope). Jesus was the first communist.


American evangelicalism is as anti-christ as the catholic church. The catholic church is the state as a structure of class domination. Evangelicalism is spiritual anti-communism.


>Satan then becomes Christ
how exactly does this happen? can you elaborate?


satan in the olde testament was god's loyal enforcer and opposition.


Spot on.


bruh this is like the 3rd or 4th Occult/supernatural/etc. thread on this board currently.


mods keep moving it out of higher traffic boards. no idea why it would be a "hobby" though. you may as well designate JFK theories a hobby


Satan is god's own negation. Christ must die so as to become negated to be reborn. This is also why after the resurrection no one recognises Christ, because he has become a new type of being.
This is also hegel's notion of dialectic.
That being becomes nothingness to then transfuse into becoming.
Practically what this entails is the same analogy of christ rejecting the jews and coming for the gentiles, it means that christians today are pharisees and communists carry the real logos of christ with themselves. So the only way to reach god is by being an atheist, because this reveals god in his own absence.


In history this occured with luther discovering that the catholic church was the anti-christ so he negated himself from this, starting protestantism. This eventually lead to enlightenment rationalism which negated the new being of christianity by english empiricism and cartesian dualism.
Protestantism also started capitalism and it stands as the guardian of the bourgeois moralism which betrays liberalism's own imperatives.
Dialectical materialism attempts to describe and overcome capital's contradictions by a negation of both empiricism and rationalism into a scientific monism. Some would say this begins in kant and the german idealist philosophy.
But the point can be made by organic analogy, that over time movements become old and stagnant, and so we must have something new to paradoxically call upon the ageless spirit of god. Like how death turns to rebirth.


The story of the gospels is finding redemption in sin; the last shall be first. Todd mcgowan would call this the universal politics of non-belonging. Even god is thrown out of his home town when he is preaching.
The holy family of the church is the embodiment of god's love. Like christ says, the kingdom of heaven is within you.
Like it says later in the new testament: all is one in christ
And so on


relevant video on raves and spirituality


Secularism is just a stage before post secularism. The USSR never escaped commodity production and therefore capitalist base relations. the abolition of capital will not be the abolition of religion but rather the realization of true spirituality i.e. post secularism. and spirituality denuded of its reactionary elements, probably a form of neoanimism as animism was the religion of the primitive communist mode of production and post capitalist society will likely be neopagan or satanic and the higher mode of socialism/communism will evolve that into neoanimist panpsychism dissolving the subject object/human vs nonhuman distinction thus resolving the dialectical contradiction not only between classes but between man and nature itself.


i agree with this tbh. animism for those who dont know is the belief that the animals, the trees, the clouds, the caves, the stars and sun and moon all had spirits inside them which were alive and gave them the ability to feel pain or interact with mortals- basically that the earth has a "mind of its own". the australian aborigines believed that the progenitor of mankind was the 7 sisters, a group of stars one of whom as disappeared since the dream-time myth came about, who all rejected a great hunter except for one, who he kidnapped and made children with to create humanity. it's like that but also for mundane things like trees and notable rocks; we have actually seen a return to animism somewhat in the form of soyjak posting, which attributes NPC behavior to even objects and forces of nature like the sun and rivers. you'll often see deranged soyjak pictures depicting a bear as a unshaven, stubbly soyboy screaming at you, or a squirrel as a happy wojak sharing an acorn with you. this is a form of neo-animism.


The interesting thing about the 7 sisters is that it refers to the pleiades and orion. The 7th sister was lost from sight 100,000 years ago, so is often considered the worlds oldest story, carried on by oral tradition.


The pleiades occur in many different stories in many different cultures


yeah it is likely there is some sort of proto religion involving animism that all religions are versions of today


The main theory is that all major world religions originate in the indo-european (aryan) peoples and spread due to their diaspora milennia ago
The global south have their own ideas though of course based on their own development
I dont think we will have a return to animism but will exist more in a dichotomy between satanic neo-paganism and posthuman scientific atheism, as ecological and ethical barriers become tense and dissolved


The perennial philosophy (Latin: philosophia perennis), also referred to as perennialism and perennial wisdom, is a perspective in philosophy and spirituality that views religious traditions as sharing a single, metaphysical truth or origin from which all esoteric and exoteric knowledge and doctrine has grown.

Perennialism has its roots in the Renaissance interest in neo-Platonism and its idea of the One, from which all existence emerges. Marsilio Ficino (1433–1499) sought to integrate Hermeticism with Greek and Christian thought, discerning a prisca theologia which could be found in all ages. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463–94) suggested that truth could be found in many, rather than just two, traditions. He proposed a harmony between the thought of Plato and Aristotle, and saw aspects of the prisca theologia in Averroes (Ibn Rushd), the Quran, the Kabbalah and other sources.

A more popular interpretation argues for universalism, the idea that all religions, underneath seeming differences, point to the same Truth. In the early 19th century the Transcendentalists propagated the idea of a metaphysical Truth and universalism, which inspired the Unitarians, who proselytized among Indian elites. Towards the end of the 19th century, the Theosophical Society further popularized universalism, not only in the western world, but also in western colonies. In the 20th century, universalism was further popularized through the Advaita Vedanta and Sufism inspired Traditionalist School, which argued for a metaphysical, single origin of the orthodox religions, and by Aldous Huxley and his book The Perennial Philosophy, which was inspired by Neo-Vedanta.



isnt perennialism reactionary though? all of history is just a degeneration from true spiritual knowledge which can only be recovered individually. literally the opposite of whats true


the traditional school definitely is like that but for regular perrenialism i think it depends on the author


Okay, weird anarcho-nihilist occultists, you got me.

I used to be a scientifically minded Stirnerite. But now I'm not so sure. I'm experiencing weird reflections of my thoughts in the material reality, like my thoughts are echoed in it, and it happens very, very randomly, sometimes it doesn't happen at all. What's going on? Are my thoughts able to warp reality or is some eldritch abomination mocking me? Am I living in a Lovecraftian universe? Do any of you mfs have an explanation for this? Because the explanation given will determine if your views are whack or not, I still approach all this with some scepticism. Like, all this spiritualism has such elaborate cosmologies but it never gives any concrete explanations to weird shit that my mind actually experiences.


>>40155 (me)
It only happens only a few seconds after I thought or said something, like an echo of my mind. I don't know why. This thing is so specific and yet so utterly meaningless, noone's responding to me, it's like my mind itself decreases the probability of events occuring on a subconscious level.

Maybe I'm a god. /jk


>>40156 (me)
Maybe I found a glitch in the Matrix, it can be anything by this point.


Wtf even is occultism? How are aliens and ufos "occult"? Just a few years ago people called AI "occult". A german publisher released last year a compilation of Nick Land's writings in a book, they called it Okkultes Denken (occult thinking), implying Land's thoughts are "occult". But most of his writings are concerned with techno-science, so how tf is this occult??? Aliens and ufos are totally compatible with materialist i.e. scientific thinking, so what is occultism???


Obviously calling UFOs "occultism" is an overreach, though Land did dabble into occultist practices and viewed the Capital as a literal god. I guess the confusion comes from ufology being pseudoscientific and its association with Lovecraftian horror or something like that, no idea honestly.

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