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Any magazines like Jacobin I can read and what magazines you guys have?


Penthouse. And I own 900 copies oft the annual Cool Science Tricks magazine


Not a magazine but, thanks to the transcripts, I have Citations Needed as a weekly read:


The Economist, if you want to know, what Porky has on his mind.


The New Yorker, back before they went full liberal had some good satire articles. I enjoy the old ones for laughs.


none lmao. Used to subscribe to a Pan-Celtic magazine but shekels ran out so :/


NME, Vanity Fair, Forbes, and The New Republic


guys how can i pirate jacobin??


I read Anomie and a couple different Zines, best of which is probably node



Pan-celtic magazine sounds like a ridiculously lib larp.




Teen Vogue.


terrible suggestions itt
monthly review


Current Affairs magazine.




I still think it's fine.


The communist magazine. Kinda a good way to look into the current trend in revisionism in my country.
Lots of party structuring but sometimes there’s a rare gem.


Fucking seconded


okay nathan robinson I'm sure you do


Too bad they paywall their old content


Chuang for a Chinese Communist Perspective


Qiao Collective for Dengist Views


aeon are sometimes good, but too often they are Postmodern Psychoanalysists and that's cringe


WSWS for Leftist News and Analysis. Pretty good, but Trotskyites, so make of that what you will


Most of the Rest already mentioned here are good too


Unitonically has better labor reporting than any other paper.

Also OP read Monthly Review.




Harpers is good for a lib magazine.

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