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 No.551[View All]

Yep, we back at it again.Thread for n8, furries, furry related stuff, whatup.I was thinking of reading Beastars, I heard it was pretty good.
557 posts and 268 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Shay told you personally? Well in any case, snow leopards are pretty cool animals.
t. Not a furry



checked MSG, can confirm.


monosodium glutamate?


this is why i don't like furrys



Late, but I like this bunkernate. He needs a name.

Also why does he get anxious around bats?


8kun/fur/ needs a Board Owner so if anyone is interested and willing to moderate, please apply. 8kun.top/fur/catalog.html is the URL. The lack of users means that bunkerchan could probably take that board over. On that topic someone created /redland/ as a new /leftypol/ on that chan.


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what da fuk is this


A thread about Zoophile furries coping and seething about
A) Being revealed as animal-fuckers
B) Trying to moralize and justify their fucked shit


Dog genitals look viscerally disgusting and repulsive, I don't understand people who are into them.



>A-at least I'm not an adult person who is attracted to other adult people!!
This can't be real


Yeah I fucked that up, I've posted there for so long I automatically refer to this place as Bunkerchan in my head.
>can't be real
Oh but it is, this is just text-shit, there is another chan which I shall not name that has users post various animal corpses they jerk off to and discuss how "cool" it is, while shitting on "normies".


>while shitting on "normies".
the word normie has lost all meaning at this point

>posted there for so long I automatically refer to this place as Bunkerchan in my head.



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Exodus to another site and let it die. 8kun is a broken rotting site with a neglectful admin and dysfunctional global moderation. It's unironically the right thing to do to leave and consolidate in a better place.
https://8chan.moe/fur/ might be a good option if you're like me and think u-18 is a shit site overrun by google connections. That said, I have heard drama surrounding 8chan.moe so investigate before you invest.


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Listen if fidning other places was the problem I'd be fine, there are roughly a dozen threads on 8kun /fur/ that are really good and it would be a real shame for them to die. The board is abandoned for the most part, Bell vanished and so did Mods, and people post sparcely, anyone/group willing could take over. Since most furry chan boards are right-wing, it would be useful to have such a niche board under leftypol's control. Moreover /redland/ is basically leftypol and is also a good outpost for leftypol.org to spread it's messages and information as a counter-balance. We can't stay stuck in our bunker forever and expect /pol/ to not continue infecting the rest of the internet - eventually we'd risk floods and spam from much, much larger groups of liberals, fascists and porky-bootlickers.
yeah that site's unusable shite and the mods delete any discussion
Tthe loli/cub/shota shit is bleh and glows. The site is full of /pol/tards from julay.world and 9chan.tw


Well then request the board. It's really easy. Just do it. You just need to log in once a (fortnight?) to retain ownership.


but seriously, why?


>575 posts
>14 ips
I swear to god furfags…


Akchualy the reason it's 14 IPs is because 90% of this thread is mirrored from bunkerchan, since this thread dates back a while. 14 IPs are only posters on this site, and there's only like 34 dozen posts that are from this site and not mirrored.


It started with the muzzles and the dog knots, then the weird looking and unhygenic looking dog vaginas


>8kun is a broken rotting site with a neglectful admin
no u

>dysfunctional global moderation

only 60% of the time


>good option

>Tthe loli/cub/shota shit is bleh and glows. The site is full of /pol/tards from julay.world and 9chan.tw

>Tthe loli/cub/shota shit is bleh and glows. The site is full of /pol/tards from julay.world and 9chan.tw


>>broken rotting site with a neglectful admin
>no u
what is this, 2020?


no u
ur momo is 2020


>the word normie has lost all meaning at this point
it really has, edgy alt-girls now use that word to refer to other women, I wanted to scream at her, but for better or worse I was quite


for the better, but depending how you went about it could be really based or depressing and disturbing




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>edgy alt-girls now use that word to refer to other women, I wanted to scream at her


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now everyone is a permaonline uyghur. at best they can't anonymity


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Who else isn't a furry but would let Pepé le Pew consensually molest them
Also I just found out that he was cut from the new Space Jam movie REEEEE




he wasn't even a molester
veerry rude owo.


>Also I just found out that he was cut from the new Space Jam movie REEEEE

Ok fellas, they finally took it too far, Stephan Molymeme was right, I'm becoming a furnazi now



What's up with Germany having so many furries on the map?


SS escoteric Weareolf cells


tfw no furry gf


Kill yourself


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oooh, sweaty~



post drip








One more


Sigh…. i need to tread on an ancap so bad bros…..


I just like the tits y'know?






Unique IPs: 18

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