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I recently got into AI generated images. Mostly for porn obviously. Anyways, I thought as a means of honing the craft and amusement why not make a thread about it. People can make a suggestion and as a form of training people try to make the best images that lives up to the suggestion. We can also talk about the technology itself and how to use it and what not.


Actually, here are some resources

For using Stable Diffusion offline with no restrictions

Blog with educational material on Stable Diffusion


Image generating technologies aren't actually artificial intelligence, because they use mathematical functions or some shit


We know none of this shit is actually AI. It simply has become integrated into colloquial language to call it that way.


>>>/draw/3405 will hopefully be helpful to you. I've posted some LORA and effortposts in that thread.

The most important thing for Stable Diffusion is Regional prompting, otherwise the AI will not produce a proper image and have fucked up details all over.


Oh I didn‘t see that thread.

Mods can close this thread or merge it with the other.

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